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Thread: MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card

  1. #1
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    Aug 2005

    MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card


    ATI is shaped and informed by launching two new graphics cards support DirectX 11: the Radeon HD 5770 and HD 5750 both sold below 150 euros. Here we will see how is 5770.

    Difficult to stop ATI right now since in the space of three weeks, a subsidiary of AMD graphics releases at least four new graphics cards compatible with the latest API from Microsoft DirectX 11. After Radeon HD 5870 and Radeon 5850 HD launched on September 23, it was around the 5700 series out of cardboard with two models: the Radeon HD 5770 and Radeon HD 5750. As we have already explained in our previous articles, this "willingness" is guided by the release of Windows 7 scheduled Oct. 22 and is the original operating system is compatible with DirectX 11. Note however that Windows Vista will be updated to support DirectX 11 as well.

    The stakes are high as always release a new version of DirectX, which coincides here, as DirectX 10 with Vista coincided with the release of a new operating system Windows 7 somewhat expected as messiah who will heal the wounds of those who had to undergo cumbersome and Vista even if it is to recognize certain qualities. The industry expects "7" with great hope, too, to boost sales not always rosy, a year after the financial crisis that has hit the world.

    The issue is more marketing than technology for ATI because currently only offers Battleforge a patch making the game compatible with DirectX 11. We shall return to in detail on this game and the behavior of graphics cards in a future article, not having had time to do it for this case. He will have to await the end of the year 2010 and especially to see land a dozen new titles taking advantage of DirectX 11. But a business perspective, you can output a first DirectX 11 chip has a certain impact to mark the spirits while competitor Nvidia is still not ready with its DX11 GPUs.

    So what makes ATI to accelerate the release of its GPU, just to drive the point home, although the production does not follow the same frantic pace that ads on red. Indeed, the cards are rare in shops and other online sites and prices are rising, lack of adequate supply relative to demand. The 5870 is available in limited quantities and only beginning to reach 5850.

    The same problems seem to appear for the 5770 and 5750 because for our test, AMD has not been able to provide us with a 5770 or a 5750, its stock is poor and restricted to the clipboard first, followed by sites Internet according to their order of importance in small papers from ATI.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Get unrivalled visual quality and intense gaming performance and for today and tomorrow with support for Microsoft® DirectX 11
    • With ATI Eyefinity technology get the ultimate immersive gaming experience innovative ‘wrap around’ multi-display capabilities1,
    • Tap into the massive parallel processing power of your GPU with ATI Stream technology and tackle demanding tasks like video transcoding with incredible speed
    • Experience the speed, responsiveness and performance of ultra-high bandwidth GDDR5 memory
    • ATI CrossFireX technology in dual-mode offers advanced scalability

  2. #2
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    Aug 2005

    Re: MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card

    Specifications and Presentation:

    Although mid-range, they also support the technology that allows the use Eyefinity three screens simultaneously, using at least the DisplayPort output. From the audio side, these cards are compatible with HDMI 1.3 and Dolby True HD and DTS. Technically speaking, it is a GPU with 1.04 billion transistors, two times less than 5800, all using a new compact die. The 5770 law has 800 stream processors and 40 texture units against 720 and 36 for 5750. The 5750 GPU is clocked at 700 MHz and 850 MHz for 5770. For the record, both are entitled to but the GDDR5 128-bit bus. The 5770 will ship with 1024MB while 5750 will be offered in two versions: 512 or 1024 MB memory of the 5770 run at 1200 MHz and that of 5750-1150 MHz. Finish with the TDP 86 watts and 16 watts load idle for 5750 and 108 and 18 watts respectively for 5770.

    On paper the 5770 has the same number of stream processors as the 4890 and their respective GPUs run at the same frequency. Difference in size by cons, the memory bus, 256-bit on the 4890 and only 128-bit on the 5770. It follows that the bandwidth of 5770 is 76.8 GB / s while the 4890 offers much more: 124.8 GB / s. Note that the GDDR5 4890 does, however, only 975 MHz cons 1200 for 5770.

    Physically the 5770 is a smaller version of the 5850 itself is a model of 5870. In fact the 5770 has the same length as the equivalent of the 4000 series, the 4770. The cooling system takes up two slots and is covered with a black hull ending with two red holes in the back. In one two, one can observe the single PCI-Express 6-pin will be in charge of supplying the map. The map below does not plywood, as in 5850, the 5870 is the only one to benefit. At the inputs / outputs, as on other Radeon HD 5800 is entitled to two DVI outputs, HDMI output and DisplayPort output.

