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Thread: Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming

  1. #1
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    May 2008

    Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming

    The graphics card is now the most expensive component of a PC and is also the most rapidly becomes obsolete. A DVD player, a hard drive or RAM, as well as comparatively cheaper can stay in our team for years. However, a graphics card is unlikely to last us more than two, at least if we want to enjoy the latest games in all their splendor. Any card can handle office applications with ease, they are only games that require more graphics performance and always maintain updated this component.

    Choose card is a compromise between speed, image quality and price. Should not be dazzled by the power and another to be realistic. It is no use a card capable of moving with ease panoramic 1600x1050 pixels resolutions if your monitor does not exceed 17" 1280x1024 resolution. Nor are useful image refresh rates of 80 fps (frames per second) when we can fool the eye with 24 (as the film teaches us.) The convention is usually recommend the 35 fps as the ideal to play.

    An overview of Graphic Card Components :

    GPU - Graphic Processor Unit

    It is the heart of the card, the computer equivalent to the microprocessor. Its architecture and design are a major factor to explain the performance of a card. With each new generation of GPUs increases the number of millions of transistors included, reduces their size and extending the range of calculation algorithms they support. On the basis of a single GPU, ATI and Nvidia have multiple configurations (amount of memory used, different processing speeds, etc . covering a wide range of prices and therefore users.


    Graphics cards use main memory to store textures. More memory means you can use higher resolution textures and enjoy a higher quality image. The current standard is 512 megs. The multiplication of the data bus width of the memory (128, 256, 384 bits) for its clock speed is a measure on the performance of the card: its bandwidth (bandwidth).

    Unified Shaders - Texture mapping units - Render Output Pipelines

    Broadly speaking the work of a graphics card is to create a three dimensional image (based on lines and vertices), paint with textures, colors and lights to eventually transform the two-dimensional image composed of colored pixels that we see on our monitors. These units (Unified Shaders - Texture mapping units - Render Output Pipelines) are specialized engines for specific tasks of the process. Their participation download the GPU for much of the work so that more units of this type have a card, the faster you can recreate an image.

    Core clock and memory clock

    These two values are the speed at which they operate the graphics processor and memory, roughly the number of instructions per second that are capable of performing. Within a given card range widely scattered values of velocities. Forcing the card's performance is more heat in the chip and increased fan noise and if we do not have adequate cooling, we run the risk of burning the card and render it unusable.


    Gigapixels is measured and indicates the number of pixels that the card is able to draw on memory in a second. It is a relationship that depends on the number of shaders and the processing speed of the GPU. The higher the resolution of the final image, the greater the number of pixels that the card must draw on every moment on screen. If we really want to play big decisions is imperative that the card has enough memory (512 MB minimum) and a high rate of fillrate.

    Video Processing

    Other options to consider, again according to our needs, are the input and output connections, including the card, if you have TV tuner or video processing capacity. With the advent of television and high definition video, graphics cards are an almost indispensable aid to the processor. The card connectors include HDMI or HDCP and is able to process high definition video is an added value which ensures the best compatibility and performance with Blu-Ray technology and HD-DVD.

    Graphics API and Shader Model

    As important as the power of the card is the software that "manages". Just as a professional driver is able to get much more from a vehicle other than an amateur driver, optimization and software development level is essential to achieve a good quality graphics and performance. Periodically out new versions of these graphics APIs, responsible for the dazzling graphical effects that give life to the games today. The current version is DirectX 10, while that of OpenGL is 2.1. It is important to ensure that our graphics card natively support the latest graphics APIs, this way we ensure full compatibility with the latest image effects (lighting, shading, etc..) It implements. Unsupported cards are forced either to renounce the new graphic effects.

  2. #2
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    May 2008

    Re: Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming

    PCIe Support

    DirectX10 has revolutionized the architecture of the cards, allowing the use of "unified shaders." If each card previously incorporated a fixed number of pixel and vertex shaders (specific other managers to perform these important tasks of the process), new graphics cards in DirectX10 incorporate "shaders versatile, able to perform both tasks as the needs of the image.

