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Thread: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    hi guys

    I am having this phone for a while and was really like this phone but recently I got his error message saying when I opened the message app and it crash and also had another error and to get out of this problem I need to restart the phone please guys I need help on this . I will be really glad to know this . thanks in advance .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    I had the similar issue my phone's messaging app unexpectedly started force crashing . After few restart, even removing the battery out while handset was on, change the language settings, as well as even doing factory reset, nothing worked for me . the I came across this article where they mentioned to deleted the mmssms.db file, currently messaging app running very well, though I had to lost every previous messages. That's acceptable I had all day backed up to Gmail anyway. So, just remove the database file.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    I have the similar issue . Did you permanently remove the database or else is it yet on the phone ? because I tried to removing the database through root explorer however it still there although it has remove the entire messages saved in it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    I have this issue and I read any article that reported this as a bug on the android . It’s also said the bug is well-known and relates to SIM application toolkit support. That is really frustrating and I haven't establish any workaround so far Let me know if you have get a way around on this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    I believe the rooting is the cause of this fault happen from restoring previous messages from the backup taken before rooting . There should have been some kind of the character/corruption anywhere that was screwing the whole thing up.

    May be this will help you

    • Just Terminal Emulator
    • Then allow root if prompted rm /data/data/
    • Go to the Menu
    • Reset terminal probably an unnecessary step, but it's what I did)
    • Home screen
    • Now just remove battery while running and wait 20 seconds
    • restart

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    I'm certain it's very late for the OP however after trying the whole thing to repair this issue & continually searching the net I finally figured out it was in fact my old, outdated SIM card. It s somewhat to do with the card being not completely 3G or else early 3G. anyhow once I told my carrier to provide me a shiny, new SIM and the issue was solved. Now the phone is running just fine on CM7 it was just at the time I flashed the ROM to Ginger Stir Fry that it happened.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    I had this similar issue after loading the v2.3 update to my HTC Inspire. HTC and ATT are changing my phone as it is in warranty. From what I'm reading, it perhaps that a replacement handset will not assist with this issue. May be a replacing SIM card will solve this issue

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    After many of this error messages my phone is now not responding , but I in the end got it solved by take away my phone security app: Esset Mobile. I have read that an app be able to do that to your handset. You just have to go all the way through your apps and check. I as well had tried removing the battery plus the Sim card, however the repair did not last long. up to now, just the removal of that app has work.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Error message and while reading sms crashing apps in Motorola MILESTONE

    Look as if this bug and it is related to the automatically select a network. I have been receiving that message so often for the reason that I commonly locked on to T-Mobile . It wasn’t likely for me to transform back to "select automatically network" since the error pop up right away. So I completely erase all and reset to factory-settings which has worked for a whole 10 minutes .

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