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Thread: Dreamcast Collection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Dreamcast Collection

    SEGA takes it a liking to launch new old classic games, they show regularly with new releases from the Mega Drive Collection series. This time the journey is not quite as far into the past. On the Dreamcast Collection. Relive the Dreamcast experience with four of Sega’s classic hits from the Dreamcast era. Speed through uncharted territories in Sonic Adventure, zip around town in Crazy Taxi, fend off menacing invaders in Space Channel 5 Part 2 or get your nostalgia fix with Sega Bass Fishing! These games are sure to delight old and new gamers of all ages and include HD graphics, wide screen support, Avatar Awards, leader boards and more. This is a must-have collection for Dreamcast fans. More gratifying that the SEGA games does not just 1-1, but it has beefed up graphically so that they make in HD still looks good.

    Also coming out for the Xbox 360, the games in the Dreamcast Collection will feature "enhanced graphics" and will support online leader boards. While Sega's Dreamcast console released back in 1999 and has been long since dead, SEGA VP of Marketing Gary Knight said, "The Dreamcast console is still remembered as a pioneering console for online gaming." He added, "We are delighted to be able to offer to our large community of dedicated fans a collection such as Dreamcast Collection for them to enjoy old favorites on this generation of platforms.

    Indeed, the reissues already out on XBLA and PSN, made from the PC versions of games, unfortunately, were not very good quality: Sonic Adventure was not converted to 16:9, making spot on a screen HD, while Crazy Taxi has seen much of its original contents disappear (music by The Offspring have fallen by the wayside and all signs of trademarks initially present in the actual game.) SEGA Bass Fishing was, too, already emerged on computer, only Space Channel 5: Part. 2 is a truly unique on the support.

    Game Highlights :

    Sonic Adventure
    : Take off on an adventure of epic proportions with Sonic and his friends – run through exotic paradises, raise your own pet Chao, and collect the seven Chaos Emeralds to stop the evil Dr. Eggman!
    Crazy Taxi: Are you ready to make some crazy money? Deliver your passengers, do it with style, and earn extra money on the side – Crazy Taxi is a wild ride, here we go!

    Space Channel 5 Part 2
    : Reporting for Duty! Help star reporter Ulala fight the invaders and dance her way to victory in this classic Dreamcast rhythm game.

    Sega Bass Fishing: Grab a boat, pick your lure, and start fishing for the biggest bass you can find – Enjoy the great outdoors without ever leaving the house!

    The Dreamcast Collection:

    Possibly the most you have marked as Sega's latest machine, a Dreamcast ahead of its time that offered some technical sections really spectacular experiences of an arcade mixed with the greatest works of the domestic market, online gaming when it seemed a utopia. There were many factors that point to the fall of the Dreamcast, a machine that had to be set aside when there was necessarily given everything I could give him. Nevertheless had a great catalog of games, many memorable works that many users are longing for this day. That's why, when Sega announced that it would recover some of the titles that were released for that platform, many were delighted at the prospect of reviving many of his classics in the new high-definition platforms. Some of them have already dropped by download services, and soon came the rumors of a Dreamcast Collection hit the market.

    Unfortunately, this compilation would not be what many fans expected, limiting himself only to be a disk that contained the four titles that had already seen the light or were announced for the download services: Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5 Part 2 and Sega Bass Fishing. Since then, the compilation is not dreaming, because there are many Dreamcast games that could have been part of this title and that users looked forward to, but you cannot say it was a bad choice, as are some classics interesting. However, the fact that some has seen them several times and on other platforms takes away some charm to the compilation.

  2. #2
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    May 2008

    Sonic Adventures & Crazy Taxi

    The Games:

    Sonic Adventures

    Sonic Adventure' pushes the boundaries of game platform in three dimensions even further, thanks largely to its supersonic speed - but double-edged sword, we shall see - and its many options. Already, the good old Sonic is not alone: Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Gamma and Big will be chosen once presented. The conduct of some works in two stages: a space adventure, then a step action '. In space adventure ', you can walk to everything is, enter the talks with pretty girls on the terrace, into the subway, walk down the street, etc. Then, each time an event occurs (e.g., Tails crashed airplane and you have to go take a look), pointing you to share a stage where the real fun begins. The interest of the phases 'adventure', they also offer a little breathing time (necessary!), based on some strange creatures called 'Chao'. This virtual pet met for the first time in the egg, it must bring in a safe place in 'Chao gardens', to raise them in the best conditions. Here we find the mode of rapid Tamagochi, so dear to the Japanese. Later in the game, once your 'Chao' will grow, you will engage in mini-games that are actually the bonus stages.

    The blue hedgehog Sega Dreamcast was released in a 3D platform title which was a technical breakthrough and playable on all his previous adventures. It would become an instant classic and one of the most popular games platform 128 bits, especially during the first months of life. A game that would control Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, E-102 Gamma and Big, each with its own gameplay and stories, once completed the adventure with everyone, it would agree to the finals of Super Sonic. A game that was the delight of many users for years and would also GameCube and PC, but unfortunately not moved as successfully as it should to the current generation.