    Thus, the new cards are capable of optimizing a much better job, if an image is composed of a heavy burden of estates, most motors are involved in the geometric calculations, if the image contrast is simple geometry, most engine can be devoted to painting the pixels. The older cards are unable to adjust in this way: when an image rendering complex geometry, the pixel shaders does not perform any work they miss work waiting to be done all geometry calculations.

    SLI & Cross Fire

    SLI technology, NVIDIA owns and Crossfire, which owns ATI, allows us, if we have the right motherboard for it, install two graphics cards in parallel. It is an extremely expensive option. Not only must you have the price of the two cards but with the base plate, far more expensive, and in most cases with a new power supply, because such configurations require a minimum power 600W, well above the standard used in home systems. It should also be noted that these configurations are noisier and produce more heat inside the box.

    Top Video GAme Graphic Cards :

    AMD Radeon
    • AMD Radeon HD 6850 : Price $179 / Approx 8,000 to 10,000 INR
    • AMD Radeon HD 6870 : Price $239 / Approx 12,000 INR
    • AMD Radeon HD 6950 : Price $299 / Approx 15,000 to 20,000 INR
    • AMD Radeon HD 6970 : Price $369 / Approx 20,000 INR

    1. AMD Radeon HD 6850 : Price $179 / Approx 8,000 to 10,000 INR

    With 23 centimeters, the Radeon HD 6850 is slightly smaller than the 5850 (24.5 cm). However, it retains a sink-type double-height ". It is both efficient and quiet. At rest, we found 42.8 dB (A), a very good result which is translated into practice by one card can cause discomfort. In 3D games, the blowing fan is much more prevalent (52.7 dB (A)) but still quite tolerable. Your entourage will not be unduly hampered. The temperatures of the chip remain reasonable, with 45 ° C idle and 80 ° C in games.

    Overall, the Radeon HD 6850 1GB offers similar performance to the Radeon HD 5850 1GB and GeForce GTX 460 1 GB What's wrong. As with version 6870, so we can cast doubt on the trade name of the card. It seemed more logical to name this model "Radeon HD 6830. A buyer will think poorly informed indeed as if AMD has a Radeon HD 6850, that it is more efficient than the previous HD 5850. In conclusion, it must forget its name to really appreciate this Radeon HD 6850. For an introductory price well below the Radeon HD 5850, it offers similar performance.

    Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 6850

    MSI Radeon HD 6850 Cyclone Power Edition

    2. AMD Radeon HD 6870 : Price $239 / Approx 12,000 INR

    The simplified architecture of the Radeon HD 6800 does she feel about the competitor's offer? What are the performances, but also noise and heat generated by the card? What does she more or less than the competition? The Radeon HD 6870 (as the model 6850) is part of graphics cards that meet the family name "Bart". Its uniqueness, compared to the previous 5870 and 5850 (the family of "Cypress"), is to get rid of some of its units of calculations (for specialists there are no more than 14 SIMD, instead of 20 used previously). The main consequence is a space saving, due to a 25% reduction in the size of the chip, and a substantial saving on the number of transistors. Basically, the circuit is less expensive to produce and should consume less electricity.

    Several configurations are possible. A direct connection to the card allows up to four screens (two with dual DVI or DVI + HDMI, DisplayPort added to 2). Second option, the screens that have DisplayPort 1.2 can be chained. Finally, the third possibility, a DisplayPort hub, similar in principle to what may be a USB hub will connect the screens from a single DisplayPort output of the card. In the end, the Radeon HD 6870 is a very good midrange card. It is relatively little greedy and tempers his ardor sound. Performance is also the rendezvous and battery positioned between the GeForce GTX 460 1GB and the GTX 470, in other armies. Remains unknown: the 3D terrain, which is in its infancy, AMD.

