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Thread: Clients not getting updates from WSUS Server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Clients not getting updates from WSUS Server

    My system is having Windows 2003 Server and WSUS 3. There are some updates which are shown in the console but somehow they are not downloading nor they are installating. The clients are not getting updates even when I am using a new edition of WSUS. I had tried to reconfigure the same again and again but still it does not work. I had tried to run wuauclt /detectnow /resetauthorization but still it is not working. I am bit annoyed with the updates which has made it improper to some extent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    You must try to roll back the older edition that really work. I think the problem was appeared due to installing a new edition. Now it is a complete waste of time if you are facing problem with configuration of the same. Somehow the new edition is not capable of working with old settings. also the right command to reconfigure WSUS is wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow. The problem in your network lies with sever side targeting. Such issues are one of the most common stuff and for that you will need to refer a complete manual that really works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I got the issue with upgrade. I thought all settings will be taken automatically and I will have to do nothing. But somehow it is a kind of weird bug with the system. I am going on Microsoft website and downloading the updates but still that is not working well. Later on I roll back my old settings and things are fine. There is no issue at all. The WSUS started getting updates after we were ok with the configuration of the same. There is no issue right now. You must try to restart the same and then see whether it is working or not.

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