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Thread: Xbox 360 Kinect

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Xbox 360 Kinect

    Kinect heralds a new era for Microsoft. Away from a hardcore producers, through to family-friendly fun and easy game ideas. A few studios and publishers have been announced for shooters and similar projects is Kinect support, but at least at launch Microsoft relies on a whole range of mini-games you at E3. Perhaps this is due to the lavish range of games that accompany the launch, or contrast with the ultra-cautious approach adopted by Sony with the Playstation Move, but the fact is that one does not feel being in the presence of a single device. It was, as ever over the years, the impression of attending the launch of new hardware. KINECTS is absolutely perfect. It is expensive, capricious and unreliable, it is difficult to adapt. Nevertheless, it is an amazing device based on a futuristic technology. Casually, when was the last time the game world was such a good time with an innovation of this caliber? KINECTS Sports is a game copy-friendly and one of the most compelling success stories long ago from people who imitate Rare Nintendo. We loved football and sparkling presentation, and it's a friendly game really recommendable. Dance Central is not quite the progress we had hoped over to Just Dance, but it's a very cool game from Harmonix with an amazing list of songs. The result should be magnificent.


    With a price of 150 Euro, KINECTS is a device very expensive, even if one takes into account the fact that KINECTS Adventures is offered in the package. It is a good thing that it seems to be of a quality commensurate with its price. It is very tall, strong and polished to a finish comparable to the Xbox 360 Slim. There are many cut openings on each side and three large sensors in the front. There is also an LED indicating power on. If you have an Xbox 360 Slim, you can plug the sole decision-KINECTS directly into the console. If you have the original model, you should use an extra cable that splits into a USB connector and a separate power adapter. For some reason, KINECTS only works with the USB port on the back of your Xbox, and if you have a WiFi adapter, you must connect it to the front of the machine with an extension cable, it a bit inelegant. KINECTS should be placed in the center of your TV, above or below ground at a distance ranging from 70 cm to 1.80 m. This should not be a problem. The problem is space to play. It must be held at 1.80 m from the sensor to play solo. If you take your coffee table, maybe you will have enough space, but if KINECTS must detect two people at once, you'll need an unobstructed area with a depth of 2.50 m. it will also be sufficient horizontal space that two people are clearly separated.

    At the presentation of the game there was quite a large range of sports to watch. From soccer, hurdles and even a bit of spear throwing. In total, there will be six events: soccer, table tennis, bowling, obstacle course, volleyball and boxing. In the playable demo session then it became something more manageable. After all, you could try out the hurdles that it was both in single player as well as in two-player split-screen mode. The goal is pretty simple: you have to run frantically to the spot and always jump up when an obstacle comes into view. Only by estimating the whole thing properly, it hangs and you can not maintain the speed. Your speed depends not on how fast you're running in place, but how many calories you consume. The system measures built on a small module in the Xbox based on your movements, the number of calories. In the hurdles you have to not only move your legs, but at the same time your arms. A very strenuous affair, which apparently is the goal. Finally Kinect get fit. Those who want something more relaxing, gets delivered with bowling more calm. Simply move one arm to the left or right to cancel the ball, then run a simple bowling motion. That's it. It feels as advanced in Wii Sports. You can even just pick up and throw the ball with both arms. The end result is thus indeed mixed, but it's kinda cool that the motion is implemented as exact. Conversely, those who uses traditional techniques, can act very well. Self-rotations of the spheres are possible. Currently, there were still a few minor problems. Again and again the ball is jumped during the throwing motion, which may be associated also with the limited field of view of the camera. Does the left hand example in the backswing to the field? The last feature was the Kinect-Sports-demo shown to interact with the audience. With simple movements can cheer on the crowd and you get in return, particularly euphoric cheers heard. The spectators sit here together from avatars and look really smart. Hundreds individual figures and pretty particle effects, as far as the eye. Also be mentioned that most of the elements of sport are not Kinect gesture controlled, but 1 are reacted to 1. For example, if you travel with the avatar of the hurdles, each movement of the arms exactly reproduced by the avatar. While there is some delay, but this is rare, according to just 150 ms. Less is through the path of the light to camera and the implementation on the screen almost impossible.

