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Thread: Backup all contacts on cloud and sync in different android devices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Backup all contacts on cloud and sync in different android devices

    How to keep all the contacts in one place. Like some kind of online storage solution. To get that in the new phone I just want to add the login details or the app. I treid to find a all round contact manager but not getting anything. I am using different phones for testnig purpose and each time when I get a new one I have to add all the ocntacts manually. This is very annoying. I need some help here to get a centrailzed option for contact backup.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Backup all contacts on cloud and sync in different android devices

    You can use gmail for that. Gmail can manage your contacts. But it is a bit annoying because it also pull up all the gmail account and link them with contacts in the phone. So this is more annoying. I am still using it. There must be something to merge duplicate contacts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Backup all contacts on cloud and sync in different android devices

    I am using Youlu here. It is an amazing app that can help you to store and sync contacts at different places. You just have to find and download a application. Youlue is available for android devices also. You can first export all your contacts in csv format. It will be a excel sheet which has list of all contacts. Then you can upload the contact on the online site. And when you add the application on other devices, you have to use the same account which you had created on the online site. It will sync the contact and done. It will give you a central place to have all contacts. Now when you create a new contact, then you must create that in Youlu app. If you create in the phone memory then you will not get proper output. It is essential that you must keep the app on auto sync so that your contacts remain updated all over place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Backup all contacts on cloud and sync in different android devices

    There is no way to do that. I keep a csv file on my Google drive. I create a new one whenever I add something. Now when I switch a phone I import that CSV file and done. It is simple and easy way to keep your contacts sync at all place.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Backup all contacts on cloud and sync in different android devices

    You need a online contact manager. Gmail is not bad for that. But it is right that it induce all the gmail ids with it. Ample of them are spams. Here I am using Outlook. It is good and simple. I had added all my contacts in it and I simply manage it through my smartphone. I export the file in csv and keep it. You can also get the same thing on Different mobile have different kind of syncing features. Some of them are easy, but some of them are really complicated. So here using Youlu is a good option. Because it is easy. Through which you can have your contact placed at one location. Now Youlu is not available for Windows phone, due to which you can't get new contacts on it. I am using it on my android phone from long time which is bit easy to manage.

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