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Thread: Hard Corps: Uprising

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Hard Corps: Uprising

    A new title is in the oven of mother Konami. A shoot 'em up as it seems almost fashionable to go do. It's called Hard Corps: Uprising and the same manufacturer described it as a fictional sequel to the distributed back in 1994, Contra: Hard Corps. Like any good shoot 'em up that meets and as the name suggests, Hard Corps, you must shoot, shoot and shoot (and obviously dying several times to make it through the end of each level). If you are an "old gamers" and have already played at one of the titles of the Contra series, then it will certainly be a pleasure for you veterans know that the difficulty is one of the things that the developers have wanted to remain faithful to the previous chapters. The games, now a distant past, were characterized, rather than an outstanding graphics, high difficulty and the Hard Corps is no exception. Everything you need to play this title are really good reflexes, by which you can (still unlikely) to react to endless waves of enemies, traps, hazards and boss of course. There will, however, the rewards that will allow you to always be rewarded with interesting and useful bonus (extra slot of energy, improvements to your arsenal and the unfailing ability).

    Basically, this new type of mechanism is designed to give greater thrust to the people who, once you are in front of a bosses and lost miserably, they may still be rewarded, and then buy more optimistic in launching a further challenge to "bad guy" above. This is of course included in a separate mode called "Rising Mode". However, if you are a veteran and want to experience a game really "tough", then you can simply start the adventure in Arcade mode. The gameplay will be identical, as are the enemies and bosses, but unlike the rules Rising, you will not have any of the upgrades, bonus or ability that we talked about earlier.

    Thrilling retro run-and-gun action is back with a vengeance in Hard Corps: Uprising, a new 2D side scroller developed by ARC System Works that pays homage to classic Konami action series. Play as the soldier Bahamut as he begins to write his legend. Battle in the grueling trenches of Arcade mode or the all-new RISING mode, where a life bar and point system allow you to purchase items and upgrades to build your soldier up and achieve ultimate victory. Need help? Partner with a friend to lay down some serious carnage.

    • Exciting run-and-gun gameplay with beautifully rendered 2.5D graphics from Arc System Works
    • Arcade mode features 2D run-and-gun gameplay that stays true to the genre’s hardcore roots
    • All new RISING mode allows players to train and level their soldier and purchase power-up items
    • Classic and all-new boss battles to challenge and thrill
    • Co-operate with gamers all over the world in Online Co-Op mode and compete via online leaderboards


    The gameplay should not be too disorient Contra fans but newcomers may be a bit surprised by the difficulty of the title. In fact you start your adventure with three or two fragments of life depending on whether you choose to play as Bahamut or her colleague Krystal, and you have you manage to find better weapons on the battlefield. Attention lose your equipment that you use the lesser damage received when you must face hordes of enemies real. In these circumstances you will understand without difficulty that the game over are quite numerous. History spices up the adventure, the developers have been pleased to cram the trap levels and integrate overpowered boss. In short, like his predecessors, Hard Body: Uprising is definitely a game to challenge and you need some time before knowing the fingertips of the eight levels and complete the Arcade mode. This difficulty seems excessive you and you're already on the verge of leaving your box of Valium before they start playing? Do not get so much bad blood, you'll have much more chance to advance in the game with a friend.

    Basically, this new type of mechanism is designed to give greater thrust to the people who, once you are in front of a bosses and lost miserably, they may still be rewarded, and then buy more optimistic in launching a further challenge to "bad guy" above. This is of course included in a separate mode called "Rising Mode". However, if you are a veteran and want to experience a game really "tough", then you can simply start the adventure in Arcade mode. The gameplay will be identical, as are the enemies and bosses, but unlike the rules Rising, you will not have any of the upgrades, bonus or ability that we talked about earlier.

