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Thread: Hands on Google Plus

  1. #1
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    May 2008

    Hands on Google Plus

    The new PlusOne button for web pages is then displayed in the search results and serves as an important ranking criterion. Actually, the introduction of the buttons for Web pages until the end of July was expected, since at this time, the old Google Profiles should be replaced with Google's new social network. This step appears to be the internet giant from Mountain View now to have preferred to get used to the web users in advance of the new technology and the PlusOne colorful buttons on all websites. In addition, the webmasters are given the opportunity, even before the launch of the Social Networks Plus One Button installed and prepared for the demand to be.

    Google launches the button one “1” is a kind of "Like" version of Google. The idea seems to be excellent but I still think that this feature will never have the impact of the button of Facebook. It is a small button that will soon appear on the right of each search results that Google offers. When you see a search result that you find relevant and which could be useful to your friends and contacts, you press a button. If any members of your social circle searches similar to yours, he will see search results that you identified with a Google button. In principle, as the results identified with this button are submitted by the members of your social circle, they should be more relevant. The sites you've identified with a button on your profile will appear as Google.

    Now, why I think it will not be successful. It's very simple, when you search, you do not know if what you are getting is really relevant before visiting the Web site that appears in the results list. So do I click a button before visiting the site. No and if I ever find the relevant site, is what I'm going back to Google for a click on the button. Something is wrong with one button. You must recommend an outcome to your friends before you even read the content. Quite the opposite of "Like" on Facebook. This button is generally positioned directly on the content, which is radically different as an approach.

    Google Plus Invitation

    If you already have a profile on Google and you want to send an invite your friends, follow the instructions below. If you have not yet registered with Google-plus would be happy to share with you Invite (write in comments). Thus, instructions for sending invitations. On the main page of the network the right column you can see the special section on Send invitations. Perhaps the link is not available to all users, but if you see it, then you can use it by clicking and adding the email addresses of those who want to send an invite.

    The top right of your account on Google + there is a button "Share", after clicking on which you can enter several email-addresses of those people who want to get an invite to Google and to leave them a short welcome message. After posting, invited his friends get in the mail and clicking on the link, be able to register for Google Plus. To send an invite, you can also use the so-called circles in Google +, creating a new and add the desired contacts (see screenshot below). After filling the circle, you can use the second method, with the difference that instead of email-addresses to specify the desired circle of friends. Sometimes such a way to send invites is very convenient.

    Google has given us the opportunity to briefly use his popularity to attract more traffic to your site or increase the number of subscribers to your account in Google +. This requires people to give what they need, in this case - the invites) that actually has many do on the forums. To do this, you can use Twitter by typing in the search word invite. In Twitter invites asked very often. Another option - use search Google, adjusting the sample for 24 hours and sort it by date (in the settings in the left panel). According to the results you immediately understand if people ask for an invite.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Hands on Google Plus

    Google Plus and SEO

    The Plus One button is definitely something you should keep it as a SEO on the screen. I think however, that similar tests time to pay off yet, because Google will now test first, the behavior of the quality of information and whether the Plus One really should be a serious factor in ranking. I hope that the black hats do not rush out immediately, otherwise I see something black. But even if the rankings influence should remain low, but I still think that, at least, can improve the click-through rates significantly when one side has a lot of +1.

    Anyone who has read the preface to social networks may now be easier to answer for yourself whether Google has any one with the new product set to be designated as innovative work in the world. Both the relationship and identity management as well as the communications management are the focus of the product plus Google. And are largely based on established patterns of use of numerous "social software"-the entire package.

    Social Networking

    Depending on audience and business purpose will find as many examples of social networks, since yesterday until today. Specific networks aimed at specific target groups, we find specialty networks, aimed at the user group of mothers, film lovers, dog owners, educational groups, professionally-oriented groups, even religious communities. General networks - without focusing on certain peer groups - there are of course, Facebook is most popular in world.

    As we can see, the question of what constitutes social networks, a question of ideas that have led to innovations in practice and have found the entrance. Every idea leads to another idea, any accumulation of ideas, and an innovation that attracts the other innovations by themselves. Say, the historical path of innovation is so intertwined that one cause and effect can hardly be distinguished. Especially in software. Who likes Twitter's timeline exclusively on the creative work of the Twitter people back, ultimately, was Twitter certainly not the inventor of a chronological sorting of information, but look, these ideas formed and in a novel context transferred consisting of digital social communication flows and asynchronous networks of relationships .


