If you are fed up playing fast paced FPS game then here is a right dose for your brain. Quantum Conundrum is new puzzle game which has combination of artistic gameplay. The game is entirely different from others. There are objects and devices that can be used to get you out. The game available on Steam also. Rightnow the game is available for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC (Windows). To run the game on your pc you will need minimum 2GB Ram, atleast 512 GPU, and 2 GB empty space. The game will not give better output without a graphic card. As there are some sudden changes which can only be reflected well by a video memory. In last two weeks ample of games are released which deals mostly action. Somehow Quantum Conundrum gives you a peaceful environment where are with a fictional character finding your way out and solving the puzzle.
The game cost $14.99 USD which is not bad for your collection. After having a look on the gameplay video it reminds me of Portal and Wall-E. You enter a world of mad scientist who disappears somewhere. A kid now enters the laboratory and tries to find out where his Uncle is. The game begins with same old once upon a type story. An explosion in factory caused release of alien character. The boy found a nice hand glove which has power to change the current dimension, uplift object, freeze time, etc. He is on the mission find out what happened to his Uncle. Compare to other puzzle game, Quantum Conundrum does not look much different.
But there are some additions that will attract you. Like in Portal you run from one dimension to other to find your way out along with using some objects in the mid way. Quantum Conundrum can be counted a higher version. The game mostly concentrates on puzzle. You have to find clues and fix up a broken puzzle. The operates inside a laboratory and there are ample of levels which are divided into room. It is also required to collect special batteries for the gloves to make then working.
The gloves provide the user freedom to move in 4 different dimensions. That means you can turned yourself upward down, make yourself move on the wall, the entire screen just adjust as you shift. Along with that player can also make the object lighter or heavier on the basis of requirement. The game is made on a new type of game mechanism called as IDS (Interdimensional Shift Device). Under this you can switch an object to lighter version, move it and then switch back to normal. In this way user can move heavy objects very easily from his way and go ahead. Another power of the glove is anti-gravity. By hitting that buttons the objects floats in air. You can make your way or move them as per your need.