    Another point which we must talk about is of course the graphics, which, as everyone can wait to the next level and is definitely a great visual impact. The game is in the hands of developers in the group Arc System Works (also known for titles such as Blaz Blue). This team of developers is particularly known for its style heavily "designed" that apply to their creations, and even in this case, Hard Corps is no exception. The style is very colorful and the effects of weapons designed to give a very good experience also play video players more fussy. In addition to graphical enhancements, what Hard Corps: Uprising wanted to draw from the latest games is the multiplayer. This allows you to complete the adventure in both single and co-op for up to two people. The fun is guaranteed. This title will be available for Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network, but does not have an official release date, pending further news, we refer to the next article.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Hard Corps: Uprising

    Game Modes

    The run and gun is a genre that has had its moments of nobility in the 80 and 90 but unfortunately today tends to be more discreet. There are now almost more than the Metal Slug and Contra to continue this tradition. But beware, this respect for tradition is not synonymous with immobility and Konami teams have even gone to look for next to Arc System Works to develop this new Contra. We recall in passing that the studio was mainly distinguished by giving birth to two sets of 2D fighting games own hallucinations: Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. It was this time charged to concoct a prequel to Contra: Hard Corps, the episode released on our Genesis under the name Probotector. The main character in Hard Corps: Uprising is indeed Colonel Bahamut, the great villain of the album released in 1994. This prequel allows us to understand better what is its relationship with Dr. Geo Mandrake and especially how he tried to overthrow the government .

    The lads of Arc System Works have not been content to lay us a stupid copy and paste the old Contra adapting it to the sauce HD, they really added to their graphic paw Hard Corps: Uprising. Specifically we find the characters so beautifully animated 2D in settings that combine 3D and 2D. We must admit that the inlay of 3D elements is sometimes a strange effect at first glance, but the richness and diversity of environments are sufficient to make the medicine go down smoothly. The second level in the jungle for example simply bluffing and vegetation that you will find not only there to please the eye: some plants will not hesitate to spew clouds of poisonous spores or unfriendly. We note in passing that a large enough variety of enemies you seek to pierce the skin. This famous jungle so you can get to know you snipers who will try to knock out anywhere on the screen. Some will always complain that the level design of lacking courage, just a fairly straight up but it is ultimately the codes of the genre who want it. We can also meet these gossips that the adventure is no shortage of passages in many and varied vehicles that come to break the monotony of the progress.

    Game Characters

    True, the argument has no relevance in a title of its kind, but the truth is that the ARC System Works guys have done a fantastic effort at the time of submission of the most spectacular way possible. A formidable cinematic begins to reel quickly and very brief narrative will henceforth practically presence testimonial. The game will tell us the story of two characters in his epic against the Commonwealth Army in this year 2613, a battle that will take the Colonel and his partner Krystal Bahamut to fight in different scenarios against hundreds of enemy troops.

    From that moment before us opens the possibility to enjoy the game's campaign from the Arcade mode and Rising, both with the character of Bahamut (male) and with the Krystal (female). What is the difference between these two forms? The campaign is the same in both, but the distinction between the two is that one of them the character evolves as we move forward in the adventure-Rising-mode and the other skills we have the default "Arcade Mode. 2D-style gameplay, hundreds of deaths and the need not to die to maintain our bonus. Such were the shooters in the 90's.
    In both modes are talking about an extremely difficult game, much in line with the high levels of difficulty for the fans enjoyed the 90's and have gradually lost the actualization of different genders. In the progression so that has a number of routines that we can keep improving our character and work to unlock mode helping make the experience more accessible, especially considering that even though we die again and again -something that usually happens, "do not lose our progress in the field of improvements.

    Otherwise the title offers a very reasonable number of hours in the single player campaign, with the usual structure of the genre. Horizontal mixing action with small elements of vertical platforms, all in a cocktail in the comfortable to be working with controls and have good reflexes to dodge enemy fire are the main keys to emerge victorious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Hard Corps: Uprising


    The title suggests a cooperative effect in both online and in local. Your friend is a real race? It is time to focus on the big news of this episode: Rising mode. This effect allows you to accumulate points in each character and then use them in a shop to unlock special skills. So you can make to boost its number of lives, to offer upgraded weapons directly, or even assign unique abilities such as a triple jump or the ability to repel bullets. Once you've done your market you can return the user directly rising and even choose the last level you have unlocked.

    Do not believe the game becomes easy by the mere presence of this mode because you have to earn the points that you then use to simplify your task, but nevertheless it offers an alternative more gradual and less frustrating to the user Arcade. Ultimately, this Hard Corps: Uprising is therefore a very good pick for fans of challenge and it is a must for fans of the Contra series. It is still a small downside: if the game is no problem with 1200 Microsoft Points, it is regretted that only offers two playable characters and need to then pay 200 or even 400 points to unlock additional Harley and Sayuri. We can certainly do without this little addition but the player who has more and more the impression of being taken for a cow to milk may rightly have a hard time swallowing this pill.