    By taking out our 5770 Courtesy Powercolor, we discover a GPU much smaller than the 5800. It is surrounded by memory chips on each side of the PCB with a heatsink to cool piece. The power stage is more simplistic than the 5800 and it is quite logical. The cooling system follows the same logic with a copper base topped by a lightweight aluminum block aided by a very small heat pipe. The fan is a radial model of the original 60 mm stroke.

    Speeds & Feeds:
    • Engine clock speed: 850 MHz
    • Processing power (single precision): 1.36 TeraFLOPS
    • Polygon throughput: 850M polygons/sec
    • Data fetch rate (32-bit): 136 billion fetches/sec
    • Texel fill rate (bilinear filtered): 34 Gigatexels/sec
    • Pixel fill rate: 13.6 Gigapixels/sec
    • Anti-aliased pixel fill rate: 54.4 Gigasamples/sec
    • Memory clock speed: 1.2 GHz
    • Memory data rate: 4.8 Gbps
    • Memory bandwidth: 76.8 GB/sec
    • Maximum board power: 108 Watts
    • Idle board power: 18 Watts

    Configuration and Protocol Test:

    Test Configuration- Windows 7:
    • Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 (Intel X58)
    • Intel Core i7 Extreme 975 3.33 GHz (Hyper-Treading disabled)
    • 3x2 GB Corsair DDR3-1600
    • Seasonic 850W Power MD12
    • Heatsink Zalman CNPS 9900 LED
    • Hard Drive Western Digital Velociraptor 150GB
    • Hard Drive Samsung 500GB
    • Samsung DVD Player
    • HP LP3065 LCD Monitor 30 inch
    • Driver ATI Catalyst 8.66.6 Beta
    • Nvidia Drivers 191.07 WHQL
    • Windows 7 RTM 64-bit

    Obviously, we installed Windows 7 RTM 64-bit to test these first graphics cards with DirectX 11. Although it was not mandatory seen no game will test DX11 but the opportunity was right to launch our first test configuration running Windows 7. And as she has to endure, as it is ready when the first DirectX 11 games hit the market. Note that we have not encountered any bug with Windows 7. Neither crashes or instabilities, much less than what we have experienced under Windows Vista. Note also that the Hyper-Threading and Turbo have been disabled because some games are not disrupted these "artificial cores, including ArmA II. Because we test graphics cards and processors not in this test, it seemed more appropriate to use the Core i7 as a quad-core classic.

    Protocol Test:

    For this particular test, we tested all the cards in a resolution of 1920x1200 and 1680x1050 without anti-aliasing, with 4x anti-aliasing and 8x when this option was available in games. Only Batman Arkham Asylum is an exception because the anti-aliasing is not present in the game options for ATI cards, even a screen telling us to go through the ATI control panel because this card does not Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing. Pretty blatant lie caused by Nvidia has participated closely in the implementation of anti-aliasing in this game while the engine it uses the Unreal 3 does not allow it to base. So for this game, the AA has been activated via the Catalyst, which disables the ATI cards since the AA is used continuously while it was possible to activate the game, it does apply when this is useful.

    We have updated the list of games used history to include more recent titles. Racedriver Grid Company of Heroes, Unreal Tournament 3 and Fallout 3 are the costs of this update while Need For Speed Shift, Red Faction Guerilla, Batman Arkham Asylum and Dawn of War II are entering.

    Please note that World in Conflict is maintained but in its latest version dubbed Soviet Assault. ANNO 1404 note has been temporarily removed from the test after a patch released recently and fixes a bug for ATI graphics and maps that favored reds. It will be reinstated in our next test when we had time to retest all cards with the patch 1.1. Exception to this game, all patches available at the time of the test were applied.

    List of games tested:
    • Crysis Warhead
    • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
    • Need For Speed Shift

  3. #3
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    Aug 2005

    Re: MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card


    We measured the consumption of the configuration using a meter that measures the amount of watts consumed to the outlet. We conducted our tests in idle frequencies (2D), 3D support with OCCT and CPU + GPU, always using the OCCT test "Power Supply".

    ATI promises idle very low value for its new cards and promises are indeed kept. The three 5800 cards are placed in our hands on the podium but the cards Nvidia are not left out either. The progress made over the 4850 to 4870 and the 4890 are simply enormous.

    Loading 100% CPU, the 5770 consumes a little more than the 4770 it is supposed to replace, but it remains well below the other cards from our panel. The 4870 and 4890 are much more demanding and we can only commend ATI for this decline made the 5000 .

