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Thread: How to use ViPER4Android FX

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    How to use ViPER4Android FX

    I am using Canvas 2 here. I am not able to get a good headphone music output from the same. I want to enhance that and for this I think I will need some sound effect software. By searching on Google I found ViPER4Android FX.I want to know how to use this thing. I had tried finding out on the web but I also found some warning saying that this would be a kind of risky thing. It can damage the device also. So just want to confirm is it safe to use or not. And will it work on my Micromax Canvas 2 android smartphone. What are the things I have to take care before using the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to use ViPER4Android FX

    If you are planning to use ViPER4Android FX then I will recommend you to use it properly. It works only by rooting your device. And there are maximum chances of facing permanent damage if you use a very high settings on ViPER4Android FX. I had seen on many forums that users have faced speaker damage after turning it on. That is because entry level phone does not support a very high audio boost. So they stop working if you try to use the most high settings on the same.

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