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Thread: AMD Thuban X6 Overclocking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    AMD Thuban X6 Overclocking

    The Phenom II X6 is happening to us today is very similar to Phenom X4 II, except that it therefore has two extra core. You can stick to 128 KB of L1 cache and 512KB L2 cache per core, shared L3 cache and a 6 Mo. cons die through 258 mm to 346 mm, and the number of transistors 758,000,000 904 million, and everything remains engraved in 45nm. Here you can see two X6 with a TDP of 95W, a 1055T and 1035T (2.6 GHz / 3.1 GHz TC) but they are a priori reserved to OEMs. 1075T version running at 3 GHz with a 3.5 GHz Turbo mode is a TDP of 125W is scheduled for the third quarter, and a Phenom X4 II 960T clocked at 3 GHz with 3.4 GHz Core Turbo is actually a Thuban with 2 core disabled. Most attention will have noticed the TDP content of these processors despite a fine engraving in 45nm and the presence of 6 core. The Phenom X4 II 965 and 955 for C3 show a TDP of 125W reminder to 3.4 and 3.2 GHz, 95W cons for the 945 and 925-3 and 2.8 GHz.

    You could see in the list of processors, they are equipped with a technology called Turbo CORE AMD. AMD's true answer to Intel Turbo Boost, this technology works like the latter automatically, without requiring software or driver is: only a compatible motherboard will be needed, what will happen to all maps AM3 but also a priori certain AM2 +. In practice, when three or more core are inactive cores active frequency will increase to 500 MHz by 400 to see the CPU, within the TDP. What about tension? We could do with the AMD OverDrive utility that the latter could vary. Thus, our Phenom X4 1090T Test II, when the turbo went up to 3.5 GHz in some hearts, they were still supplied with 1.3V, but went up to 1.475 V when the maximum of 3.6 GHz.

    All bios motherboards do not include necessarily the ability to disable the Turbo Core, as is the case on Crosshair Formula IV with 0602, but in all cases the AMD OverDrive utility provides this possibility. Better still, it can also change from top to bottom: number of cores amplified maximum coefficient and are therefore modifiable DIT. When one core is active, its frequency varies between 3.5 and 3.6 GHz. With two core assets, we are at 3.5 GHz, with three cores at 3.5 GHz and with four core Turbo is inactive, resulting in a frequency of 3.2 GHz. It should be noted that AMD OverDrive does not re exactly the same frequencies as in the software it is AMD 3.6 GHz with 1 or 2 core and 3 core with it varies between 3.5 and 3.6 GHz. It is impossible to say now which of the software is right, but in any case we can see that the Turbo CORE is functional.

    In comparison, our Phenom X4 II 965 Black Edition is 1.4V to review C2 and C3 1.35V review. The operating voltage is limited evidence of good joint working and AMD Phenom on GlobalFoundries II X6 revision E0. Of course it can vary from one processor to another and we have such knowledge of copies that have a VID of 1.325 v. According to its TDP Phenom II X6 1090T is relatively economical and configuration displays support only 7W more compared to a Phenom X4 II 965 in C3 review. If one remains at rest over at the top of this platform offers the Intel LGA1156, it is below the LGA1366. Here consumption measured on the ATX12V which feeds exclusively processor.

    AMD will initially launch three models in this new family of six-core microprocessors, particularly the models are: Phenom II X6 1075T with a TDP of 125W, Phenom Phenom II X6 II 1055T and 1035T with a TDP of 95W (apparently there will be a version of the 1055T 125W) all 9MB cache.

    Turbo Mode

    The letter T in the trade name of the processor indicates the arrival of the turbo mode for AMD. The principle of this technology could not be simpler, if the processor finds that half of its cores are used and the heat generated is not too high, it will increase its frequency temporarily. The turbo mode is variable depending on the processor, as you can see from the table above can climb the 1090T 400MHz (3.6GHz in total) and of 500MHz 1055T (for 3.3GHz total).

