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Thread: Antec NSK 6500 Case

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Antec NSK 6500 Case


    1. Introduction
    2. The frontage
    3. Other panels
    4. Interior
    5. Food
    6. Assembly
    7. Performances
    8. Assessment

    1. Introduction

    Antec continues the progressive but continual renewal of its cases, and his spearhead of the range NSK, that of the cases proposes to us today including a food of quality and thus aiming before all the quality ratio/services/price. It is also this series which replaces the famous SLK. Equipped with a tariff halfway between the convincing NSK 4400, and P180 illustrates it, it should be noted that this NSK 6500 is posed in direct competitor of another well-known case of the Antec range, Sonata II. It represents compromised it ideal?

    2. The frontage

    The designers of Antec, for our part, lately disappointed us enough. Whereas since the SX1030 and until SLK/Sonata they had care to give to their cases a rather aggressive look and a black color, since P180 the achievements of the manufacturer are much more sober, neutral and consensual. This report is obvious on series NSK and thus on this 6500.

    Its frontage is besides so close to that of the NSK 4400 which one would swear being in the presence of the same case with the first glance. However, some light differences are noticed afterwards: the two sites 3 " 1/2 disappear, and are replaced by the addition of a fourth site 5 " 1/4 equipped with a slit for an external peripheral of 3 " 1/2 (there are thus the choice). Even if this distribution of the sites is more logical, low exhaustiveness that this case offer is not worthy of its tariff of 100 €. Only another change, more beneficial this one: the return of the FireWire port and the connectors audio in addition to ports USB 2.0, surprisingly absent on the NSK 4400. Remain that they are rather badly positioned, all in bottom of the frontage whereas this case is mainly intended to rest directly on the ground.

    For the remainder, one thus finds a frontage without door, out of silver plated plastic of good quality, and equipped with a circumference and masks blacks. If it thus invites naturally its purchaser to install external peripherals of this color, the recourse to beige readers does not pose a problem since all are it. The air intake is done via the many openings laid out on the section, the frontage integrating the masks deviating indeed from the true frontage before 1,6 cm, which is a good thing of the point of seen filtration of the noise (rising from P180). Lastly, only a blue LED is present between the two buttons of starting and restarting to testify to the activity of the hard disk, a luminous circle surrounding the first button during the powering.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Antec NSK 6500 - Other Panels and Interior

    3.Other Panels

    If 6500 remainder also composed to him of steel panels 0.8 mm thickness, it should be noted that its dimensions are in rise compared to the NSK 4400: one passes from 42 (height) X 20 (width) X 42 cm (depth) to 46,5 X 21 X 47,2 cm. Black painting chechmate remains of rigour, but this profit of surface and range causes the appearance of two latches on the panel of left. From now on, after having unscrewed the 2 screws with hand (which will remain no matter what it arrives solidarized with the panel), it will be necessary to make slide these latches to allow the opening of the door. Even if that makes optional replacement of the 2 screws, the presence of 2 of these latches is rather useless, and to final one always amounts from there regretting the handle of Sonata II, more practical.

    For the remainder one finds the presence of two formed grids of honeycombs: the first is opposite the processor, a airduct making it possible to prolong this arrival/left air (according to the direction of the ventilator processor), whereas the second represents an air flow for the charts girls. It should be noted that the airduct remains the basic model of Antec, adjustable that in length.

    It should be noted that the panel of right-hand side loses useless the small grid present on the NSK 4400. Lastly, very traditional the back panel raises the food, the convex grid preceding the ventilator of 12 cm, the exits of the mother board and the masks of the cards.


    Much simpler access, the interior of the NSK 6500 is available only after withdrawal of the panel of right-hand side, whereas three panels were to be withdrawn on the NSK 4400 (system common to certain cases noname).

