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Thread: Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II Retribution

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II Retribution

    Previously We have conducted brutal battles between fantastic creatures, wars between nations that were once real and we have moved into space to create our squadron of spaceships. But this time is talk of a title that was first board game and then went, with good results to our screens. Even today, thousands of people still playing to paint figures, making sets and try to play battles inches measured with a tape advancing the progress made as the result of the dice.

    While turn-based strategy is not the case before us today that serves to explain the evolution of these games. In this case the real-time strategy will be our goal and we must be alert to every movement of hand to avoid falling into their clutches. We talk about Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War Retribution. We can say that fun is guaranteed and includes noteworthy developments, including the emergence of the new Imperial Guard, who not only can be used in online mode but also in campaign mode.

    The story of each faction and script development are another strengths of the game with every detail both graphical and gameplay. This is not a game you can go directly if we are not accustomed to the genre. The possibilities are numerous, and the degree of expansion of our troops and leaders will be very large. The ability to manage these expansion points on the Warhammer game the real game, where the armies are the work of the players. Although we will start with a fixed number of troops - very low - then we can expand and choose which way we want to expand each battalion and obviously the strategy that should follow.

    The evolution of these armies, as we shall see in a campaign that we have done for you, always will be linked to the actions we undertake. Action - reaction will be visible to every point, allowing players to improve or create new soldiers to add to the campaign game. The long term evolution will make the end of each chapter, where we can improve the experience and weapons and other items, our commanders and generals, who have a direct effect on the choices of the troupe. The choice of one or another feature will open the doors to a tree of evolution where we choose new skills.

  2. #2
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II Retribution

    Three modes of play, endless hours of epic war:

    Both the campaign as the butler and the Warhammer online make a full game. The campaign mode, which can assist with six different factions, we will seasoned against the machine, a point that will appreciate the short lead on the issue, for all this familiarity with the many options in our hands. Moreover, the most advanced, with years behind Warhammer, will have these six armies different from those found in the Imperial Guard. Then we make a brief explanation of each of these and what you find when you start each campaign. While more advanced already know the basis of each faction, the rookies will see that face when choosing troops.

    Tyranid Campaign: If this be our choice, we will lead an army of one species of aliens that want to destroy the biological material of entire planets. This detachment of Fleet Leviathan, the command of Lord of the Beehive, seeking to reunite with the main Tyranid fleet and intends to consume the entire subsector Aurelia.

    Campaign Eldar: The Eldar are an ancient race of aliens trained throughout his life to war. Kayeth command of the Autarch of this army is great psychic powers and even the power to see the future.

    Orka campaign: The Ork campaign is a pirate and mercenary band seeking plunder everything in their path. The pleasure of war and disaster make this training an army to take into account if we like the war by the war of mass destruction.

    Space Marine campaign: Born as the imperial army's elite are genetically engineered soldiers who possess the best available material of war. Buffeted by strong internal corruption, his master, Diomedes Apollo, the chapter of the Blood Ravens will try to purge its ranks while holding those who try to end the Emperor.

    Campaign Imperial Guard: Cadian This army is made by humans loyal to the empire. The numerical superiority and the use of heavy infantry make them a tough opponent to beat and an interesting army command at the time. Xenos and demons fighting, the guards tried to move forward under General Aurelia Castor.

    In our case, being new, we have chosen a campaign of the Imperial Guard to speak of the game. We reaffirm that the duration of this game is high because the presence of so many factions allows a large number of campaigns to make. Only the first chapter, which will serve to make contact with them, as we mark the trend of the game, in which we move forward but also to explore to choose to collect requisitions and energy necessary for the creation of new units.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II Retribution

    Enrolled for War

    Depending on the faction you choose will have a set of different length, ie, appear in a particular place and have goals of various kinds. In the case of the Imperial Guard to assist a unit after the victory has not encountered a scenario very empowering. The constant signs of revolt in its ranks and the madness that affects troops have diminishing the number of battalions available. The invasion of tyrants moving these troops to fight the Lord of the Beehive and ending finally with this threat do you get?

    At the beginning of this we find the leader, Castor and inquisitive. As we move in the game we find a general down - that we will recover - and several bunkers, allowing us to create new troops as the energy gained in our fighting. The destruction of the different elements that we see along the way you give us requisitions necessary to further enlargement.

    We will move through the mouse to select each unit and clicking on the destination. The selection will use dragging the mouse without releasing the button to catch more than one unit or, instead, selectively, with different icons that we have the right of the screen on the top, each one identified with a small photo. The leaders and generals are individually selected while infantry units will move in the group.

    During the advance we will weigh different options depending on the number of our units. Depending on the chosen army can choose to psychically attack or use force. In the early stages are limited powers and weapons are not the best as we approach the opponent - which is not to their fullest potential - to do some damage.

    You have searched different parts of the scenario, which are marked in green or yellow depending on the capacity and level of protection they offer. They are a good alternative to find a bunker across the stage to stop the enemy attack.Note that in this mission of Cadia traverse the swampy area where vegetation and rocks, as well as mud and water, well hidden enemies. In this sense, moving a large number of soldiers through the marshes will be difficult and probably will have to choose to have an outpost to be discovering what holds the map.

    In this case the leaders - who are, by definition, stronger - will offer insurance on the rear while the infantry occupies the first line. Each encounter with a rival army will offer improvements to our armies and units can be selected in the Start menu on your right every time you select a battalion. You need to have sufficient resources to "buy" a new skill. The possibilities are endless and we will make a good army greater emphasis on brute force with large vehicles into the strategic or more specialized units. The main battle will not be the only resource we can do to win. Secondary objectives will allow us to obtain new units or objects after the end of each chapter; we give our soldiers and leaders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II Retribution

    Loyalty to a name

    Sometimes the adjustments to the characters in a movie to a video game are not as they should be. In this case, Relic played with the pressure of playing a world where loyalty is the key word. The enclaves, factions, leaders everything has a reason. And graphically it has done a spectacular job. The game looks great, the lighting and reproduction of the models are very careful and the degree of destruction and how the powers that affect the stage are worth mentioning.

    We can say that we need a good hardware to do real-time moving around because the movements of rocks, fallen towers, water and pull the various explosions, and much of the graphics card. While Warhammer is moving well in most computers it is worth installing on a machine that allows us to enjoy it with all the power for the next preparation. A graphic level adds nothing new and spectacular but is within the parameters of the great strategy games. The challenge was to transport the computer Warhammer world with the highest accuracy possible. And it has achieved, has been a good work, surely the fans of the series will appreciate.

    In terms of audio nothing to say, all right with the soundtrack and various sound effects. Accompanying well throughout the game and even in the menus thank those epic tracks that prepare you for war. Games Workshop can be happy and game development that has continued a great job transporting hour inch dice and boards to our computer screens.

    The online campaign mode: Endless possibilities

    While I already had talked about online mode in our first review of the game, we can say that still the same shape. A big game like this always wins integers by adding a good online. The different ways than we speak also extend to the cooperative mode, where you can pull the help of our friends to end the enemy.

    This addition allows the hours to Warhammer are endless. The team battles, against two opponents to double or free war and war epic guarantee us equally. The fact that we are in the midst of a skirmish with three armies but is visually amazing, especially if we do it with the brand new Imperial Guard. Warhammer has worked well and looks great. It's a game that will appeal to both experienced and those who start in the world of strategy.

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