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Thread: What Linux Distro is Google Using

  1. #1
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    Apr 2008

    What Linux Distro is Google Using

    It is still not sure about the Linux Distribution used by Google. I am not sure but before sometime I had heard about the same as the rumor which came out of a newspaper. There it was referred that there is a particular project called as Goobuntu. This is a Google’s operating system based on Linux. It was also showed that Google would work on a draft operating system based on Linux (as it already does internally), specifically a distribution Ubuntu (Debian). One can wonder about the seriousness of this story. This could well be a rumor again (like last about Napster ), as is often the case now that Google News is at the heart of the Internet. It could also simply be a project engineer Googleplex , or a team (each employee has 20% of their time to complete personal projects). It is based on Ubuntu, a popular version of Linux. Ubuntu is one of the many descendants of Debian, a reference in the matter. Particularly active, the community pulls out a release every six months. Ubuntu is simple, free and can be installed in under 25 minutes.

    Goobuntu combines the names of Google and Ubuntu. The latter is a free Linux distribution that has caused a stir for last. Ubuntu is designed especially for Linux newcomers and waives the typical for many a Linux distribution diversity program to help newcomers to the survey. Now circulating an online report, is to develop for the Google an operating system based on Ubuntu. Offshoot of Ubuntu are not uncommon, there is such as Kubuntu with a version that uses KDE instead of Gnome as the graphical user interface. However Goobuntu is mentioned in the article rather casually. It says simply, Google has developed its own version of Ubuntu, which goes by the name Goobuntu. It remains unclear what is supposed to be the purpose of this Goobuntu. Should it be installed on a future distributed by Google computer. Or simply as an alternative to Windows , other Linux distributions available as. Or it will come only as the basis for Google's own services and servers used.

    But if this was a serious project, it would be risky from Google to get into a totally foreign to its core business, the Advertising search information. But has so far provided no details, including its objective. Is this a version for internal use 'Or will it distributed to the public, just to address the market of choice for Microsoft' Still, it seems clear that Google will approach the world of desktops, would Does its applications (Google Earth, Google Desktop , Picasa , Google Talk ), but also by the announcement of the Google Pack made at CES.

    This silence from Google is far from surprising. First, the project still seems a very early stage and to hope to compete with Microsoft, Google still has to travel a long way on the path of development. Second, Google remains true to its policy of not disclosing hard to launch its products when they leave. In the meantime, although the possible marketing of a Google operating system remains very uncertain under the strategy implemented by Microsoft Windows Live and the admission of a Goobuntu that exists for staff firm, we can assume he has a chance that one day the system arrives on the market. But even this project would have the ambition to compete with Windows, there is still much work to do. This is not tomorrow that we will see boxes stamped Goobuntu.

    Google remains to properly evaluate its strategy. As to compete directly with Microsoft on this domain is not an easy task. That said, if this is true, and that Google engineers are actually working on it, this is excellent news for the Ubuntu project itself. This would provide a big boost to this version of Linux is becoming a leader, including Live CD version. Ubuntu probably many Linux users say something, but that this was now getting from Google is a momentum is probably only the least-liked. If something is likely the rumor should be tuned, then be obvious which tools are packed with this operating system. An integrated search into the operating system, like Vista is also self-evident.

    It is therefore possible that Google is working on a complete distribution or only on a software package for Linux. According to the register with Google Goobuntu is a logical next step in its desktop strategy. The Google Pack there is already a collection of desktop software from Google, including Google Earth, Google Desktop and Google Toolbar. And the free Firefox Web browser is part of the package that there is but only for Windows XP. For the wealthy founder of Ubuntu could be a deal with Google could make sense. Finally, Mark Shuttleworth looks obvious with new challenges. to spread his own operating system and to make Windows market share would be in dispute, such a challenge for a man who has ever purchased a private space flight. Goobuntu is a clear signal of growth in the market for Linux desktop environments. It is not the first time that Google tries to associate their name with a software, Picasa, Google Talk and Google Earth are the three projects that are already available for download. Google Pack, the newest, has instead been structured as a suite of composed of free software programs that can cover the most common functions.