    Online Gameplay

    XLA requires, Hard Body: Uprising is playable online course, whatever the mode. A real success, as the game much easier with two passages - especially enjoying boosted character and skills well felt like this reflector projectiles. Which foot to replay the passage infiltration of Chapter 5 with his buddy, or the escort reached the level playing bodyguards. Full of such passages, known as the situations vary from one stage to another. The two shares will undoubtedly great moments for all fans of the genre. As for those who live only for the solo, the system of combos particularly well kit (without falling into the requirement Shattered Soldier ) should reserve a few sleepless nights, at least for those who want to storm the charts online.


    Some problems remain, however: besides the normal shot too decidedly lame (and thus disabling the face of most bosses ), one must admit that some checkpoints have been placed a little strangely. It is still reeling from the QTE failure who forced us to replay an entire boss , all for a leap into the void! Certainly, the addition of lives Rising mode makes this kind of failure a little less frustrating. One could even say that the checkpoints have been designed precisely to take into account all these bonuses. But still. Another complaint: load times, particularly long one chapter to another, also tend to break up the pace a bit, especially when online. We would have liked to follow up the drums beating levels. Shame finally daring to sell 200 points bonus characters on the marketplace.


    Arc System Works is a true goldsmith's 2D so it's no surprise that the lifting of the graphic series they have operated with Contra Hard Corps: Uprising is a real achievement. One can always quibble by pointing out that the integration of certain elements in 3D sometimes swears a little but we find ourselves still in the end with a result quite convincing. The gameplay is simply the hair but may perhaps seem a little stiff for those who do not yet know the kind of run and gun. The regulars will find the contrary this episode particularly nervous. The difficulty is in any case indeed present and you should take the time to learn about the levels before you get out decently.

    Hard Corps: Uprising will keep you relatively long: each of the eight levels is quite long, but it is mostly having to tame the difficulty of the title that you may take some time. Rising mode and market expertise provides a steady and less frustrating than the Arcade mode. It can also play two locally or online. Finally, note that the two characters available in DLC may be gnashing their teeth for many players. The music is like rock and roll quite in the spirit of Contra, but are also furiously thinking style pieces of Guilty Gear or BalzBlue. Cons by some noises and voices of the characters are a little disappointing.
    Fans of the Contra series might have some reluctance to discover that the studio Arc System Works has taken a lot of freedom in the graphic style of this episode, but ultimately Hard Corps: Uprising proves to be a great surprise. Not only the title offers a big challenge, but it is ultimately even more nervous than his elders. Finally, we appreciate the way Rising, which makes progress in the game less frustrating in a stupid arcade mode.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Hard Corps: Uprising

    If the shooters still fare relatively well, we cannot say the same for all sub-genres of this great family. Therefore the challenging fans can truly regret that run and gun will do rarer. But everything is not over; Konami has decided to offer us a second youth of the series with Contra Hard Corps: Uprising on Xbox Live Arcade. However, it is not worth remembering that saga, as Uprising wants to be a full stop of it and generate its own franchise. The run and gun is a genre that has its nobility moments in the 80s and 90s but unluckily today it tends to be more careful. There are now almost more than the Metal Slug and Contra to continue this tradition. But beware, this respect for tradition is not synonymous with immobility and Konami teams have even gone to look for next.

    We recall in passing that the studio was mainly distinguished by giving birth to two sets of 2D fighting games of its own vision: Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. Now as per Hard Corps: Uprising, the main character is indeed Colonel Bahamut, the great villain of the 1994 episode. This prequel let us to know better what is its relationship with Dr. Geo Mandrake and especially how he tried to overthrow the government...

    About The Game:

    The game takes us in the year 2613. The armies of the Empire under the command of Tiberius aimlessly destroy countries while no one answers them. The few attempts to create a resistance force have failed, but this time will be different. Bahamut, a former soldier of the empire rebelled against fellow sick of seeing how we fight against innocent and unarmed people. His group is attached with Krystal, a seemingly frail woman who was saved by a miracle after the attack on his people, along with Harley Daniels (a hairy biker) and Sayuri who is a samurai. These are the 4 lonely human to fight a huge army. The adventure consists of 8 levels varied and that take us from the inside of a spaceship, desert or jungle, and a very high difficulty level, which on the other hand, is one of the main features of the saga. We can say that there are quantity and above all quality opponents apart from the ordinary soldiers and flying machines.