    Club3D Radeon HD 6870

  3. #3
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    Re: Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming

    3. AMD Radeon HD 6950 : Price $299 / Approx 15,000 to 20,000 INR

    AMD Radeon HD 6950/6970: New high-end DX11

    4. AMD Radeon HD 6970 : Price $369 / Approx 20,000 INR

    When the output of the Radeon HD 6870 and HD 6850, you have been to many amazing performance of these cards. The 6870 is actually less efficient than the 5870 and 6850, down compared to 5850. In fact, AMD is taking a different nomenclature for its 6000 series with the 6800 making up the midrange and 6900 representing the high end. Where the 6800 hit hard is the level of tariffs. Indeed, the 6850 is from 160 euros, while offering superior performance in 5830 which was sold more expensive, while the 6870 is available from 215 euros, or less expensive than the 5850 when it was released, while by offering more performance. Upon arrival, Nvidia was forced to sharply reduce the price of its GTX 460 and GTX 470 for face.

    Regarding the connectivity, it is substantially the same for both cards with support for DVI, HDMI 1.4, mini DisplayPort 1.2. The cards are equipped with technologies like Eyefinity AMD, CrossFireX and AMD are compatible HD3D. The Enhanced Quality Anti-Aliasing offers new graphics rendering functions.

    ATI Radeon
    • ATI Radeon 5670 1GB : Price $100 / Rs. 6500 INR
    • ATI Radeon HD 4650 1 GB : Rs.3500 INR
    • ATI Radeon HD 6850 1 GB : $200 / Rs. 20,000 INR
    • ATI Radeon HD 6870 1 GB : $250 / Rs. 12,000 INR

    1. ATI Radeon 5670 1GB : Price $100 / Rs. 6500 INR

    With its 16.8 cm in length and 230 grams of balance, the 5670 figure is featherweight. The cooling system is very flat, the board occupying while a single PCI slot. But this sink brings with him two drawbacks. Firstly, warm air is expelled out of the case but remains within it. Another problem, not least, the fan is not very discreet. Indeed, we observed 43.1 dB (A) at rest, resulting in practice in a breath now, even if we can not even describe the noise from disturbing. In operation, the breath becomes still more insistent, and tends to a sharp noise (51.4 dB (A)). We have already seen more noisy but also more discreet.

    Temperature side, this is fairly standard for the range of Radeon HD 5000: 42 ° C idle and 84 ° C during an intense 3D activity. At rest, first of all, there is the excellent performance of the whole series of Radeon HD 5000 because we identified 80 W. In operation, the figure rises, but not that much because we reach 172 W. Warning, these results are for the entire machine, not only for the graphics card.

    2. ATI Radeon HD 4650 1 GB : Rs.3500 INR

    First, note that the card does not require the use of a cord PCI-Express. It is therefore just the 75 W allowed by the PCI-Express 16x on which it plugs. So, it seems quite normal to find a card with really low watt consumption. At rest, first of all, there is the excellent performance of the whole series of Radeon HD 5000 because we identified 80 W. In operation, the figure rises, but not that much because we reach 172 W. Warning, these results are for the entire machine, not only for the graphics card.

    The graphics chip RV730 and its 320 stream processors are clocked at 600 MHz while the 1024 MB DDR2 128-bit bus operating at 500 MHz. Remember that this chip shares the architecture of HD 4800 and thus supports DirectX 10.1 (Shader Model 4.1) as well as CrossFire and AVIVO top of its 514 million transistors. The XFX card has two DVI (HDCP) and an S-Video. For a map-based HTPC, it is a pity not to have an HDMI port directly. It measures 130 mm x 35 mm x 210 mm and should not exceed 48 watts in load, the remaining contents. If the cooling solution from XFX is effective, we may consider retaining the correct temperatures even in a small box, provided to guarantee a minimum flow of air into the case, as always.