    The advantage of this feature is clear, at present there is still a good number of applications unable to take advantage of multicore processors, they will benefit more than a higher frequency of execution, that the presence of additional core, loading only work on one of processor core. In these situations turn off unused cores helps to contain the energy required by the CPU, part of which can be used to overclock the core under load, raising its frequency but keeping the total consumption by a maximum TDP. Thus consumption would remain unchanged (or even lower), whereas the benefits, both with applications optimized for multicore, which would remain high.

    AMD Overdrive software has also been updated for the release of these processors and can therefore see the turbo mode in action. You can affirm that we now have not been seduced by the real application of the turbo mode. It is readily seen on the video but when three hearts are loaded (via SuperPi three transfers in parallel), we stayed at 3.2Ghz processor, even when both cores are requested, and however we see the CPU raise the frequency. But the 3.6GHz have actually been achieved very little time, we still managed to take a snapshot of the CPU-Z beast.

    The influence of the turbo mode can the Cinebench R10 benchmark quite clearly visible: This benchmark takes the same test only one both core and with all available cores by using and shows much faster the use of multiple cores is like. For common Quadcores is known as the "speedup" is usually at 3.6 to 3.8 and slightly lower than the number of cores. Accordingly, the speedup in the vicinity of 5.4 to 5.8 is expected. With the turbo mode thread is the benchmark with only one accelerated, however, so the speedup is only 4.6. This represents a performance per core of about 21%, the right to bar increase of 18% fits well.

    The Phenom Turbo II X6 Core technology comes into operation as soon as three or more cores are unused, and is anxious to overclock the core assets by increasing the frequency up to 500 MHz over the standard. The other core, those "sleepers" are instead taken to the minimum frequency of 800 MHz. Intel's approach is more sophisticated: Turbo Boost is activated regardless of the number of cores idle, and is able to take into account more factors including the overall workload. Thanks also to the technique of power drain, Turbo Boost can vary the voltage of each core independently from the others, and come to completely turn off unused cores: this provides a greater margin for overclocking the core assets.

    A list of the first processor which supports Turbo CORE :
    • AMD Phenom II X6 1090T - Base frequency 3.2 GHz frequency with Turbo CORE - 3.6 GHz
    • AMD Phenom II X6 1075T - Base frequency 3 GHz, the frequency with Turbo CORE - 3.5 GHz
    • AMD Phenom II X6 1055T - Base frequency 2.8 GHz frequency with Turbo CORE - 3.3 GHz
    • AMD Phenom II X6 1035T - Base frequency 2.6 GHz frequency with Turbo CORE - 3.1 GHz
    • AMD Phenom II X4 960T - Base frequency 3 GHz, the frequency with Turbo CORE - 3.4 GHz

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: AMD Thuban X6 Overclocking


    What about overclocking the Phenom II X6 1090T. Our CPU test with a coefficient unlocked we both played on it and on the frequency of buses to get a nice overclock to 4.4Ghz (+37.5%). AMD Overdrive software makes overclocking can be done and tested under Windows directly. As you can see from the screenshot below the majority of parameters are adjustable on the fly (voltage processor, multiplier, bus frequency).

    Overclocking Phenom II X6 1090T has not led to a significant increase in power consumption in idle mode, as Cool n Quiet technology continues to work and reduces the CPU clock speed and voltage to the level of 800 MHz if possible. All test systems showed consumption from 80 to 90 watts, which is a very good result, given that we consider the fastest configuration. At the same time in our systems worked video card ATI Radeon HD5850 from Sapphire. Faster models typically have stronger increase consumption in idle mode.

    A very impressive result for this so Phenom II X6. 1.22 V are necessary to 3.3 and 3.4 GHz (106 and 108W), 1.28 V to 3.5 and 3.6 GHz (126 and 127W), 1.33 V to 3.7 GHz (145W), 1.38 V to 3.8 GHz (166W), 1.44 V to 3.9 GHz (188W) and 1.49 V at 4 GHz (224W). These data can be summarized in this chart, with the abscissa frequency processor, and ordered its consumption via the ATX12V measured in watts. As you can see, it is possible to achieve the 3.6 GHz on our test model while maintaining a reasonable consumer. Beyond that, you can increase the voltage of 0.05V in 100 MHz, which has a significant impact on consumption and thus heat. At 4 GHz, it consumes 93% higher than the initial adjustment and 2.3 times more by lowering their blood, all for only 25% higher frequency.