    Kinect Adventures

    Since the next game that was shown, Kinect Adventures, a full-price titles from the creative mind behind Natal, Kudo Tsunoda. As with the Ricochet demo for the first representation, it's mostly about the dodging of goals, the collection of coins and the control of a boat. In total there will be 20 different mini-game adventure. We have three games like this. For example, a slightly souped-up version of Ricochet. The defenses of balls has been simplified. The implementation of human movements are not quite as soft and will not be transported more 1 to 1. On the gamescom the Avatar was firmly linked with your movements. Now it seems that the underlying skeletal structure to have less points. Their movements are less fluid. The next demo consisted of an obstacle course, which one travels on a moving car. You must avoid obstacles, you duck connect to the side or jump. Really important seems to be the collection of bonus points to be. This is done through your arm position and requires some skill. Can also accelerate their movements with snap at some point your car to the two-player mode to obtain a projection of your opponent.

    As with Kinect Sports you feel that you can jump a little too late, or dodging the objects. So you should run a little earlier than the movement it should really be. In part it may be due to the delay, but in addition to the technological problems is also the human factor plays a role. If one assumes times that both Kinect Sports and Adventures Kinect have 150 ms delay the implementation of a body movement needs more than simply pressing a button. In particular, jumps and take evasive action just a certain time. This is then added to the delay. Sun comes together into effect with the gesture recognition for a much longer total time. An element that has been implemented really well, the two-player split-screen mode. You can directly jump out and clean. Just when someone plays alone the camera field of view and start entering. The screen will automatically split and if a player again duck out, the view switches back to single seamless view. The last game of the three-level demo was Rush River. A game that was presented in detail in the press conference. One or two players sit in a boat and try a whitewater river point to pick up badges. Here one must go through the rest to one side and jumps to dodge obstacles or achieve specific platforms. There are even cloud streets. All very simple design and fun. In all competitions also snapping a photo of the players. A feature that is a little reminiscent of the peel photo stops on rides. Also, the graphics, thanks to Unreal Engine 3 is looking pretty good and Kinect Adventures, along with the smartest Kinect Sports Game of the Kinect-launch line-up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Xbox 360 Kinect

    Dance Central

    Harmonix 'Dance Central provides this content from the most promising and could be a big hit. The idea is very simple: choose a piece of music (for example, a song by Lady Gaga) and simply imitate the dance movements of the dancers. The individual moves are supported with explanatory drawings, so you can shimmy you quite fluid from one section to another. Getting started is easy, it makes a lot of fun and shows because it is principally based on gestures, virtually no lag. Ironically, just the game that is the least of the technological possibilities of Kinect, perhaps the biggest hit. But in the end it is above all the integration that makes the difference at Harmonix and Dance Central to such a brilliant title.

    There are always instrumental breaks in which you do not imitate more movements, but even appears on the screen and can send effects a little freestyle. For this purpose, as in Kinect Adventures shot pictures, which you can then marvel at. As with the other two titles this is a nice feature that can be uploaded in the case of Kinect Sports even as Camera Feed on YouTube. That will not please everyone, but the whole thing is fortunately not a must.

    Your Shape: Fitness Evolved

    Your Shape: Fitness Evolved is a high-end version of Wii Fit, when you can not cheat. The camera captures the entire body and you have the motions just to collect a hit. Content you will find many elements of Wii Fit. You have to follow their movements on the screen, hold yoga postures, or objects out of the way boxing. In addition, the camera recorded at the beginning of your measurements and calibrating the play like that. Then you seek out different exercises and you can reduce calories while. The graphics are clean and attractive. The translation of the players condition looks smart and seems to work reasonably well. For most exercises, the delay due to the slow gameplay does not matter. Only for fast variants may be problems. You just have to wait if Your Shape against EA claiming Active 2, which appears also to Kinect.

