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  1. Replies

    Re: How about Aorus THUNDER M7 for gaming pc

    Aorus THUNDER M7 is a extreme edition mouse. This mouse give you around 16 fully-programmable buttons on the body. That is why you can see so many keys and this are all programmable. That means you...
  2. Re: How to manually change hard drive of Macbook Pro

    If you had never done this then I wont recommend you to try. You can damage the hardware. It is good to take the same to your nearest apple care or any shop that offer you fix solution. Pay them some...
  3. Re: How to find which usb will give me maximum data transfer rate

    It is correct. I have a 32GB usb 3.0 pen drive. It is fast when I use it on the Usb 3.0 hub. But when I use it on the old one it is very slow. I am easily getting around 70mb/s of transfer speed that...
  4. Re: Disk usage 100% instantly after updating Windows 8.1

    Boot your pc in safe mode first and check the disk usage. If it is low then it is not due to virus. It is due to some third party program which is working in the system background. In safe mode very...
  5. Re: Unable to increase cpu fan speed while overclocking

    To get a good amount of cooling stuff it is recommended that you must go ahead in getting a new fan. Don't rely on the stock one. Compare to Intel, AMD processors heats up really fast. They can cause...
  6. Re: Mini iTX case suggestion for ten dual core cpu office pc

    The cheapest one that I found is MINI ITX NOVA CABINET. This is sold on eBay for Rs.2000. It is extremely portable and can be used with the monitor. While there are many more on eBay. Some sellers...
  7. Replies

    Re: Printer disappearing on Windows 8.1

    Looks like your system is not having proper printer drivers. Due to which you are getting that issue. It is good if you can install the drivers first. Do not just add the printer. Update the drivers...
  8. Re: Is it possible to build up a pc under Rs.20000 for gaming

    You cannot get a gaming pc under the budget you had mentioned. IF you are ready to skip monitor and add a few more amount then it is possible to build a pc of your need. But do not expect much...
  9. Re: Recovering photos from damage sd card of Sony digital camera

    There is a way to recovery the file from your damage memory card. For that you will need a card reader. You can find this in your local market. Just download and install Zar software in your pc....
  10. Replies

    Re: PSU Swap for Alienware Area-51 desktop

    I had checked the specification here that shows this system needs a very high end power supply. And I also the above one will work. It is not really necessary that you have to buy something from Dell...
  11. Re: Does external sound card process audio better than internal

    There is one in the market. It is called as SoundBlaster E by Creative. This one is designed to give you amazing audio power in a small package. It can simply enhance your audio output and give you...
  12. Replies

    Re: No front audio from Cosmos 2 cpu case

    You can buy a media dashboard for your system. Media Dashboard is a very nice portable front panel that can be used for various work. You can connect a audio device, use the usb and also have a usb...
  13. Replies

    Re: Audio service error on HP Envy 700-074

    Go in Device Manager. You can access that by right clicking on My Computer > Manage. On the left side click on Device Manager. You can see list of few uninstalled drivers. To update then you can do...
  14. Replies

    Re: Headphone under Rs.1500 for pc and mobile

    I am using Philips SHS8100. This headphone has a unique design when you are using. I am not sure whether it will work well with pc but for mobile this one is amazing. The cost is just around Rs.1250....
  15. Re: Is 2 case fan more than enough for a gaming pc

    Checkout Antec GX700. I found this game really awesome. It is ideal for gaming pc. This cpu case comes with two big size fan on the top side. There is no need to checkout for any other case fan. The...
  16. Replies

    Re: Cpu case for gaming pc under Rs.5000

    Just checkout Cooler Master N400. This cabinet comes for Rs.4200 but looks really amazing in terms of usage. It has great features and it give you a big size fan on the front side. All buttons are...
  17. Re: Cannot see second hard drive on Dell XPS 8700

    Change the power cable. There is a molex connector for IDE drive. And there are multiple power connections available on a psu. Just check that first try to change it and hook it on the hard drive. It...
  18. Re: Does all cpu fan are same or there are different types in it

    Today you can see there are nice portable liquid coolers in the market. You can buy any one of them which gives you a effective cooling solution. It is also quiet easy to configure. With few set of...
  19. Re: What does caution messaage in Crystal Diskinfo means

    It is better to confirm this first that your hard drive really has some serious problem. You can try using some third party software which are effective. Like SeaTools for Windows. Just donwload and...
  20. Re: Seagate 2TB Slow drive output on Adobe Premiere Pro

    If you need a really good performance system then the best thing you must do is add a ssd. A 128GB or 64GB SSD will be great enough to boost your system output. I had added that recently. I am using...
  21. Re: Thermaltake Chaser MK-1 vs NZXT Phantom 630 Gunmetal Grey

    There is one thing that NZXT Phantom 630 cannot offer. It only comes in Thermaltake Chaser MK-1. It has a hard drive dock on the top side. That means you can hook a internal hard drive on the top...
  22. Replies

    Re: Wifi adapter to control BenQ projector

    There is a small software you can try out. This software will help you to control the pc which is connected to the projector with a second pc that is on the lan. The only requirement to use this tool...
  23. Replies

    Re: High cpu temperature on Corsair H40

    If you are opening your cpu case then just check the heatsink also. Just see that it is properly applied or not. You can buy a good one from the market. Liquid cooler are much better, but you will...
  24. Re: Kingston USB ask for formatting on every connection

    Looks like you are having a corrupt pen drive. You must get another one. I had also faced the same issue but it after a few days the drive stopped working completely. So this is quiet common. I think...
  25. Replies