    I had used the same protocol as that opened for testing Core i5. We have benefited as a reminder of the availability of Windows 7 final version for rethinking. OS side first so we now proceed to Windows 7 in 64 bits, which means that all software available in 64 bits is tested in this fashion. The software is updated, and 3ds max increases from the 2009 version to version 2010, MinGW is updated as WinRAR (3.8 to 3.9), After Effects (CS3 to CS4) and Nuendo (4.2 to 4.3). Combos VirtualDub / DivX and AutoMKV/x264 leave their room for combos and MainConcept Avidemux/x264 Reference/H.264, while the test files of virtually all tests are changed or modified (higher resolution rendering for example).

    The problem is that we have been deprived of the most important thing - to monitor CPU temperature. Classic utility for measuring temperature - RealTemp and SpeedFan could not work properly with the processor, the first to give an error when loading the form Processor Phenom II X6 1090T is not supported, the second starts, but showed gibberish like-127 degrees. Surprisingly, it was unable to help us and proprietary utility AMD OverDrive, which was kindly provided by employees. For example, a simple program to report on the temperature of the nuclei in the vicinity of 19 degrees and under load the temperature of the overclocked processor cores amounted to no more than 40 degrees, which is obviously far from realistic values.
    The overclocking potential of the first Phenom II on the nucleus Deneb stepping C2 lying in the 3700 MHz, and for the subjugation of these frequencies is not required sophisticated and expensive cooling system.

    Translation of Deneb core to a new revision of C3 has raised the bar acceleration to 4000 MHz using high-quality air cooler. The overclocking potential of processors Phenom II X6 yet poorly understood, but the Internet has information about successful overclocking Phenom II X6 1055T up to 4000 MHz and above. However, there is also information about the increased demand for new AMD processors to power VRM motherboards.

    For experiments on acceleration of payment was chosen MSI 890FXA-GD70 chipset AMD 890FX, with a detailed review that we have seen you in the near future. This board has advanced overclocking capabilities and is equipped with a powerful power system CPU, built on a "4 +1", where the four phases of the feed processing cores, and one phase is responsible for creating tension controller RAM and cache the third level. Without monitoring the temperature of the processor is not particularly. Well, at least you can try to search the brink of stability at different voltages. But here, we are waiting for the problem: so beloved by all Linpak in the shell Linx correctly determined all six cores and tried to load them, but this has not happened. Testing starts, but monitor the loading of nuclei showed a complete lack thereof.


    Processor Phenom II X6 for AMD so much because it is the most promising desktop processors today. Although he is not able to win six-core Intel Core i7-980X, which occupies a leading position in all the tests, AMD, finally managed to reach the segment of enthusiasts, offering a very efficient processor costs less than $ 300. Any other Intel processor at the same price will equal or lesser capacity (all depends on your workloads), and each additional performance boost you get with a processor Intel Core, will lead to a disproportionate increase in expenses. However, it is important to note that AMD took six cores to provide the level of productivity, which provides Intel with all four cores, but let me quote the words of PR-representative of Intel, said in the protection of the quad design of the two crystals, Intel, compared with a monolithic quad- design of AMD: is only important result.

    Taking all results together, we can say that the 1055T in applications, the multithreaded control, significantly faster than current Quadcores, but is below the low clock speed of 2.8 GHz something suffers. How good is the processor at higher clock rates is impossible to say until the 1090T is tested at 3.2 GHz. However, all results are achieved in spite of the six cores still well below those of Intel Core i7 series, only four cores it has.

    This technology will be fully implemented in hardware within the processor or Thuban Phenom II X6 coming in May (the first models are expected 1035T, 1055T and 1075T) and hexa-core will allow these to turn off unneeded cores and dynamically increase the frequency of those with the highest workload. The modulation frequency will be keeping the stated maximum TDP for the processor, as is the case for Intel activating the Turbo Boost.

    The function will improve, therefore, the performance of Phenom II X6 in single thread applications and is an important step forward for AMD, because with these CPUs will compete against the Core i7 quad is in the multi thread, in that single thread (although not We expect them to fight on equal terms with the fastest Intel processors).

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