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Thread: Linux Distros for Beginners

  1. #1
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    Oct 2005

    Linux Distros for Beginners

    Linux is an operating system, available for several hardware platforms including Intel or compatible. Linux belongs to the family of UNIX systems (like Solaris, AIX, HPUX, SCO, etc.). But it is was written to be compatible with the POSIX specification, and includes extensions from the System V and BSD systems. Linux itself is constituted only by the Kernel, the core of the operating system that controls the operation of the entire computer. Most applications of the system boundary are developed by GNU.

    The Linux kernel is designed by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student. Currently contributing to the development of thousands of Linux programmers scattered across the land. All work is coordinated through the use of the Internet. The kernel sources are available online and in the stable version (which ends with an even number), that in the development version (ending with an odd number).

    The existence of a wide variety of distributions poses a problem: a novice user may have difficulty deciding which distribution to use. Users who are in this situation seek help in the discussion lists, forums and websites specializing in Linux. After reviewing the suggestions, it is not uncommon to choose a distribution and be disappointed later for one reason or another. The best answer to the title of this article is distribution for which you have greater affinity. Such a response suggests the user to experience several distributions to choose which is more appropriate. The problem is that such a procedure is, in most cases, unfeasible, because the user can lose a lot of time testing each distribution, as well as on computer technical difficulties caused by the installation and uninstallation of the Linux distributions.

    If you are a user who never worked with Linux, the first thing to do is learn about it and internalize a bit with the concepts in this system. Otherwise, you can install a distribution, but will be lost when the system is loaded on your computer screen displays login. As you probably do not want to install each distribution to see what is the best and most suitable to your needs, the next step is to investigate the characteristics of each distribution. For that, you can visit the official sites of the distributions and analyze each of these (usually found in magazines and websites specializing in Linux). At this point, you can also look in discussion lists and forums on Linux, but it is advisable to ask opinions of users who have already used the distribution in question.


    Already exists, for some time, the possibility of using certain Linux distributions without having to install them on the computer. This is a type of distribution that runs directly from a CD (also known as Live CD, or are available on DVD, Live DVD) without installation. For that, just the user's computer is configured to accept booting from the CD and insert the disk. The system will be charged as if it were installed on the computer. All data recorded on the computer hard disk are preserved. This type of distribution is ideal for beginners to experience the various versions of Linux available, or who wish to use any functionality on a computer that has Linux installed.

    Many people begin their "life with Linux" in this way, as to experience the Linux directly from a CD they did count on the assurance that if something did not like, at least there would be no risk of damage or severe alterations computer. Some people even have such CDS bags and folders to show the functionality of Linux to friends and colleagues. Distributions that work directly with the CD have basic software packages or specific to certain applications. Which are aimed at home users, for example, have some applications for everyday use. Those directed to computer networks are tools of evidence and analysis of connections, as well as programs used to maintain these networks operate.

    One of the most widely known in the world capable of operating directly from a CD is Ubuntu, the South African company Canonical. The proposal of this distribution is very simple: the user can try the Ubuntu CD into your machine and if you like, simply click on an icon, usually located in the area of work that starts the process of installing the operating system the computer-all very simple. Ubuntu has a dedicated team of developers so that quickly became one of the most widely used in the world, winning both novices and more experienced users. For anyone starting with Linux, is a good option to consider.

  2. #2
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Linux Distros for Beginners

    Linux Distributions for Beginners

    Perhaps one of the greatest difficulties to start using a different operating system, and that causes many choose not changed, is the learning curve. For many, Linux (or GNU / Linux for the purists) can be overwhelming at first, there are so many different options to choose that which is "correct" can be more difficult than we think. If you want an easy way to enter the world of Linux, the choice of a distro is essential. Remembering my first steps in the search for distributions I found all kinds of flavors and colors and often the choice is difficult, we do not know where to start. So to make things a little easier for new users, or even to help current users to promote this OS, I tried to make a better selection of Linux distros for beginners.


    ALTLinux - one of the oldest domestic distributions. His first releases were nothing more than clones rusifitsirovanymi Mandrake (now - Mandriva), but gradually ALTLinux become a fully independent product. New versions of the distribution come rarely. But it is rather a plus than a minus. The user does not like to change habits, and update applications and other system components it can from the repository, maintenance of which the developer pays attention. Another advantage of the product - a wide range of applications installed on your system by default. Recently, a fourth version ALTLinux distinguishes the original installer. With his help to establish a system will not even very experienced user. Moreover, the OS includes a number of unfree components (eg, company driver nVidia), which makes it ready to work almost immediately after installation.

    Around the team ALTLinux gathered a large and highly competent in the technical plan community. Therefore, with support for user problems are not observed. There is printed documentation that comes in a box delivery options.