    Re: Accidentally formatted the wrong drive

    That is why I use Stellar Data Recovery. I am using this software from long time and it really works well. Whenever something is deleted accidentally from my system I am able to restore that through...
  26. Re: Planning to buy Razor BlackWidow Ultimate Gaming keyboard

    I am using Cooler Master Devastator. It comes for some Rs.3000. You can find that on any popular website. This keyboard comes in budget and it is good enough to give you long lasting output. I really...
  27. Re: Advice on CoolerMaster full tower case for gaming

    I also think the Cosmos series is the best one in the market. Here you get a very durable chassis. You can hookup multiple gpu and a liquid cooling on it quiet easily. You can fix a big size radiator...
  28. Re: Drive bay to increase storage for a mid tower cpu case

    You can do that through a NAS OS. Like FreeNAS. You have to add few drives in your system and then you have to install this OS. The OS can be accessible through ip address. It has a simple interface....
  29. Re: Which headphone will play audio through usb hub

    Any branded usb headphone can be used on a usb hub. You can get a good headphone around Rs.700 to Rs.800. Go for a good brand so that you can also get amazing sound outupt. I am using Creative. This...
  30. Replies

    Re: Need help to remove Intel stock cooler

    You can get a fan at Rs.200 in the market. It is easy. But removing it is a bit tricky. You can begin by watching some videos on the web. In that you can find the process to remove the fans. It has a...
  31. Re: Error 0x80070057 while formatting SSD on Windows 8.1

    There are many reasons why you are not able to format the hard drive. It is right that sometime it can be due to a damage product. But there can be other reason also. Like bad capable or bad...
  32. Re: Getting “HTTPClient Library not found” message while doing micro-program setup for AMS2500 from web

    HttpClient belongs to net framework. It is a part of that. So it is possible that in your system if you go ahead with upgrading dot net then the issue will be resolved. You might having a older or...
  33. Replies

    Poll: Re: Compact gaming keyboard vs full size

    Compact are only restricted to gaming. You cannot do much in that. But if you need something better then go with full size. Go for metallic. They are more accurate and offer less pressure on hands....
  34. Re: Which gaming headphone offers surround sound output

    I am using Astro A50. This is a costly but very effective headphone. It has amazing sound quality and works really well with different devices. You can use it with gaming consoles and with home...
  35. Re: What are the different type of wireless display device

    Apple is offering this thing from long time. It is called as Airplay. A tiny device that offer you stream videos on different apple devices. You can share a video on your iPhone, iPad or on Apple TV....
  36. Re: Antec P100 case for building up file server

    Antec P100 is a good case. I will recommend this one for day to day and gaming use. The case deliver a good design with ample of cooling solution. That matters a lot. Recently my friend bought a...
  37. Re: Poor gaming output on a newly built gaming pc

    Try to remove the graphic card and insert it on some other pci slot. And then check back. If possible try to update the firmware. This will be more helpful in fixing the issue you are facing. You can...
  38. Re: Where to get a good lens cleaner kit for Canon camera

    You can use soft cloth for that. But do not use liquid on it. It harms the glass. You need something like Antec Advance Cleaning solution. It is cheap and good choice for cleaning any glass surface....
  39. Re: Need advice to capture HDR videos from digital camera

    You have to learn a bit about the exposure value, iso and getting the right fps settings. Or else it is not going to work fine. HDR photos came out with amazing white and color balance. They are...
  40. Poll: Re: Which is the best brand for buying desktop speakers

    You need a surround sound speaker system. Then only you are going to get a better output. Surround sound are costly but amazing. And as you are already going to add a 7.1 audio card on the same you...
  41. Replies

    Re: Help needed to reset AirPort time Capsule

    The best thing you can do is refer the inside manual. This is one of the best way to troubleshoot the problem. A manual has a complete information about fixing the problem. So you just have to follow...
  42. Re: Need help to choose high performance 1TB hard drive for gaming

    There are ample of models available online. I think WD can give you a reliable solution. You can just go ahead and buy a good drive that can give you long life and more better performance. I think...
  43. Re: Is it worth to buy a small cpu case for gaming

    Horizontal cases are costly. We had one at our office. The system is configured for print server. And it remains well fitted at the corner. They are similar to full size case. The difference lies in...
  44. Re: Good sata controller for hooking up multiple hard drive

    A 4 port sata controller will cost you around Rs.2,000. This is the best one I think. If you go for cheaper one then you will get the get the kind of output you are looking for. Sata controllers are...
  45. Re: Good sata controller for hooking up multiple hard drive

    A 4 port sata controller will cost you around Rs.2,000. This is the best one I think. If you go for cheaper one then you will get the get the kind of output you are looking for. Sata controllers are...
  46. Re: Need help to make a new fan slot for gaming pc

    That is a proper solution. Because here if you go for manually adding a fan then you will require to a tons of changes. It looks that your cpu case is smaller. You have to buy a full size one. In...
  47. Re: It is worth to buy a external blu ray drive

    External blu ray drives are costly. The benefit of buying them is that it works with other disc also. I think you can find a cheaper model on Amazon. It has more higher number of brands. If you go...
  48. Re: Looking for best value fast 2TB hard drive

    There are few models which I found on web. I am only listing the models which are currently available and are capable of giving you high end performance. The first one that I think is good enough is...
  49. Replies

    Re: Buying advice on large fountain speakers

    Fountain speakers are not worth enough to spend that much amount. That is because of poor audio output. It is necessary that you must go for a better. Even led speakers are not cool enough.
  50. Re: Advice for more than 30TB storage solution

    NAS remains under your control. That is the reason many prefer it. Now you might be using a 4bay NAS drive with 4TB hard drive each. You can go for more higher one here. That will cost more but is...
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