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Thread: App to manage all calender updates for android

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    App to manage all calender updates for android

    Is there a app available that can help to keep all calender updates at one place. Like facebook events, twitter events, etc. I have many things in different places and to check them I have to login daily. I want a centralized place where I can get all the updates. Like birthday notification from Facebook and events from LinkedIn. My primary requirement is only limited to getting updates from a events.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: App to manage all calender updates for android

    There one app that is effective in terms of usage. It is called as EasilyDo. This is a very nice app that works well with all type of events and appointments. You can download this from Google Play. This app can help you to organize a lot of thing. It can be your ideal ultimate personal assistant through which you can checkout all meetings at one place. You can have your appointment and may thing here. Just test this app and sync it with you all social networking accounts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: App to manage all calender updates for android

    You need a good todo manager. I think there is thing better than Google Calender. In your android phone when you add your mail and other social networking accounts all your events and birthdays are updated automatically. You don't really have to use a third party app. But still if you want something good then you can try Wunderlist. It is a nice and easy to use and can help you to manage many thing from one place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: App to manage all calender updates for android

    Check out 24me Smart Personal Assistant - its a unified app which has a calendar and an automatic task manager and connection to real life accounts. I know they have an IOS app, not sure if the Android version is available.

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