The title says it all, any knowledge about the pricing or the availability of the phone then do let me know about it. I am in the desperate need to get this phone as soon as possible. I have searched In the internet about the possible release dates for this phone. Some people are saying its 29th of this month while some are saying it is a rumor thing. What do you all think what would be the release date? If released in what range it would be priced at, that’s what I want to know? I stay in India I know there would be an obvious delay when the phone reaches our shores so I am planning to order it from anywhere outside the country. So if you have got the pricing details of this phone from anywhere in India or outside the country then you are welcome to post in over here. I have lots of cousins staying outside this country, some are in states and some in Australia. So getting the phone from there wouldn’t be a big deal for me. I also wanted to know when would be the ordering of the phone start? So that I can plan for the pre order as well.
So guys be ready with your answers.