    Joy Ride

    Perhaps the weakest track of the presentation was Kinects Joy Ride. A cartoon-like racing game, that of her style a little reminiscent of Crazy Taxi and about as controlled as the Natal Burnout demo of the last E3, or by the Games Gom. You hold your hands before you into the air and acts as if it moves a steering wheel. There are also a few new features: So it raises about a Nitro if it the "wheel" only backwards and then pressed forward yet. In addition, you can improve your cornering her by her you left or right leaning. Sort of like a power drift. In addition, you can jump while completing various stunts that you can reach appropriately high scores. On some routes you have previously defined high scores reach or fulfill other tasks. In addition, you expect different game modes and new environments.

    Unfortunately, Joy Ride has a few problems. First and foremost, the game is hard to see in some people's movements. While yours truly had no problems, Johnny was not at all or very poorly recorded. The end result were three restarts and a look at the User Interface, to be sure that his skeleton data are recorded. Nevertheless, the game would not work with him. Joy Ride shows yet another drawback to the controller-less interfaces: the menu navigation. Without a button to select a function you have to keep his hand on the current menu item and there can be as long until it is activated. This feels very awkward and unfortunately cumbersome. In the press conference the more elegant solution to the voice control was used, maybe we can so as to deal these problems. Currently, the selection is preparing still major problems. In view of the otherwise fairly well resolved elements of course that is not dramatic, but it bothers crucial. Interestingly, the fact that is achieved in Kinect Adventures selecting a simple wiping movement. Supported by a much better graphics solution.


    When you plug KINECTS for the first time, you are guided through a calibration process relatively short and requiring no effort called KINECTS Tuner. This process can be repeated if you have trouble. Some games require a specific calibration, but it is usually minimal. There is something strange - in a good sense - in the way of the motorized head unit goes up and down when it checks your room. The tuner also has some sound to understand the acoustics of the room, and it is remarkable that the only configuration of the voice you need to do, you do not need him to learn your voice or words. The voice control works superbly well the vast majority of the time, and pleased to be able to initiate a replay of a very SF or select a menu by saying the words far exceeds the slight absurdity of having to precede each command word Xbox. There is a slight lag, but it's better than having to take a remote controller. It KINECTS ID that requires configuration is the most sensitive. Learn to recognize the device requires you to make your avatar a kind of dance a little stiff around the playing area while taking poses. It's fun at first but soon blowing, and you must repeat this several times in different lighting conditions before it is reliable. We were never able to run KINECTS ID flawless in all games. Still, when it works the result is incredible ease with which one can enter the game with a friend to see his profile and avatar automatically recognized show is not only impressive, it is completely magical. Knowing Microsoft, it will continue to improve and expand how KINECTS works with the interface of the Xbox 360 in future updates. We hope so anyway, because the current implementation is limited, which is a bit disappointing. As you know, you can not use KINECTS to control the dashboard of the 360, nor the store Xbox Live friends list, libraries, or profiles settings - none of that. Instead he should shake hands or say "Xbox KINECTS" to attract the attention of collectors and it is transported to KINECTS Hub. It is a kind of dashboard inside a dashboard, a walled garden where you can indulge in activities supported by KINECTS.