    We will carry two weapons that we can share at any time, with the possibility even of taking two of a kind to make it even more powerful. We collect weapons from the scene if you shoot at flying green buildings, plus there is always the option of the run button to leave any trouble. The lads of Arc System Works have not been content to lay us a stupid copy and paste the old Contra adapting it to the sauce HD, they really added graphic paw to their Hard Corps: Uprising. Specifically we find the characters beautifully 2D animated in settings that combine 3D and 2D. We must admit that the inlay of 3D elements is sometimes a strange effect at first glance, but the richness and diversity of environments are sufficient to make the medicine go down smoothly.

    We have two play options in the main menu that are arcade and rising. Arcade game is the choice of traditional and yet more radical and surely all know of countless arcade style. Pure and simple action for which we have only three lives, each of which will have a small energy bar, and three famous “Continue?" option to finish the level. To further increase the difficulty of the checkpoint are not common, so often we have to repeat long stretches of phase. The story has to be played sequentially and will always have to start the first mission. Additionally, Rising is a small update to the current times. It begins exactly like the original three lives and a small energy bar, you get credit when we completed the mission with which we can buy upgrades at a store, with which customized to each of our characters unique. We can find weaponry improvements, protection, ability to purchase extra lives and more effective as an increase in the energy bar. But note that it only apply to the selected character. In this mode, the levels are being left unlocked and can be choose, if we start the adventure from the start, or continue with our progress from already passed levels.


    The gameplay should not be too disorienting Contra fans but freshers could be bit surprised by the difficulty of the game. In fact you start your adventure with three or two fragments of life depending on whether you choose to play as Bahamut or her colleague Krystal, and you have to manage to find better weapons on the battlefield. Remember that you will lose your equipment with every damage received while facing real hordes of enemies. In these circumstances, you will understand that the game gets over many times without difficulty. History spices up the adventure, the developers have been pleased to cram the trap levels and integrate overpowered boss. In short, like its forerunner, Hard Body: Uprising is definitely a game to challenge and you need some time before knowing the fingertips of the eight levels and complete the Arcade mode. Do not get so much bad blood, you'll have much more chance to advance in the game with a friend.

    Explosions and gunfire is continued on variety of locations on every level, and giant enemies like quicksand continues the traps that tangle us all with a simple but highly effective design. The background graphics are also encouraged but not come to that seen in the recent Bionic Commando Rearmed 2. In addition, to make the matters worse, sugar cane will go with rock that makes every attempt, because you will have to do a lot, a real spectacle.

    The title suggests a cooperative effect in both online and in local. It is time to focus on the big news of this episode: Rising mode. This effect allows you to accumulate points in each character and then use them in a shop to unlock special skills. So you can make to boost its number of lives, to offer weapons upgraded directly, or even assign unique abilities such as a triple jump or the ability to repel bullets ... The game becomes easy by the mere presence of this mode because you have to earn the points that can be used to make your task easy, but nevertheless it offers an alternative more gradual and less frustrating to the Arcade user. Ultimately, this Hard Corps: Uprising is therefore a very good pick for fans of challenge and it is a must for fans of the Contra series. The only downside of the game is that no matter it costs 1200 Microsoft Points, it is regretted that it offers only two playable characters and need to pay 200 or even 400 points to unlock additional Harley and Sayuri.


    Fans of the Contra series might have some reluctance to discover that the Arc System Works has taken a lot of freedom in the graphic style of this episode, but ultimately Hard Corps: Uprising proves to be a great surprise. Not only the title offers a big challenge, but it is ultimately even more nervous than its elders. Finally, we appreciate the way Rising makes progress in the less frustrating game in a stupid arcade mode. Hard Corps: Uprising justifies its name "Hard." All these praises are set by the high and difficulty level. It's a shame that this level may not be configurable according to user preference as would leave many players without a great arcade. Rising mode and market expertise provides a steady and less frustrating than the Arcade mode. Finally, we note some references that lend a smile such as the ability to hide in a box like the good old Snake to try a stealthy approach.

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