
Type: Posts; User: Hadden

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  1. What are the duties of a Indian Foreign Service officer

    I found IFS as a good option for career. I want to know that what are the duties of a IFS officer. It is mostly related to Foreign affairs. But does this include any kind of army service. Which...
  2. What kind of pc is good for php programming

    I need some advice on making a new system for php programming. I have a client who has a requirement of around 8 pc's in his new office. He is a web developer. So almost all pc will be used for php...
  3. What to do with System Reserved partition in Windows 10

    I had upgrade my pc to a new Windows 10 OS and it looks to be working really fine. After when I was done with all kind of setup there is a new issue in this. I got a system reserved partition. It has...
  4. Are there any new themes for Windows 10 Technical Preview

    I am trying to find new theme for Windows 10 Technical Preview. It is found that after Windows 8 it is quiet hard to find theme of stuff. While in Windows 7 you get ample of them. There were mouse...
  5. Can others see your browser history if they are on the same wifi

    I have a doubt about wifi network. I have a router at home where all people are connected to the same network. I want to know that can people see my browsing history if they are no the same wifi...
  6. Replies

    Soon apk apps are going to work on Chrome OS

    Google is gong to provide apk file compatibly in Chrome OS. Chrome OS is not used by many. It is a light weight option for many net-books. But due to lack of apps many do not prefer it. It is quiet...
  7. Replies

    Does 15.6inch monitor is enough for gaming

    Can a 15.6inch monitor enough for building a budget gaming pc. I want to find that which size of monitor is well for best gaming output. I want to play games like COD. Mostly fps battle games. And...
  8. Is it possible to use multiple Google Drive on a single pc

    I am having 4 Gmail account. Two belong to my office and 2 to me. I had configured one Gmail Drive on my pc on which I upload all my office files. This are only for office usage mostly. Here when I...
  9. Quad Core Windows XP pc restarting with blue screen

    All the way my pc was working well. It is a Quad core pc with 4GB ram and Windows XP on the same. There are three hard drive in the same. One is 160GB that has Windows XP on it and two are 500GB...
  10. What are the things in Windows partition that consume maximum space

    Even after providing 100GB space to Windows partition I am still getting low space errors. I am quiet not able to figure out which thing in windows is eating so much space. It is very hard to find...
  11. Replies

    Poor battery life of Macbook Air

    I am not happy with the battery life of Macbook Air. It is not as per my expectation.I thought once after full charging I can atleast use it for the entire
    day but this is very poor. Within 3 hours...
  12. How to pull all the text messages from a android phone to pc

    I want some help here to pull all the text message from a android phone to my pc. There are lots of messages which are linked with my banking transaction. And I want to reset the phone because it is...
  13. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 connect and disconnect on its own

    I want some help to fix a connectivity issue on Samsung Galaxy Note 3. When I connect it on the usb hub it connects and then disconnect back again. Then after few seconds it connects back again and...
  14. How to save all hd images from a web page in Internet Explorer

    I am having a few sites in my list which has hd images on them based on different categories. It is a time consuming process to download each of them one by one. I want some help here through which I...
  15. Planing to install Windows 7 64bit on new iMac

    I am planing to dual boot iMac. I am thinking of installing a 64bit Windows 7 on the same. There are few helpful application which I use on my Windows pc and instantly switching to iMac is bit...
  16. Constantly getting could not connect to server error on Filezilla

    When I use my login details on cpanel in web browser then it works. But when I am using the ftp details it fails to work. I am quiet sure there is some issue with Filezilla. It is not taking my...
  17. Is it necessary for site to have a responsive design

    What is the importance of a responsive design. I want to know that is it really necessary for a site to have this kind of design. I had gone through some articles which says that it is important for...
  18. Restoring save game files of The Wolf Among US

    I had backup the save game files of The Wolf Among US before restoring my pc. I first tried looking inside the AppData folder. There is a stream folder in that and inside the save game files are...
  19. Is there a external camera available for android smartphones

    Some android phones are having poor camera while some have a battery issue when you use them for the entire day. I want to know that does is there any company which is selling external camera for...
  20. How to analyze data packets through wireshark

    I am trying to find out a way through which I can analyze data packet through wireshark. I am having a bit issue with my bandwidth. The ISP says internet is working well from his end. But from my end...
  21. Getting 0xc0000020 error while trying to open any browser on Windows 8

    I am not able to figure out why I am getting this Error 0xc0000020 when I am trying to launch any browser. I am trying to open Firefox or Chrome I am getting this error. It started instantly. I had...
  22. No Bluetooth device detected after updating to Windows 8.1

    There is some problem with Bluetooth connectivity on my netbook. It is not working well as expected. I am trying to connect my smartphone with the same which failed to work. I am not able to figure...
  23. Shrinking Windows 7 partition cause blue screen

    My c drive is having around 150GB of space. I want to shrink the same to 60GB. My existing used space on the system partition is around 30GB only. So I think 60GB is more than enough. But when I try...
  24. Can I restore clone of regular hard drive to ssd

    What are the possible options available through which we can restore the image files of hard drive to ssd. I had backup my windows through windows recovery tool. And that image file is around 10GB in...
  25. Replies

    GA-X79-UD3 mobo wont boot with I7-4930K

    I have recently built a new computer with Gigabyte GA-X79-UD3 motherboard, Intel Core I7-4930K processor, Antec 550W power supply, 16GB RAM and GTX 600 series graphics card. After setting up the pc,...
  26. How to find a laptop with good graphic support

    For desktop it might be quiet easy to find a good graphic card and use it in the pc. But what about laptop. I am unable to find any good model which can be ideal for mid range gaming. The one that I...
  27. Replies