  2. #2
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    Apr 2008

    Re: What Linux Distro is Google Using

    Benefits of Goobuntu

    Goobuntu is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that Google uses in its offices. About half of the 20,000 Google employees use this modified version of Ubuntu. Some have suggested that Google may plan to launch the distribution. While Google and the creator of Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth confirmed that Goobuntu exists and is used internally, 4 both have strongly refuted suggestions that Google has any plans to market the system operative. It was an open secret for some time. The Chrome browser and Android mobile system was the first step today announced the Operating System is the search giant, Google Chrome OS. Speed, simplicity and safety are key issues that Google offers through this new system.

    It will be super lightweight and fast, to allow start and you surf the Web in seconds. The user interface is minimalist, to not interfere visually with almost the entire experience will be on the Web. Complete redesign of the security architecture of the system, so users do not have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates.

    The above three points are obvious, if we consider that Google Chrome uses the Linux OS Kerne l basis. Therefore, Google's operating system will be open source (open-source), ergo, free (at this time when Redmond is beginning to tremble). Initially it was thought that Google Chrome is OS for netbooks, but also can be installed on x86 and ARM platforms, even the Google guys are already in talks with OEMs for several models of future netbooks come pre-installed with new system.

    Google Chrome is intended that OS is available to the general public in the second half of next year 2010, but rest assured that this year will begin to see alpha versions (and perhaps betas) for us to play with them.
    No doubt, Google chose the best time to make this move, which will make many, many Microsoft Windows users to migrate (finally) to a Linux based alternative. It will also feature updated security architecture. Google emphasizes the fact that Chrome will not suffer from virus or malicious software (like other systems based on Linux kernel). Because many current operating systems were designed in times when the Internet was not dominant, Chrome is designed with this in mind, thus eliminating entrenched common security risks.

    Chrome OS is an independent project of the Google Android operating system, which was designed primarily for use in smartphones. Chrome's new OS is focused on users who spend most of their time online but you may both be merged into the future to resolve the differences between Chrome OS Yandro operation. Google is working with numerous companies to design and build devices that support Chrome OS.

    Chrome OS

    Chrome OS is another product by Google for his users. It is not so hit but widely accepted for most of the models. The possibilities of Web applications not only are limited to HTML and JavaScript, there are various possibilities such as Adobe Flash, Silverlight and JavaFX. Google has now added in early December 2008 a further variant, the Native Client. In contrast to a solution such as Microsoft ActiveX is the platform-independent execution of native applications that ambitious goal. Through the execution of native applications in a browser so, the idle resources of the local clients are used. The distant goal of Google is to minimize JavaScript in your browser and to also relieve the server. As an example, in the background documentation, photo-sharing application lists a, possibility to edit images with. The calculations are taken from the native application on the client and must no longer be performed by the server. The waiting time for the user is thereby reduced by a multiple of the differences disappear and the desktop application.

    A native client application consists of individual trust (trusted) and not trusted (untrusted) Native client modules. Parts of the application are automatically considered to be untrusted. The browser itself is also part of the Native Client, however trustworthy. When a page that contains a native client application that is using JavaScript the application by using the Native Client Plug-in is loaded into a native client container. It should be noted that is open when no popup to query permissions, because this is the Native Client responsible. Exactly at this point a legitimate question to ask about the security and how it is provided by the native client container.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2008

    Re: What Linux Distro is Google Using

    Components of a native client application to run in its own address space. The communication between the components (Inter-Component Communication) is made with the Native Client Datagram Service, the IMC (Inter Module Communications). For communication between the browser and a native client module indicate that the variants SRPC (Simple RPC) and NPAPI (Netscape Plug-in Application Programming Interface), both based on IMC. For tasks such as memory management and thread is a native client application called Service Runtime. Within a process so-called Inner makes sandboxes for foreclosure against other components. Individual processes are by Outer Sandbox shielded from each other. Communication between them is possible only with IMC.

    The company that makes gOS has nothing to do with Google, but seems at least moderately clear marketing proximity to the Internet search giant. Unlike traditional Linux distributions, gOS is Google's online services much in the foreground. The application launch bar (reminiscent in style to some of the dock on Mac OS X) contains almost only icons for Google services: There are Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar, Blogger, Maps, Youtube, and Product Search.

    The only foreign body is links to Facebook, Wikipedia and the IM service Meeboo. All these links will open in the pre-installed Firefox browser. Ultimately, the application selection is not much more than a glorified bookmark list, because the Internet services are not already configured on. After all, is the Google Toolbar pre-installed, creating at least a sense of integration. Of locally installed software, there is a Skype client, a DVD player and music player Rhythmbox. Also, the adult OpenOffice package is already installed, but is strangely hidden quite well. Obviously the makers of the GOS web orientation of their operating system was so important that they emphasized one of the strongest Linux features do not continue.


