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Thread: updating Google Nexus 4 using adb side load gives "device not found" error

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    updating Google Nexus 4 using adb side load gives "device not found" error

    I am using a Google Nexus 4 smartphone and I am having some issues with it. Apparently, when I am trying to update Nexus 4 using the adb side load then it keeps giving me an error that says "device not found". This problem only happen when I get into the recovery step and until then ADB works fine? I am using Windows 7 on my computer and if anyone can help me out then it would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: updating Google Nexus 4 using adb side load gives "device not found" error

    Can you try to download Klink v1.10a for Windows by searching it from the internet and install it on your phone. After that plug your phone into your computer and then run Klink on your phone. Now press the Start button and then ensure to enable USB debugging if asked. After that run Klink on your pc. and then your phone must pop up some dialog about authorizing debug access to your computer. It will then show you some serial number with some hexadecimal digits. Now do you see that dialog? If not then you may have some other ADB type prgram already running on your pc which is conflicting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: updating Google Nexus 4 using adb side load gives "device not found" error

    You will have to open sdk manager from adt-bundle path. After that go below the list and install google usb driver. If you had already installed the usb driver then uninstall it by going into device manager and then select the device name from the portable devices tab and then right click and uninstall driver. After that enable usb debugging on your phone. Plug your phone to computer and select Camera PTP on phone. Your computer will install the driver for this device. Now go to device manager and then select the device name under Portable devices tab. Then choose 'Update Device driver' and use the manual path to search for driver. The path will be android-sdk-directory>\extras\google\usb_driver. Computer will install the driver and android composite driver will be installed on your device. Try to open eclipse and then start deploying apps to your phone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: updating Google Nexus 4 using adb side load gives "device not found" error

    Yeah, you need to get into device manager and then install the Adb driver for the unknown device. You have to just update the adb.exe to the latest version from the sdk, and then connect and allow it to use PC with adb in android for the first time and then it should work in recovery as well.You can get the latest adb drivers by searching it on the internet also.

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