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Thread: Importance of having a removable battery in Android phone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Importance of having a removable battery in Android phone

    What is the importance of having a removable battery in android phone. I had seen many high end smartphones comes with locked battery. And I do not understand the reason behind this. If there is some issue with the charging or battery you have to take the device to service center. You cannot remove or replace the same on your own. That is why I do not really think buying a phone that has locked battery in it. I was planing to go for Moto X and then I saw it is not having a removable battery in nit. The device is quiet amazing but due to lock battery I am quiet worried about using the same. Is there anyone who really think removable batteries are beneficial.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Importance of having a removable battery in Android phone

    There is a quiet long debate over this thing. I think it depend on users. Some may like to have removable battery while some enjoy using their phone without that. There are ample of high end smartphones that work really well and there is not really need of having a removable battery. Because if you are buying a device for good brand then you dont have to worry about the quality. Before when there were no power banks then removable battery were needed. But now you can extend the battery life buy carrying a decent power bank with you. You can find that easily. I think you can easily get around 4 to 8 hours of battery in it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Importance of having a removable battery in Android phone

    I agree with that. Due to power banks you dont really need removable batteries. But it is needs in every phone. Because if somehow the battery si not working what will you do. You will take the phone to service center and have to pay higher amount. While in market you can get that on lot more cheaper price. Batteries are crucial part of device that are required and without with you wont be able to use your phone. And there are ample of easy replacement batteries are available at cheaper price. The same will be much higher if you go on the official service center for purchase. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. This must be always kept as optional.

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