  4. #4
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    Re: Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming

    3. ATI Radeon HD 6850 1 GB : $200 / Rs. 20,000 INR

    Power consumption is perfectly managed. At rest, our test machine uses 92 W. In 3D games, it's just as good with 252 W. These figures compare to the GeForce GTX 460 1 GB: 89 W at idle and 289 W in operation. Overall, the Radeon HD 6850 1GB offers similar performance to the Radeon HD 5850 1GB and GeForce GTX 460 1 GB.

    As with version 6870, so we can cast doubt on the trade name of the card. It seemed more logical to name this model "Radeon HD 6830. A buyer will think poorly informed indeed as if AMD has a Radeon HD 6850, that it is more efficient than the previous HD 5850.

    4. ATI Radeon HD 6870 1 GB : $250 / Rs. 12,000 INR

    ATI launched the Radeon X1800 architecture with a new promising on paper, a little less in fact. In January 2006, ATI is back by launching high-end versions of this architecture, the X1900. In late 2006, Nvidia is the first chopping a graphics chip compatible with DirectX 10, the famous GeForce 8800 GTX and GTS. At the time, ATI is a little in the situation with Fermi Nvidia. Indeed, the Reds are behind their own chip DX10 and many problems had to be resolved. The result was disappointing and Radeon X2900 XT named. A damp squib given the expectation and the level of performance offered.

    The Radeon HD 5970 was ATI's first return to a numbering abandoned since 2900. But the explanation was more technical since 5970 is a 5850X2 5870X2 and not true. AMD probably did not want a misnomer, preferring to spend the next hundred. At the same time, Nvidia has released its painfully fermi with GTX 480 and 470 performances interesting, but consumption and heat dissipation is too high. Only the GTX 460 is reached to succeed at the game
    For his series Radeon HD 6000, AMD is in a strong position because of Nvidia's side, nothing new is planned ahead. While rumors of a GTX 580 are insistent but it will likely mean new variations of Fermi. As a result, ATI takes a range structure consistent with those prevailing at the time of the X1000 and X2000. Indeed, the 6870 and 6850 announced today, codenamed Barts Barts and XT are chips and mid-range are not supposed to replace the 5870 and 5850.

    They come instead to stand between them and the 5830, the 5770 for its remaining share sold, unlike 5800 and 5900 that are no longer produced. The true successor of 5800 will be based on a high-end GPU, Cayman. This will give rise to the Radeon HD 6970 and 6950 which are announced for November 22. Finally, a Radeon HD 6990 will be released before the end of the year and will normally be a dual GPU card. Meanwhile, consider the performance of newcomers.

    nVidia GeForce
    • nVidia GeForce GT 430 1 GB : $80 / Rs.5,000-6000 INR
    • nVidia GeForce GTX 460 : $199 / Rs. 12,000 To 18,000
    • nVidia GeForce GTX 470 : $349 / Around Rs. 20,000
    • nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti : $249 / Approx Rs. 15,000
    • nVidia GeForce GTX 570 : $349 / Approx Rs. 20,000 – Rs.25.000

    1. nVidia GeForce GT 430 1 GB : $80 / Rs.5,000-6000 INR

    Low-energy, its capped at 49 W TDP, she is content with the energy provided by the PCI Express 2.0 to 16 lines in which it takes place. A small fan in low profile format on the reference model or a passive radiator also reasonable size sufficient to cool. She finally offers a dual-link DVI, HDMI and VGA output.

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 in 1 GB version. This map provides the best performance / price ratio of the market while providing support for the latest NVIDIA technologies. The new GeForce card offers total immersion in all high definition movies, thanks to the Blu Ray 3D. The architecture of the FERMI GPU brings support for Microsoft DirectX 11 and NVIDIA PhysX allowing casual gamers not to ignore the fluidity of the actions and details in all the world charts. NVIDIA CUDA and not to mention its many uses in the area of multimedia encoding video or music transfer faster due to GPU acceleration.