    By loading the processor and graphics card to 100% does not change the hierarchy, which is logical. It just lets you have an idea of the consumption at full load to take, just to gauge its power.

    Noise and temperature:

    At the breakdown, we wanted to highlight an often 'forgotten' by the testers in their conclusions: the noise! History encrypt all this, here is the sound level meter measurements to 15 cm from the graphics card facing her fan. The measurements are performed in idle and full load test 3D OCCT. For these measurements all the other fans in the pattern is interrupted.

    In general, the minimum speed manual in the drivers (ATI) or RivaTuner (maps Nvidia) Is 20% of the potential fan. In idle, Nvidia settles the fan on 40% and 25% on ATI.

    Here is the Radeon HD 4850 which remains the most discreet followed by 4870. The 5850 is rather quiet and is followed closely by 5870. The 5770 in turn is less quiet and the slight hiss is noticeable. Nvidia cards are slightly noisier because of their fans who do not fall below 40% idle. The GTX 295 for its part is audible even when idle.

    Full Load, Nvidia takes the hand positioning its GTX 275 and GTX 285 in front of everyone, except for 4770. Except that our model double slot of the latter is rather an exception to the trade models. The 5770 charge is discrete but obviously audible, like all cards. The Radeon 5850 and 5870 are clearly audible, more than the 4870 but not as much as the 4890 and 4870X2. On this side there is progress and the start of the fan is more gradual than in the past.


    Temperatures were measured using GPU-Z reads the probe cards. In 3D mode, OCCT it was used to load the graphics card. Note that for dual GPU cards, we reported in our graphs GPU temperature as "hot". Overall, the 5800 have made progress here. ps does the 5770 exception. It's still the GeForce GTX 275 remains the coolest. Our Gigabyte GTS 250 is out of competition because with a Zalman cooling system.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2005

    Re: MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card

    Crysis Warhead:

    Crysis was the highly anticipated late 2007. Developed by Crytek, which is the origin of the famous Far Cry, it is a game very greedy and pushed realism. In September 2008, a sequel has been given: Crysis Warhead. Nothing revolutionary, however, since the engine is the same and in some ways it's more of an extension of Crysis first name than a real new game despite his "seniority" Warhead is one of the games most current heavy traffic ...

    The cards were tested with all details and 1680x1050 maximum. Measurements were performed without anti-aliasing and with anti-aliasing x4 and x8. Even in 1680x1050, the 5770 can not ensure a perfect fluidity in Crysis with all details pushed to the maximum. But she is not alone in the case and only the new Radeon and upmarket Nvidia Single GPU succeed without the framerate is high as long. Note on the 5770, it offers less than the SPF 4870 and 4890.

    4X anti-aliasing allows the 5770 to pass the 4870 but it is unplayable with such a small number of images not second.Anti-aliasing 8x is very heavy and cards with 512MB agonize. The 5770 the distance logically without claiming gameplay interesting. The 4890 and its 256-bit bus dominates the newest ATI, logically. The GTX 260 + is doing better also.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky:

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was part of the long list of vaporware video games. This game was released long announced last March 23, 2007 and was not disappointing. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl is a FPS RPG developed by tinted GSC Game World in Kiev, which has experienced a gestation period of 7 years! In September, GSC has a sequel to this game called STALKER Clear Sky is just as interesting as the original game.

    We tested this game with all the details pushed to the maximum, including a 16x anisotropic filter. We used anti-aliasing x4 and also enabled the rendering mode DirectX 10.1 for ATI cards. We do the same for each card travel in a straight line and measure the FPS using FRAPS software.

    The Radeon HD 5770 is positioned behind the 4870 while the 4890 is well on his side ahead. Once again, the bus 128-bit is the culprit in this game with heavy pictures ...

    Enabling anti-aliasing 4x is "beneficial" to the 5770 which thanks to its 1024 MB memory limit breakage and is on a par with the 512 MB of 4870.

    Need for Speed Shift:

    The game itself was very interesting to play realistically with the cars of the era. Prosecution with the police were already in the game. The episodes that followed were equally interesting until the mode of "The Fast and the Furious" franchise invades. Is looking a bit since then, Need For Speed completely changes course and cheek Racedriver Grid. The races take place only on professional tours in Europe, Japan and the USA, the flying passenger car, GT and supercars like the Pagani Zonda and the McLaren F1. The realistic graphics are excellent, as well as circuits.

