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Thread: Motorola Droid x2 lock screen wallpaper is different than default

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Motorola Droid x2 lock screen wallpaper is different than default

    I really don’t knoe that if this is a bug or what but I am really not able to understand the reason for this problem. I have set one image as a wallpaper but when the phone is locked then I get some different wallpaper which I don't like. I need to change this and make the same wallpaper on the screen saver as well. I don’t know that how can I do this and so I am posting this over here. If you know that how it can be done then please let me know that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Motorola Droid x2 lock screen wallpaper is different than default

    I would like to tell you that the screen that you get after locking the phone is the screensaver and not the wallpaper. You can set both of them different. So just select the image you want and set that as a wallpaper and set the same image as the screen saver. This will set the same image after locking the phone as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Motorola Droid x2 lock screen wallpaper is different than default

    The best thing to get the exact way to do is to look in the manual of the phone and you will get the exact way to do this. This is the best source to get the answer for this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Motorola Droid x2 lock screen wallpaper is different than default

    Make sure that image size is not too large as too large. If that is of too large size then that will not be able to set as wallpaper or screen saver.

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