    The system is loosely based on Linux, however, Google developed its own code. He will indeed be available as open source, but only if the system is launched. What I find interesting: The system is built around the Chrome browser and not Android. Although it will probably take over elements and above all the experience from the development of Android, but basically you build as well to something else. Because it's not about developing a desktop system from which it is based online. But you go first into the net from there and concerned the programs that you need now. It thus moves in the cloud, which also means that you can keep the system lean.

    Whether the computer users are the target group of gOS, understand such configuration instructions, may be doubted clear. That's just still the problem of modern Linux distributions: Without any special knowledge one cannot usually very far. gOS does not use as Ubuntu Gnome as window manager for the desktop, but the less-known package Enlightenment . This surface is very much inspired by Mac OS X and a bit more readable than the usual Linux desktop. The wonderful icons have certainly appeal to beginners. On the system menu but you will also pass on the colorful icons to access almost all configurations. And who is venturing into the Linux shell can, of course, as always with Linux at all, tinkering manually. For advanced user gOS is flexible enough so sure.

    What are the advantages of gOS over alternative solutions? Compared to other Unix distributions, gOS offers secure its relative simplicity. Who actually primarily used Google's online services, gets gOS with a solid and surf-friendly platform that runs on old PCs still great. Beginners should but at least back to the beginning of the help of a Linux hacker, for quite as trivial is not the initial configuration. For example, gOS comes at least in the download version without the pre-installed Flash Player, and then makes the YouTube link of little use. The installation of such additional software on Linux is unfortunately still not as easy as the commercial competition.

    Compared to Windows (particularly Vista) gOS is of course an enormous amount of resource-saving. And of course it is because free, much cheaper: A Linux PC costs about $ 80 less than a comparable machine with preinstalled Vista Home Basic. And if you want to process more documents and spreadsheets, you can start at the same gOS pre-installed with OpenOffice, must buy in to the Windows world, but for another $ 125, the smallest Microsoft Office version. Of course, gOS is not quite the same features as the latest Microsoft products, but for the average home user, it is probably sufficient. And that you can save total $ 205 compared to Microsoft's offer, is sure to disturb anyone.

    Overall gOS but the claim as an ideal entry-level operating system are not quite fair. Unfortunately, it leaves many details in a rather unfinished feel. Like so out of the box with complete beginners the first steps in gOS will probably be quite overwhelmed. And who has applications such as iPod synchronization, video editing or games in mind is on Linux anyway not necessarily the right place. Similarly, the implicit closeness to Google gOS is only limited to that the links appear on Google's online services everywhere. Strangely, is just the recently released Linux version of Google Desktop is not part of gOS, and just missing Google Earth and Picasa. gOS system is so far removed from the (for some attractive, others frightening) vision of a total PCs.

    gOS is a good solution for simple, cheap surf stations. Who wants to put a total PC novice a machine into the house, which is used primarily for browsing and web mail should look at gOS secure. Cheaper it is almost guaranteed not to get at a relatively beginner-friendly system. But wait a minute for pre-configuration should already bring.

    Conclusion :

    Google teams have some freedom to work on cutting edge projects, these projects go in the trash or they become kill-apps. The company has admitted to seriously look at Ubuntu, but refused to comment further on this information. The objective of this research is not publicly known, but is perhaps not known by Google. One thing is sure, if the Google engineers get to work, they will bring some benefits to the distribution of free OS. The Google operating system is its own Linux distribution that is based on the Ubuntu project of the South African multi-millionaire Mark Shuttleworth and the name "Goobuntu" with. What many Google fans will be disappointed, however, is that it is Goobuntu to an in-house Linux distribution which is customized to your needs is. A publication of Goobuntu is not planned. Some have suggested that plan to Google was, much to market distribution.
    The other option is Chrome OS, this is still in the market and people are using out. However, not only for work and surfing is Google OS comfortable likely is also provided for the entertainment of users. Thus, in addition to the Video Community YouTube are also a significant big game section is available. Besides well-known games such as FreeCell, Mines and others is also originally from Japan Sudoku available.

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