    Much nearer to that Sonata II than of the NSK 4400, the interior of the NSK 6500 is him traditional also enough for Antec. The cage receiving the 3 to 4 peripherals 5 " 1/4 and the peripheral 3 " 1/2 is thus more conventional and offers neither fast attachment unit, neither system of deadened for the vibrations of the readers, nor even of rails: fixing requires the use of 4 screws and the withdrawal of the panel of right-hand side. Idem for the possible peripheral 3 " 1/2. At least believed it at this stage, before changing opinion during the assembly…

    The cage receiving the hard disks constitutes a little a return behind for Antec: admittedly, one finds here the famous plates provided with the large silicone eyelets (those of P180), but the cage lay out them in alignment of the case, and not vis-a-vis the user. It is possible that this change originates in the weak part of the flow of air which can in the case of thread on the hard disks the cages directed towards the user, the manufacturers then having to lay out some holes on the two sides of the cages, which reduces its rigidity and attaches really the flow of air perceived by the hard disks. The availability of this cage was however not forgotten, since it is enough to withdraw 2 screws with hand to withdraw all the cage. Good news: exhaustiveness is in rise, since a total of 5 hard disks can be installed here (without counting the possibility of installing of it a sixth in the cage superior). To also note that the possibility of withdrawing this cage authorizes the installation of 2 ventilators of 9.2 cm. Unfortunately, none of these two sites is equipped with origin, which is frankly limiting on this level of price.

    A ventilator is fortunately present, it acts of very good Tricool, a ventilator of 12 cm provided with a switch with 3 positions. Here for recall its characteristics.

    • 1200 rpm/39 cfm/25 dBa
    • 1600 rpm/56 cfm/28 dBa
    • 2000 rpm/79 cfm/30 dBa

    It should be noted that the plate of origin of the exits of the mother chart seems to be a remainder of the oldest cases: metal, it is maintained in place via 2 screws. Fortunately, its withdrawal does not prevent the installation of the plate provided with the mother chart, which is done for recall by simple pressure between the 4 sides.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Case Antec NSK 6500 - Food and Assembly


    Equipped with a maximum total power of 430 W, the food provided with the NSK 6500 is not other than a version a little more powerful of the SU-380 provided with the NSK 4400. Corresponding officially to no food sold only at Antec, it remains provided with a single ventilator of 12 cm in extraction and stripped of connector industry of the modular type. The connector industry remains unchanged: one notes the presence of a connector ATX 24 pins (separable in 20 pins) not sheathed but bound, connector ATX 12 V (4 pins), of 6 catches molex, a catch FDD, 2 catches S-ATA and a connector NCV-Express train (6 pins). Only the number of connectors S-ATA is a little runs considering from now on the omnipresence of the hard disks of this type (which are not besides any more provided with the double S-ATA/molex connector industry), and the possibility of installing 5 of them to see 6 in the case.

    Side specifications, one notes the separation of +12 V in 2 rails supporting each one a maximum of 16 A (standard obliges), against 25 A for +5 V or +3.3 V. But the limit of the food remains of 372 W for 12 V against 130 W for 3.3 V combined with 5 V.

    Let us not beat about the bush: the results of the tests which we made pass to this food are identical to 1% close with those of version 380 W included with the NSK 4400. That that is for the variation of the tensions or consumption and thus the output. In light, it is thus about the same food, potentially integrating components designed to support a load a little higher, unless it is not version 380 W which has values of lower cuts…

    At all events, this food remains a good compromise which will satisfy the majority of the users thanks to the relative stability of the tensions (the overclockées same configurations will not pose a problem), but also its output from approximately 80% on beach 160 W - 220 W (either hardly less although S12 500/600 W on this point), and finally its great discretion, its single thermobabbited ventilator of 8 cm having remained in our inaudible case vis-a-vis the Tricool ventilator at slow speed.


    This point forever be the fort of the Antec cases, but it however appeared less problematic than envisaged with the NSK 6500. And especially, that the NSK 4400, put aside on the plan of the withdrawal of the plate of the inputs/outputs of the mother chart, which thus requires the use of the screwdriver! After the traditional assembly of the mother chart (installation of the spacers on the reference marks laid out for the principal formats of mother charts, then screws) then that of the charts girls, it any more but does not remain to be dealt with the peripherals. The installation of the hard disks will require most of the time the shrinking of the whole cage, then the installation of each plate on the lower part of the discs via 4 screws long and threaded that at their ends (because the thickness of the silicone pads). With a graphics board length of GeForce 7800 GTX, the depth of the case are just sufficient to allow the food of this chart and the hard disk located on the plate opposite.

    With regard to the readers, good news: screwing is not obligatory! Indeed, the reader is maintained in place with the good depth so as to be aligned with the frontage, and the pressure is sufficiently strong so that it is not necessary to use screw. However, for those which wish it, this operation will require the disassembling of the panel of right-hand side. This one would have however in all the cases withdrawn being insofar as the frontage must be removed in order to allow the withdrawing of the metal plastic masks then, and finally the insertion of the reader by the front one.

