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Thread: Western Digital My Passport external drive is dead

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Western Digital My Passport external drive is dead

    I purchased a 500GB My Passport western digital external drive for my system but it seems like I made a wrong choice. Really I am very much frustrated with this external drive and I need to either return it or get rid of the existing issues. You won’t believe this drive worked hardly for a month or two after its purchase. The drive has completely died. Initially when I got this drive I set it into the system and with the help of a smart-ware software I made it work smoothly without facing any sort of trouble. This hard drive worked well for at least few weeks continuously with no interruption. However recently few days ago I found that things were changed with this drive, it won’t connect to the machine using the software. When I tried to plug it into the machine the software concludes that there was nothing attached or connected to it. First I thought at it might be due to some kind of loose connection but then even after connected everything thing tightly right from the hardware to software when I tried to get the hard drive detected there was no positive result. I can say that the Drive has completely washed away for some reason.

    I knew that the hard drive was not detected but then too for more confirmation I checked out my computer for all the drives i.e. E drive, C drive and D drive (there’s no F drive in my case), however I didn’t find anything, there was no drives existing over there. The worst thing I noticed was that for a moment my Windows Explorer completely stopped reacting, it actually didn’t work for a long time which as quite shocking for me. I am really very much worried about my system now. Earlier when the problem was only with the hard drive, everything was fine but now after knowing that my system is too getting affected I am really very much worried. The worst thing is that still now I didn’t even get to know the exact cause of this problem. Please, anyone who is well aware of known about this problem then helps me out. I wanted to somehow get rid of this issue as soon as possible. Even if you let me know the main cause, hopefully I would try to get it resolved by myself if I am lucky enough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Western Digital My Passport external drive is dead

    Yeah this happened with me too many a times and shamefully I haven’t come up with a proper solution for this issue from past 6 months. You guessed it right, since 6 months I have been facing this problem. Not getting a proper fix or solution is not my fault I tried out my best for it but what can I do if the experts themselves are not aware of the issue or get confused with the symptoms and other behaviors. Anyways now taking about my issue, I would like to say that there is nothing explained much as the thread itself has portrait my own experience with Western Digital My Passport hard drive. There is no doubt the hard drive was at its best during the initial point but then after few days of idle state (I guess this might be the main reason as from then onwards it never seemed to be working fine) the hard drive completely died. I never had any kind of harsh handling or something that might affect the hard drive instead all the time I used to safely remove it but now this thing doesn’t looks like working at all, instead it hangs a lot now. There are other certain things that I need to explain, all the time when I unplug the hard drive, even after unplugging, it display into the system for a fraction of seconds until the Windows Explorer starts up.

    However there are certain things that I tried with both the hard drive and the computer but didn’t come up with a proper positive result. Once I tried to boot both the external drive and the system altogether but I guess the trick didn’t work as after booting completely I didn’t find it in the disk management also the alphabetic drive were not visible. Other than this I also tried uninstalling the drivers then again getting them back into the system by downloading from internet and then installing them the best way possible including the necessary software. Formatting the drive was not done manually as I used a format tool for the process but unfortunately end up getting an error message.

    Ultimately the best thing I find was to check the hard drive with some other system and I even did checked it with my another laptop, the drive didn’t work at all with either of the system. The last option left with me is to go for some other new cable because I was told that even sometimes due to a bad cable the hard drive shows such issue, so better I will purchase a new drive and test the drive but then after trying this even if nothing works then I will be left with nothing. This is the only hope currently left from my side. let’s see what happens.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Western Digital My Passport external drive is dead

    Your issue seems to be big but I guess it’s not at all serious, you can easily get out of it if examined everything properly without leaving a single aspect. It would be much better for you to comment on your problem only after you try out the last option that you placed here i.e. checking out the cable and replacing it with some other new one. Because you said that even after trying out the hard drive into some other system didn’t help you out at all then surely either your hard drive is faulty or the cable that is connecting your hard drive to the system is faulty. I am not sure but in most of the drive failure cases the Diagnostic Tool have proved to be doing a trick. The reason for me being so confident is because I am a western digital user and I am very much satisfied with all this products including the hard drive. Hope you are too having a short issue that could be sorted out by this diagnostic Tool. If you are a Western Digital My passport user then surely you might be having Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Tool with you if not then better you download it from the official site of Western digital.

    Once you download it, run it if possible. Surely then this program should be possibly able to detect your hard drive, in fact it won’t just detect a single drive but all including the one that is installed and working fine into your system. Just give it a try and make sure that you download this Diagnostic Tool and nothing else of this operation and after trying it out let me know the result. This is the best diagnostic tool according to me for detecting the drives, more useful for other cases like yours.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Western Digital My Passport external drive is dead

    There is nothing better than replacing or returning your hard drive. Trust me my friend, I am not at all kidding. It’s a fact if ever you are facing any kind of issue with a hard drive, no matter how small the issue is, you should definitely go for a replacement or a refund rather than breaking your head and getting it solved by yourself. I am one of the culprit of a faulty Western Digital My passport external drive and this is not the first time western digital is supply such dead hard drive. When I first bought my external drive I found that the drive was working with an ease for the first few week similar like in your case but then after a month it died, it wasn’t being detected by any of my system (I have 3 systems present at my place and all of them are in a working condition).

    But I didn’t get panic or started yelling out for a solution instead I kept calm removed my external drive packed it and directly went to retailer shop for refund. He was supposed to provide me a replacement but I was not at all interested in another western digital drive as the first experience was already worst. My policy is not to go for another same brand product if you had a bad experience with any of the previous product of this brand. And as accordingly I did the same, went to the retailer got the refund and then bought a new external drive of an entire different brand. Obviously I am never going to go for a Western Digital product, as according to my policy, from the time I had a problem with its external drive. Anyways Go for my suggestion I am telling you; its more simple and best.

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