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Thread: Export contacts from suite 3.3.89 to nokia 500.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Export contacts from suite 3.3.89 to nokia 500.

    Hi friends I have recently bought a new nokia 5233 and I want to add all the contacts from my old phone. I tried using the nokia ovi suite. But I was unable to find the export button the ovi. Is there any way by which I can export my contacts to my new cell phone. Anyone having solution for this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    re: Export contacts from suite 3.3.89 to nokia 500.

    You can easily export your contacts from the ovi suite. You can export contacts to the outlook. Here are the steps to copy your contacts in outlook.
    • First go to Tools and select options
    • In options select Contact
    • In that select Sync with contacts application
    • Sync with contacts application with Outlook
    • Click Ok and you are done with importing contacts in outlook.
    • Open outlook and select contacts.
    • Open file from the menu bar and select import/export
    • Select Export to a File and select next
    • Select Comma Separated Values (Windows).
    • Select contacts and click next
    • Select where you want to save the file and provide the name of the file.
    • Click finish to end the wizard and you will be done with the exporting the contacts from the outlook.

    The file created by the outlook is in the cvs format which can be read by most of the phone managers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    re: Export contacts from suite 3.3.89 to nokia 500.

    I suggest you to use grab my contacts software. This is very easy to use and you can export your contacts in your device. This software exports the contacts from nokia ovi suite to excel. It’s just a three step procedure to export your contacts using grab my contacts. You can export your contacts following the steps.
    • Open grab my contacts. You will be in the first tab.
    • Select the search for it option, if you want the software to automatically find the file of the contacts or select browse to select the file.
    • Go to second tab and then press the button to display your contacts.
    • Then go the third tab and press the button to export your contacts.

    If you want to open the excel file just after exporting the contacts then after the completion of the export you get a prompt to open the file. Click yes to open the file or no to open the file later.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    re: Export contacts from suite 3.3.89 to nokia 500.

    You can also try this. But before trying this please keep a copy of your contacts with you. If you have any loss then I am not responsible for it. Remove all the contacts from the phone and then again sync the phone with the ovi suite. You are done with it and I did this with my device and its working properly.

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