    Crazy Taxi

    Taxi driver without fear and without reproach, you have only one goal: make as much money as possible before the end of your workday. And to win, there is not forty solutions: go as fast as possible to, even if it means using techniques of piloting different. You'll have to roll in the opposite direction, you fly over the rooftops, weave between pedestrians and go under water if necessary. One of the biggest hits of Sega in the arcade to Dreamcast was adapted with great success in 1999. However, Crazy Taxi trilogy (the third one came out on Xbox and PC) the first delivery is the only one we've seen on countless occasions, as well as the arcade version and adaptation to 128-bit Sega would also PlayStation 2, GameCube, PC, PSP and even Zeebo before adapting to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. Maybe it's a title that, despite its inherent quality, is somewhat too burned and viewed by users, especially having another delivery that could pull to offer more variety.

    Crazy Taxi, but it works quite well in this adaptation, even without being the best version of himself. Like Sonic Adventure, the technical review is not noticed too much and, in many respects, suffers over the competition. But it remains unchanged its full capacity of arcade fun, in the skin of one of the four crazy taxi drivers at our disposal, we will tour the streets picking people to take to your destination, performing maneuvers to earn extra coins and, above all, do all before time runs out. Frantic trial, constant intensity and unbridled fun, without limitation, Crazy Taxi is one of the most memorable titles in the history of Sega, but it's a shame it was not a bit spoiled in this conversion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Space Channel 5 Part 2 & Sega Bass Fishing

    Space Channel 5 Part 2

    Although he always took a little getting old in terms of achieving (the original game was released on Dreamcast there is more than a year), Space Channel 5 Part 2 is very catchy and will appeal to many fans musical games. With a charismatic heroine to perfection, a successful psychedelic atmosphere and gameplay really putting forward the musical side, this is a title that falls sharply to a PlayStation 2 a little to the diet for such securities in recent

    Since his early adventures, Ulala the space reporter with pink hair always travels the galaxy in search of lower scoop. When his boss informs him that a band of hideous alien force humans to dance for their sake, she thinks finally take his info. But more than just a story, it turns a whole lot of trouble by having to confront the aliens in dance events. Well, we will not deny it, the history of Space Channel 5 Part 2 share a little in every sense, each level gives rise to a new craze of designers. But after all, just what makes the charm of the series.

    The choice of music is more eclectic than ever before with many genres represented. Obviously, there is a lot of disco music but there is also a waltz, an electric guitar solo, percussion and plenty of other good things for our cages honey. Michael Jackson aka Space is still the game. The singer even lends his voice to their virtual and we never tire of seeing him waddle in the midst of all his brothers aliens. The animations are so successful. The approach slender Ulala is still provocative and his dance moves perfectly in rhythm.

    It is curious that it has chosen to include the second installment directly without inviting before reliving the first chapter. Maybe it's the appearance of Space Michael, inspired by Michael Jackson, in order to exploit his image, but it remains a curious choice. Like previous titles, the work done to improve the technical section of the game has been rather limited, so some moments, especially in the dance animations, they crave a bit forced and not very dynamic. Nevertheless, it retains a special charm and unique than any other game, even in its genre, has managed to convey so well and intensity. Pena has not been fully raised a new issue of this generation.

    Sega Bass Fishing

    Sega Bass Fishing is a game of sport fishing-oriented "Arcade" which does not offer so many possibilities. The underwater view is the only possible and the lack of wildlife and variety make this as quickly tiresome and uninteresting. However, it is quite amusing monsters out of 10 kilos and the game gets really fun with using the Dreamcast fishing rod. An investment is thus expected, but only Sega Bass Fishing is not enough to spend such a sum. Those who already own the utensil will be delighted, while others will be disappointed.

    But, generally, outside of Japan to the users do not usually like virtual fishing, so this title is directly converted into something testimonial for much of the potential audience for this collection. The main strengths of the game, the gameplay beyond the title of fishing, do not work today: its spectacular graphics and no surprise Dreamcast today, and the ring-shaped rod has had no counterpart for this release, markedly reducing the ability of fun of the original title. A dubious choice to include in this compilation, which has curiosity value and a Sega classic gem, but it will not provide many hours of fun today.


    Dreamcast Collection is a compilation that millions of users had been lobbying for many years but has not been created with all the wisdom that should be. The inclusion of only four titles can be up to logic, but the choice of them is at least doubtful. Similarly, the limited work done (it was only minimally games have been adapted to current platforms) leaves a sour taste, and really no great reason for anyone who already owns these securities in any other versions do with them again. Especially on Xbox 360, where the price is considerably higher than the PC version (which costs less than half).

    In any case, the nostalgic and those who have never enjoyed any of the Dreamcast classic titles have here a good opportunity to do so at a reduced price. Anyway, hopefully this is only the first volume in a series of compilations in the runs including virtually the entire catalog of the 128-bit Sega. Of course, quality games and there's plenty to do so, as desired games like Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, ChuChu Rocket, HeadHunter, Sonic Adventure 2, Metropolis Street Racer, Virtual Fighter 3 and a long list of works that deserve to be honored as well have been the four classics that make up this volume.

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