    Menus are selected by shaking the hand to move a cursor on the screen to the desired option. Keeping his hand in position for a couple of seconds confirms the choice. You get used to, but it's slow, inaccurate and frustrating. The gesture of "sweep" used in the menus of Dance Central, and on rare occasions in the main interface is much higher. The system of inspection by the voice works best, but its availability is limited and a maddening irregularity. "If you can see, you can say its name," says the interface - it is still necessary for that there is a small microphone icon on the screen. KINECTS Guide, a simple version of the Xbox Guide (for success, bring in and out of players, etc..) That we showed by reaching right, do not support it. He does not play DVDs or music on the hard drive. That's right. If you want to start playback of a DVD or song in the voice (or gesture for that matter) like in the movies and sci-fi feel of being in Minority Report, you should use the fake iTunes Microsoft - downloading and streaming services Zune. It works so great, but the choice of media is limited, as are your payment options and your rights of ownership. Even more annoying, it feels uncomfortable to be forcing its hand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Xbox 360 Kinect

    For use ...

    There are other options for streaming video and audio KINECTS. Player and Sky are also supported, but that Sky Player also works with the gestures, it is currently free voice control. End this chapter on a good note. We were not able to fully test the service of video chat Video KINECTS, but its interface is clean and pleasant, and the way the camera follows you is truly staggering. During a video chat, you are not glued to your chair in a rigid pose, as with a webcam, the camera follows you naturally through the room quickly and intelligently adjusting the zoom and angle for frame your face, even if you make sudden movements. This is something very impressive. The best thing is that it KINECTS is the easiest to forget: there is no need for a controller. Of course, we have nothing against the controllers. Whether it be motion capture controllers or traditional controllers, they provide incredible gaming experiences that KINECTS will never be able to manage - and responsiveness, precision and tactile feedback that he can never imitate. Still, we hate batteries, chargers, cables, while the bazaar of the connector, and drawers and boxes full of plastic parts that must withstand gamers. The Move is an excellent system and responsive with great potential, but in addition to the Eye camera must be a pair of chopsticks Move, navigation controllers, cables or charging stations, and it must constantly supply electricity as chicks in a nest that squeak. Conversely, KINECTS is simplicity itself. You never have to recharge it, plug or unplug. If you want to play with, all you have to do - literally - is to say.

    However, it should make some efforts to use KINECTS. It lacks precision and Microsoft made the interface more complicated and cluttered than necessary. During those days where I had to familiarize myself with KINECTS, I went through periods of confusion and irritation to learn, particularly in the management of the profile and the interface where it is tedious Shake hands. It is not as accessible as should be a game without a controller.


    It is likely that all this will improve in time with firmware updates and the dashboard. It is even possible that the performance of KINECTS also improved. We say that the latency is noticeable and pronounced in the reproduction of gestures and in most games. Most of the time, it is bearable and you'll get used to, and the best are just a way to circumvent the problem. It seems that more KINECTS has much to do, the more latency increases. When he pursues the exaggerated movements of entire bodies of two players (eg KINECTS Sports Football), the system tends to row, but Joy Ride single player, with its subtle movements, can be controlled smoothly. KINECTS thus displays defects. If you are ready to support them, you'll have a jewel in the hands of new technology that has something to amaze you and many impressive advantages for usability. It really transforms your Xbox into a different machine (although it is regrettable that this new machine seems to have nothing to do with the old one). Frankly, it recalls the first experience with the Wii and it is not quite as efficient we imagined, but it really is totally innovative. There is also no doubt that non-gamers will be completely stuck, although many will probably find it too expensive. If the prospect of KINECTS excites you, or simply if you like the new material for games, you should absolutely buy one. This feeling of being projected into the future that gives this new technology is something we had not experienced during the past five years and, if that's what you like, it is well worth its 150 euros. At this price, it is much cheaper than other alternatives currently available: a 3D TV. There are some good games at launch even if they are not great either made for gamers, and it's a wonderful toy family.


    If you're still undecided, we advise you to wait. KINECTS improve with time and games who will really benefit from its potential are yet to come. Hopefully Microsoft and its partners can meet the challenge of this new form of game better than most have done with the Wii. KINECTS merit.

  4. #4
    GroovieGargoyle Guest

    Re: Xbox 360 Kinect

    An EXCELLENT! review... I couldn't add anything if I wanted. Great work The#Danger!

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