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Thread: wifi connection drops in Sony Xperia tablet Z

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    wifi connection drops in Sony Xperia tablet Z

    I recently purchased a new Sony Xperia tablet Z and I am facing issues with its wifi connections. I have updated all the latest firmware available for this tablet already. When I usually try to connect to wifi network, then it will work for sometime, but later on the wifi will disconnects with an error message that states "authentication problem". I have to manually reconnect to the same wifi network again. But after 10 minutes or so, the wifi will again disconnect with the same error message. I have tried to restart, reinstall all apps and everything else that I could but still get this problem? Can anyone please tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: wifi connection drops in Sony Xperia tablet Z

    Well, did you check if your router is updated to the latest firmware. If yes, then sure it could be a problem with the poor wifi performance of the Xperia tablet Z itself. There might be some bugs or some hardware problem with Xperia Tablet Z. You can also rule out the problem whether it is related to the tablet or the router, by just connecting some other model tablet to wifi and then testing the internet. If you sill get wifi disconnecting problem then there is a problem with the router, if not then surely its the Xperia Tablet Z problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: wifi connection drops in Sony Xperia tablet Z

    I have noticed that many owners of Xperia Tablet Z are facing this wifi diconnection problem, so it could be hardware related. Anyways there were someone who were able to solve this issue by just remembering only one network in their device with the password. So, try to make the tablet remember only one access point and select that single network only. If this doesnt work, then surely Sony might be working for a bug fix of this wifi problem in Xperia Tablet Z.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: wifi connection drops in Sony Xperia tablet Z

    Even I am facing a similar wifi diconnection problem with my newly bought Sony Xperia tablet Z. Many time I jusy lose the wifi connection in a day without any error. I have made sure that the internet is working fine. I have also tried to restore the latest firmware on this tablet but still was facing the same problem. However, I read from some website that if we change the channel of the router to 9 into 2.4ghz and dont use the auto channel, then everything will work fine. I havent done this but will check it out once I reach home.

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