    Linux Mint

    Linux Mint is one of the most popular distros, they schedule time to be the second most popular, is based on Debian and Ubuntu, so it is compatible with these. It is fresh, elegant and very visual, has very interesting features. Some things that make this distribution a bit easier is that it has installed several proprietary codecs by default, the Java plugin or the Flash plugin. In addition to having menus that make it very intuitive. Many people have told me that it's even easier to use than Ubuntu, which is already much, mainly due to the large number of graphical tools to improve usability. Linux Mint is an interesting project and very well made it is worth trying.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Linux Distros for Beginners

    Elementary OS

    Elementary OS is the youngest project of all those mentioned here, in fact its first stable version came to light just over a week, but it is still giving a lot to talk about. The project stems from a visual-a theme of icons, but soon becomes something bigger. From the outset we meet with another distro based on Ubuntu. The main difference is that it integrates the theme of icons "Elementary", some visual effects by default, the software you use, very focused on GTK + to create a good integration, as well as have a look and feel very different.

    His goal is to create an operating system that incorporates good design, elegance, usability and simplicity, which is why sacrifice some things customization options in pursuit of stability and unification of experience. It is a simple and interesting project with many future plans. This would be an ideal distro for people with basic computing needs, but in the future could become more. You have to keep an eye on this project because it will take some time.


    Fedora distributions is one of the most robust and longest of these, be with us since 2003. It has the support and promotion of Red Hat and is based on RPM (RPM Package Manager, before Red Hat Package Manager). Fedora is Red Hat's community project, one of the most successful commercial distribution. If we have a system that combines high power, technology and usability fedora is the choice. It is both very advanced users and those who are just beginning. e is the distro that Linus Torvalds used in most of its machines, which gives an idea of its quality. Unlike the past, and like-Ubuntu does not install proprietary codecs by default, but it is easy to do manually. If you want something to start and develop in the environment of Linux, Fedora is the choice. Ideal for students and people involved in computing, but suitable for anyone.

    ASP Linux

    This is the domestic distribution, based on a lay source Fedora. It differs from the original primarily own installation program - more comfortable for the novice user. Particularly successful have a tool to break the disk into sections - far from it ASP Linux most obvious. Another strong point of the product - a technology update. In addition to continuously operating network of repositories, users with limited Internet access can go to regular CD-ROMs with new versions of software included in the distribution. Moreover, a comprehensive update is just one click, which is clearly like a novice user.
    User ASP Linux can count on good support from both the developers and from the community. There is documentation for the distribution in Russian. Regularly conduct training courses.

    SuSE Linux

    First, SuSE Linux was developed in Germany, and then right on it was acquired by Novell. Currently distributed as in the server and in the desktop versions. Traditionally, this distribution is considered one of the most user-friendly. It includes a large number of drivers (including proprietary) and, hence, if some device generally works in Linux, then SuSE Linux it will work for sure. System setup is performed using a graphics program YAST. So that the user SuSE is not necessarily able to work on the command line and know are responsible for what specific configuration files.

    More recently Justification of this distribution was clearly incomplete. "The mixture of French and Nizhniy Novgorod" was almost a trademark of his character. Those times are already behind us - now SuSE localized completely and totally good. The new version of the distribution provides the user with the original desktop interface. Of course, many he may seem unusual, but the search company - the creator of this product in the field of ergonomics is certainly noteworthy.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Linux Distros for Beginners


    OpenSUSE Linux distro is a bit different than all the others we have mentioned, was born in 2005 after the Novell-German software company - decided to "liberate" the former SUSE. This distro is the basis for the business versions of Novell offers both desktop and servers. HACA what this special is Yast2 distribution-most famous application, "acronym for Yet another Setup Tool is a tool that allows updates, set up networking and firewalls, manage users, and much more all integrated into one user-friendly interface. Solid and ready to help many users, openSUSE is a very viable option to start and easy-to-learn a lot in the process.


    Debian distribution differs extremely strict attitude to the GPL - it includes only the redistributable components. The product is completely non-profit, its development involved thousands of volunteers who live in different countries. However, neither of which anarchy can be no question - Debian deservedly considered one of the most reliable and secure Linux distributions. New releases do not appear frequently. That is the main criterion for the creators is reliability, not speed upgrades. Without thorough testing, no package will be skipped in the stable.

    In the fourth version of the Debian graphical installer is included, making it more friendly to the novice user. Moreover, it has already been tested package that allows you to install Linux directly from Windows, in fact, a single click. To do this, simply go to the page and click on the only references therein.


    One of the most user-friendly distributions of Linux. Available in several options - from free to commercial. The latter includes the proprietary drivers and programs, making it virtually self-sufficient. Separately, we should mention the version of Mandriva Flash - a ready-to-use system, installed on a flash drive. For setting up the system meets the single point of control - a set of graphical tools by which you can configure almost everything. However, there is no prohibition on direct editing of office files. The system, installed by the distribution Mandriva, perfectly justified. In our country, works of the development company, so users will not have problems with support in their native language.


    The most famous of all Linux distros, Ubuntu has earned this place based on work and have managed to combine flexibility, stability, usability and robustness. It is based on Debian and input this gives an advantage for the large number of packages available. What can you say about Ubuntu? Over the years it has become the most widely used open operating system, have gained experience and is in a stage of maturity that has allowed them to experiment a little. Make many patterns and their influence on other distributions is undeniable. But even with all these features still managing to be very user friendly. It was the first distribution to be concerned to reach large markets (people who had nothing to do with the world of software development and technology), making a big effort and taking little account of the user experience. Is still in effect saying that this distro is Linux for human beings.

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