    As always, the advantage of the cases including the food is on the one hand that this one is already installed, and on the other hand and especially that the cables are right with good length and too not much long. No the problem finally concerning the connection of the connectors of the frontage, those being gathered in blocks (USB, audio).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Antec NSK 6500 - Performances and Assessment


    Side configuration, nothing of nine:

    • Athlon 64 3800+ Venice
    • Thermaltake Sonic Tower + Papst 4412 F/2GL
    • 2 X 512 MB GDR Corsair
    • MSI K8N SLI Platinum
    • GeForce 7800 GTX
    • WD Raptor 74 GB
    • Lite engraver one 32x12x40x
    • Tagan U15 EasyCon 530 W

    As a comparison, we of course burned to oppose the NSK 6500 to his/her little brother the NSK 4400. The occasion to assemble the same configuration in each case, after, us made well become aware of the superiority of the first, which does not require a screw for the readers, opens to need some to withdraw the 3 panels, does not require screwdriver with particularly long stem for the assembly of the hard disk (really painful on the NSK 4400), and finally did not cause us cuts during the fast assembly.

    Let us pass to the performances raised after one hour of simultaneous execution of IOMeter, VillageMark and Burn K7.

    First report on the level of the temperatures: the similarity of ventilation and the design interns these 2 cases explain it easily, the temperatures obtained with identical ventilation are overall close. Both have the same single extractor fan (Tricool), hardly assisted ventilator of the food. The similarity is quasi-perfect on the level of the temperature of the processor, the graphics board or the mother chart: no the surprise, one remains on an acceptable level. On the other hand, side hard disks one notices that if in both cases its cooling is bad (no direct ventilation, from where these rather high temperatures), it is to it in the case of the NSK 6500, from approximately 1 with 2°C. One from explanations comes owing to the fact that in this last, the hard disk is installed on a plate, which makes blow impossible any natural convection, contrary to what occurs with the NSK 4400 where the hard disk is installed in the middle of the cage.

    It is thus overall a disappointment since the rise in range does not result in a fall into temperature at Antec, the fault once again with the absence of ventilator in front of the case.

    Side sound harmful effects now, 2 cases should be distinguished. At rest, the noise is clearly identical in both cases, which is there too of a logic relentless, the configuration, ventilation but also the design of the frontage before being identical in both cases. On the other hand, the raised enormous difference charges some (between 2.5 dBa and 5 dBa following the number of revolutions of the ventilator) attests of an element that we raise for a long time: effectiveness of the thick anti-vibration silicone pads, vis-a-vis the old black rubber eyelets whose Antec affublait the whole of its cases hitherto (P160 and Sonatas in particular). With a as noisy hard disk charges some as Raptor 74 GB, the difference is really obvious.


    With final, the assessment is mitigated for this NSK 6500. Admittedly, it largely improves the facility of assembly compared to the NSK 4400, and also proposes an excellent damping of the hard disks, comparable with that of P180. But on another side, it is all for the list of the improvements one finds thus the same design, an almost unchanged frontage, a frame interns only slightly reorganized, a food hardly more powerful (but always also good)… It is thus a little a disappointment, because for the same price, Sonata 2 did not forget to him to have of an air filter, a cage with hard disks more accessible (but taking again the old eyelets), a airduct also which can feed the graphics board, and finally of a painting and a more successful frontage to our taste. In short, there is hardly but for the presence of new the silicone pads (and thus for those equipped with noisy hard disks) that the choice of the NSK 6500 can be included/understood.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    very nice case with a big fan behind it... wonder if its available in india?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    very big descriptions upon it n nice too

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    this is an excellent review .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    very long & detailed review

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    good review & in deatil too
    Be cool people, Enne has arrived.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    Nice Topic On The Case N Screenshots
    wus up everybody?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    thats a good review on the case
    Signatures reduce available bandwidth

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    i wonder having a big case like this will effect the components inside it
    Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    Havin a big case is good for all the components inside it.. rite

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    i need a cpu case like this .. but dont think this will be available in our market?
    Please do not send me Emails or Private Messages for personal support. Last time I checked, there were still only 24 hours in a day. Thank you.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Antec NSK 6500 Case Review

    thankxx & very much appreciated

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