    2. nVidia GeForce GTX 460 : $199 / Rs. 12,000 To 18,000

    With the GeForce GTX 460 we are dealing with a new chip, the GeForce 104, and not a simple adjustment of the GeForce chip 100 used in the GeForce GTX 470 and GeForce GTX 465. It will therefore be particularly interesting to see if NVIDIA has mastered in his declining DirectX 11 architecture, some key parameters such as heat or power consumption. We remember in fact that the GeForce GTX 480 did not shine much in these areas.

    The other challenge for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 is back on land that has been abandoned for too long. That's because many months that the offer from NVIDIA on this segment is non-existent at worst, at best, not competitive with the competition. Slightly smaller than its big brother, the GTX 465, GeForce GTX 460 this measures only 21 cm. The advantage is clear: it will be installable in any case. Some brands even offer even shorter versions.

    You will understand, the GeForce GTX 460 is put directly in front of the Radeon HD 5850. In general, the two cards are alike in video games, even if the model exceeds the ATI NVIDIA model by a short head. Both can run the most demanding games in very good conditions and are obviously compatible with DirectX 11 games and effects.

  5. #5
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    Re: Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming

    3. nVidia GeForce GTX 470 : $349 / Around Rs. 20,000

    While the GeForce GTX 480 competes directly with the Radeon HD 5870, GeForce GTX 470 model rubs the Radeon HD 5850. With specifications necessarily limited to the GeForce GTX 480 against the GeForce GTX 470 enjoys all the same architecture while Fermi NVIDIA supports DirectX 11.

    Faced with the GeForce GTX 480, GeForce GTX 470 does no more than 15 but 14 multiprocessors. In fact it directly impacts the number of execution cores CUDA passing from 480 to 448. The texture units are now integrated with MS, their number is also down with GeForce GTX 470: 56 against 60 for the GTX 480. Finally, in the ROP units, it is also a downward revision that we propose NVIDIA with 40 units against 48 on the GTX 480. Recall that the ROP are in charge of mixing or antialiasing typically performed end 3D rendering.

    The GTX 470 does not as titillated us that the GTX 480. Before going further, it is important to remember that these cards do not intend to poorly ventilated enclosures and whose diet is less than 500 watts. It takes containers with many a high-end fans and power supplies capable of providing fair and consistent performance. Indeed, the GTX 470 in the footsteps of his older sister for the best for worse. Consumption remains high (255 watts over 36 watts in 2D), releases heat beefy full load (90 to 95 ° C on the GPU, 62 to 70 ° C on the map in a well ventilated case), and nuisance sound ubiquitous, though not arriving at the ankle of the GTX 480 on this ground.

    4. nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti : $249 / Approx Rs. 15,000

    The arrival of the GeForce GTX 560 Ti also marks the return of the label "Ti" stands for "Titanium". Memory industry observer of the graphics card, we had not seen that since the GeForce 4 Ti 4200. Good. That suggests that the GeForce GTX 560 Ti, versatile. Besides the usual Nvidia ecosystem (3D Vision, PhysX), this graphics card offers excellent performance for a content format and noise really low. Consume a little elevated him to miss five stars, with little. And the Radeon HD 6950 1 GB brand new makes clear shade. The GeForce GTX 560 Ti has found his match. Fierce, the battle should still be exciting this year.

    In games, the meter climbed to 320 watts. It's much better than a Radeon HD 6970 (263 W), but well above a Radeon HD 6950 (278 W). We really hope that the consumer will use 3D scaled down, like NVIDIA, AMD in future generations of graphics cards.

    5. nVidia GeForce GTX 570 : $349 / Approx Rs. 20,000 – Rs.25.000

    Reason for this failure was the intake of these GPUs based on the GF100. If in itself, a high consumption for high-end graphics cards is a constant for a long time, the GTX 480 has set new records for a single GPU card. Indeed it consumes as much as the already voracious Radeon HD 5970 with a reminder of two GPUs. While some consider the consumer as a retail and do not care to have to upgrade their diet, the problem of GTX 480 and GTX 470 was also that the cooling system was not adapted to this heat release. Ultimately, these cards have proven extremely noisy and hot, up to Nvidia recommend using waterblock to maximize its GTX 480.