    We test the game in 1680x1050 with a view into the cockpit of a Porsche 911 GT3 RS factory prepared. All details are pushed up and we measure performance with FRAPS during a trip well defined. The Radeon HD 5770 ahead of the start of 4890 and 4870 here. Beautiful performance then. She remains behind the GeForce GTS 250 cards Nvidia seeming more comfortable in this game

    The 4X AA is demote the 5770 which is more difficult to manage the heavy textures 4890. It remains before the 4870, the 4770 and the 4850 while maintaining a decent framerate. The Nvidia are always better anyway. The AA has little effect on performance 8X Radeon la5770 and remains at a good level. The Nvidia have their side more harm and retrograde in the hierarchy.

    Performance summary:
    This summary of the performance index of 100 resumes as the Radeon HD 5850. Here's the general summary obtained:

    The newcomer is a bit more perfomance than the Radeon HD 4870 and a wide notch below the Radeon HD 4890 that shares similar characteristics with the 5770, except for the memory bus and memory frequency. The 5770 does provide an interesting gain compared to 4850 and 4770. Nvidia moves easily with less powerful GTS 250 and GTX 260 + better but more expensive. We note in passing that the 5870 and 5850 confirm that they are the best single-GPU card market, including 1680x1050 resolution that we had not yet had the opportunity to test on the Radeon 5800.

    For those interested, here are summaries less general: no anti-aliasing, with 4x anti-aliasing and 8X with anti-aliasing (when the option was available in the game, of course). You will see that no anti-aliasing, the situation worsens for 5770 since the 4870 passes, 512 MB on bus 256-bit memory was enough to pawn Damme to the newcomer. Only the AA 8X which allows the 5770 to take advantage of his giga GDDR5 to return to the 4870 but still far behind the 4890.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2005

    Re: MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card


    With the Radeon HD 5770, ATI continues to unfold its roadmap of graphics cards compatible with the latest API from Microsoft DirectX 11. After the 5870 clearly positioned at the top end and become the most powerful GPU on the market after 5850 and which aims at the upper mid-range, ATI released the DirectX 11 card for mid-range players less fortunate: the 5770. Note that this day emerges as the 5750 but AMD could not supply us and therefore we avoid to comment on the subject yet.

    These maps could be classified according to the required resolution. The Radeon HD 5870 is perfect for 2560x1600 and for those who want to play all the time with maximum detail at 1920x1200. The 5850 provides an excellent purchase for anyone with a 24-inch screen while the 5770 is more about the owners of 22 inch screens with resolution of 1680x1050 or less. For as we have seen, some games with the details pushed to the maximum pose problems for 5770, including 1680x1050.

    But 5770 has interesting assets to enforce over a 4890. First, the 5770 offers low power consumption and noise level more than acceptable compared to the 4890 or even 4870. That map heater bit, which is a logical consequence of its consumption under control. ATI has made real efforts in this area and we can only salute them for that. Then, the 5770 supports DirectX 11, which gives it a different future than the Radeon HD 4000 compatible with DirectX 10.1. For those who see long-term this is a plus. One could also cite the possibility to connect three screens with the functionality or compatibility Eyefinity DirectCompute to use the computing power of GPUs for purposes other than 3D.

    Either you're making fun of DirectX 11 and in this case your heart swing between a GTX 260 + or Radeon HD 4890 with more to offer in terms of FPS for a price close to, or you want to insure the future and essential for you to purchase DirectX 11 card. Without going broke, so the 5770 is the ideal card to play in 1680x1050. But if you do not absolutely have to change graphic cards in the coming weeks, we recommend you wait until late November or early December, at which time the available supply of Radeon HD 5000 will be much less certainly limited with lower prices once the stock Radeon HD 4000 will begin to run.

    • Good performance
    • DirectX 11 Compatibility
    • Noise content to rest
    • Low consumption

    • 3D Performance: Better to reduce certain details in games heavy
    • No 3D Stereo
    • 3D Sound

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: MSI R5770 HAWK Radeon HD 5770 Video Card

    "Radeon HD 5770 is the ideal card in mid range! For less than € 150 the Radeon HD 5770 turned all DirectX 9 games, 10 and 11 with the highest level of detail in Full-HD on a 24 inch screen: almost 60 fps in 1920 x 1080 in Resident Evil 5, and another 25 fps for the demanding Crysis Warhead, 2X antialiasing enabled.

    And even if the 5770 is far less powerful than the 5800 series models, with half of processing units and a 3D memory bus reduces from 256 to 128 bits, the card is still the road for a lot of games on the 2560 x 1600 dots in a 30-inch screen."

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