    The focus is on Time Line, the sorted stream of information of its users. The input field is similar to the case of Facebook almost 1:1 (text, link to preview image, video). The possibilities in Google Plus to comment on user contributions are original, long-established before the SNs standard. The opportunity to vote for entries (plus Google = +1), we know of Vote mechanisms long ago (forums, Digg, Facebook). The ability to sort the incoming stream of third parties information was copied from the Twitter technology. The user determines when the receiver side, users want to listen to what information he communicative. Twitter = It follows the user X and sees his tweets.


    New at this point is an extension of the Twitter technology. Or are we better say a return to long-known mail systems. When mailing, I can control who gets my email: Individuals or groups. I can save people in address books, deposit also groups of people in the address book to simplify the mailing. Google Plus has solved this in the area of relationship management through the so-called Circles. Plus Google has about the hang outs in comparison to the one created earlier SN landscape enhanced communications possibility. The Hangout even seems to like some beta users, but I would point to a novel point of fact. Google Hangout enables subscribers YouTube videos during the select group chats.


    The expression of the person are initially anchored via its own profile. This corresponds to the well-known profile of thousands of forms, but vendors. And is at the moment is a rather rudimentary form, in contrast to the profile data from Facebook, which additionally besides manual entry. In addition, Google knows the profile of identity plus any additional patterns that are familiar from other SNs. The finding of matching the characteristics of a person to serve. You know the example of Xing. Any information is supplied with a link. More expressive in the sense of identity are given via the communication management to shape the person's own time and manifest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Hands on Google Plus


    Perhaps the most interesting feature of Google Plus the so-called "Circles". Google has obviously has the weakness of rival Facebook recognized by the users generally, any content published automatically to all of his contacts tells. Although there is also on Facebook, the ability to painstakingly compile lists, but know a lot of Facebook users will not even have this function - or is it too costly to them. One gets any work colleagues on Facebook with how you have spent his weekend, and vice verse friends to be supplied with any business news that may be primarily of interest to colleagues.

    Google Plus solves this problem with Circles: each new contact is directly associated with adding a circle. The user can create as many districts and give that name. Drag'n'drop can assign contacts to groups. A person can of course also be added to more circuits. Whether family, Friends, colleagues, sports clubs or students - the user himself determines which groups there. The creation of Circles is quick and easy. Third, the Circles page with a good overview of all available contacts.

    Google vs. Facebook

    Google and Facebook are just the two giants of the web. And although the latter is the younger of the two, we can see it quite caught up with the search giant. Like what, with a good idea and some contacts It is still possible to become rich and to crush the competition. Will I also noted for later. Anyway, the graphics may be of interest following a lot of people simply because it compares Google and Facebook. Facebook Google just folded in half, even managing to pass him in February 2010. In total, Americans spent 41.1 million minutes on the social network, against 39.8 million for the search engine. Not bad, really not bad, although it should be noted that the goal of Google is precisely to ensure that Internet users spend as little time as possible on the engine and are thus more easily what they want. If so, I assure you, it's not as stupid as it sounds.

    Privacy and Security

    And Google, Facebook and repeatedly accused of carelessly handling personal data. To minimize the trouble related to the disclosure of their personal data. Limit the ability for other users to write to email. What is found in the upper right corner of the icon settings, privacy settings found in the publicly available information, profiles, and opened by an avatar - Send. You can control access to your Gmail-address.

    Similarly, the disabled-mail notification of network activity: in the settings of Google +, Google + tab, you can disable those events and activities, reported in the mail do not need. There you can enter your phone number. Note to Google + settings you can save your data from your contacts list / community, photo archives (Picassa) in.


    Google aims to highlight significant differences of the product from Facebook. At the presentation of the new service's vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra company noted that the development of Google Plus a lot of attention was paid to low-speed data transfer, which faced their rival. Furthermore, in contrast to the Facebook list of friends of the new social network users can be divided into groups (family, colleagues, etc.), and the messages can be sent directly to all those who fall into one group. Google Plus is also endowed with a function of video chat where you can communicate simultaneously with multiple users.

    Google is also actively working on the business version of its network , but so far, and user works in a test of corporate proposals to speak early. Now we are engaged in optimizing the user's version, but much of the developer creates a business version of Google +, - reported in the company, adding that she will appear later, but this year. Use a test version of the user companies in Google is not advised. In the near future, Google plans to release a mobile application to a social network. Currently on Android Market is already available software platform Android, and for the iPhone, iPad iPod and it will come later. Experts disagree about the competitiveness of the new social network with Facebook, but note that this project will be successful just failed Buzz.

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