    The GeForce GTX 580 is the end of what would be the GTX 480 to its output. History to forget his first Fermi cards, Nvidia has decided to release a 500 series that sees so get one second declension in the person of the GTX 570. If Nvidia saddled with the slogan DirectX 11 done right, we find that "Fermi done right" is better suited to this new generation of GeForce.


    • Asus Radeon HD4870 X2 : $99 / Approx Rs. 19,000

    1. Asus Radeon HD4870 X2 : $99 / Approx Rs. 19,000

    The dual-GPU card is indeed equipped with a huge radiator cooled by three fans, we will have two GPUs, and the third led to the power stage of the map. Car with 2 GB of GDDR5 RAM (1 GB per GPU) and two RV770XT, consumption of the equipment is well heat the MOSFET. Both will run at 750 MHz GPU and RAM at 900 MHz. The system Tri-Fans ASUS ensures that components will be kept at a temperature below 24 ° C compared to that offered by the dissipation system of reference from AMD.

    The Radeon HD4830 is a EAH4830/HTDP/512MD3 displaying an official GPU frequency (575 MHz) and DDR3 overclocked frequency (1 GHz instead of 900 MHz).

  6. #6
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    May 2008

    Re: Top PCIe Graphic Cards for Gaming


    • Sapphire HD4850 X2 : $419

    1. Sapphire HD4850 X2 : $419

    Designed by SAPPHIRE, the new HD 4850 X2 comprises two complete HD 4850 graphics systems on a single PCI-Express card connected by an on-board PCI Express Gen 2 bridge chip. Each GPU has 800 stream process units and a 256-bit memory interface driving 1GB of GDDR3 memory, making a total of 2GB on-board memory. Four Dual Link DVI outputs are provided as well as TV-Out. This provides a choice of Multi-monitor operation or CrossFire mode in which 3D applications such as games use both on-board GPU’s together to deliver a single accelerated output on the Primary display with industry leading levels of performance.


    • BFG GTX 280 H2OC : $249

    1. BFG GTX 280 H2OC : $249

    Gigabyte – Mobile GPU
    • Gigabyte GeForce GTX 260 OC : $399

    1. Gigabyte GeForce GTX 260 OC : $399

    In recent weeks, the performances of the two graphics card specialist AMD and NVIDIA to beat again. As was the GTX 280 will come together, just like AMD's Radeon HD 4850 and Radeon HD 4870 . The GeForce GTX 260 went into the whole, but in a bit. Presentation of the GTX 280, there was no corresponding pattern of the smaller card and then they spotted first in the market. Until just the competition from AMD in the store and stood in many areas sprung a surprise. After a - probably unintentional - the HD price war bellows 4870 and the GeForce GTX 260.

    And it is the performance comparison and product comparison of the GeForce GTX 260 is still missing in our repertoire, we naturally want to change today. Our test object is from the manufacturer and is in its version of Gigabyte GV-N26-896H-B on the typical NVIDIA reference design.


    • HIS Radeon HD4850 IceQ 4 : $99 / Approx Rs. 8,000 to 9,000

    1. HIS Radeon HD4850 IceQ 4 : $99 / Approx Rs. 8,000 to 9,000

    The Radeon 4850 is the feeling of the moment, is that it brings superior performance at a moderate price. The only thing against it is, is the cooler that brings the factory, is rather small, leading to a hot work card, but no problem, if it generates more noise. So they have come to market with the 4850 versions of coolers owners, each manufacturer seeks to differentiate itself through these coolers, they almost always have better performance.

    This is one of them, the HIS Radeon HD 4850 IceQ TurboX, a name long enough, but certainly our favorite Radeon 4850. Follow the link for the complete test, plus also have a very attractive look. Review: HIS Radeon HD 4850 IceQ TurboX

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