guys I like to share this you all it been just been using it for one day and this phone is already impressed me a lot. I really glad I have this phone. I like to share its Pros and Cons that I personally feels hope this help you making your decision
- Really looks awesome
- Great Touch ability
- Good Camera
- Excellent sound with the feature like megabass
- Sony blazing fast
- Smartly build by Sony
- Get fully charged with in Hour
- HDMI feature is awesome
- 32 GB of internal memory
- Phone comes with including accessories included nfc tag, screen protector, HDMI cable
- transparent bar
- Using Touch buttons for home back and options is hard but you will get used to it
- This phone missing the feature like divx Xvid codecs like s2
I really see this phone going to be the best phone in this year with the ICS, as it already working nice with the gingerbread ui. Please share what do you feel about this