    Flash video hangs but audio works properly

    I am noticing from last few weeks that all flash videos have a startup delay. The video buffer is speedily done and the audio also starts immediately but the video hangs there upto 10 seconds at the...
  28. Replies

    Logitech G710+ keyboard broken

    Two months ago I bought a Logitech G710+ keyboard. I use it at my home pc and basically for gaming. From last week I am noticing that the Alt button has loosen up on this keyboard. When I pulled the...
  29. Replies

    What can be done to speedup vmware

    I am having a bit issue with vmware. I had installed mac on the same and it is very slow in output. I am having a 64bit system with 8GB ram and a dedicated 2GB graphic card. The pc is having good...
  30. Replies

    Real Racing crashing on Bluestack

    I had installed Real Racing on my pc through Bluestack. It took long time to get the entire game data. It is simply crashing when I try to launch the same. It shows me loading screen and then it...
  31. What is the difference between a regular and gaming router

    What is the difference between a regular router which is used in home and office and a gaming router. I am setting up a multiplayer setup at my place. For that when I was making the list of hardware...
  32. Windows 8 dual boot gone wrong on Dell desktop

    I was trying to dual boot Windows 8 with Windows 7. Windows 7 is already installed and I used Windows 8 installation dvd. I remember I had selected the correct location to install this operating...
  33. Replies

    Ramdisk vs page file which one is better

    There are two ways to increase the performance of a system. The first one is page file which is very common in windows system and the second one is ramdisk. I want a bit help to find which can give...
  34. Re: graphics issue with Agarest: Generations of War Zero

    I am also getting the same problem with this game with the background all distorted. Even when I launched the game in Windowed mode but still I was getting same issue. This problem usually happens...
  35. Cleaning the hard drive will help to increase Windows 8 performance

    My system is having a decent hardware configuration and even after that it is slow. I am unable to figure out why. It takes a bit long time to launch a app. I am using Microsoft Office, Acrobat...
  36. Admin permission denied to remove application in ASPIRE 5742Z

    I am having a weird issue with my system. I am trying to remove some application and I am not allowed. I am logged in as admin. But still I am facing issue. There are some toolbars which are...
  37. Gigabyte F2A88X-UP4 board for sound and video editing

    I have to build a pc for video editing job. My friend recommended me to go for Gigabyte F2A88X. This board comes with amd socket. I will be using applications like Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, etc on...
  38. Replies

    Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Bios reset problem

    I am using Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H motherboard for quite sometime and facing issues with its BIOS where it resets after restarting the power 2-3 times. I have all the latest drivers installed in my pc...
  39. Replies

    gigabyte hd 7970 eyefinity question

    I recently purchased a new Gigabyte Radeon HD 7970 3GB GDDR5 graphics card for gaming. I was also looking to run Eyefinity on 3 lcd monitors but it is not working properly at the moment. This video...
  40. Acer Liquid Z130 failed to boot after OTA update

    After running the latest OTA update on Acer Liquid Z130 the phone failed to boot. I want to know is there anyone else facing the same problem. How to fix it like before. I had tried to restart the...
  41. Poll: Which is the best torrent client Tixati vs uTorrent

    Which torrent client among Tixati and uTorrent is better. I was using uTorrent before. It slow down the pc. I have a old XP pc which I only use for downloading purpose. I also seed some torrents....
  42. Replies

    Oppo N1 support for 4G

    I recently saw this mobile phone Oppo N1 in my local store and it looked to be very impressive by its design and features as well. The best part I liked about this mobile phone was its rotating...
  43. Advice for buying Antec VP650P 650 watt for my config

    For my gaming pc I want to buy a good psu. I found Antec VP650P psu on flipkart. I want to buy this. My friend has suggested me to go above 500W for a gaming pc. I want some advice on buying this...
  44. Re: Windows Live ID Internet Connection Error (Popup message)

    Even I am getting this error on my Windows XP computer. When I am trying to access My Documents and Settings folder from Windows Explorer then I am getting this error message that states "Windows...
  45. Replies

    Re: Alternative to Logitech 60MB setpoint driver?

    Even I am using the MX518 mouse and wanted to know if there is any way to map the sensitivity and also program its switch buttons without using the setpoint software. I installed Setpoint on my...
  46. Re: Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 won't install on terminal server

    When I am trying to do the same I am getting a error. I am here trying the same Office 2007 edition. When I try to do the same I am getting a error that this copy of Office cannot be used on terminal...
  47. Replies

    Which online eCommerce CMS is easy to use

    I am looking to find a solution for the best eCommerce tool. I need a free one not paid. I have a client requirement who want to start his virtual shop of selling shoes. He already has a store on...
  48. Choosing a smartphone on the basis of mobile processor

    I want to buy a new smartphone and I am going to choose on the basis of processor. I had seen today we can easily find a OCTA core smartphone. This offer a high end output. But the most common issue...
  49. Replies

    Asus M4A785TD wont boot with Kingston 4GB RAM

    I am using a Asus M4A785TD-M EVO motherboard with AMD phenom processor and 2 gb kingston RAM. I wanted to upgrade the RAM on my computer so I bought a Kingston KVR13N9S8 4GB RAM. But if I am trying...
  50. Asus M4A785TD wont boot with Kingston 4GB RAM problem

    I am using a Asus M4A785TD-M EVO motherboard with AMD phenom processor and 2 gb kingston RAM. I wanted to upgrade the RAM on my computer so I bought a Kingston KVR13N9S8 4GB RAM. But if I am trying...
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