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Thread: SD Card not recognized in Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    SD Card not recognized in Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

    Last few days i used Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 smartphone and now i found SD card detection problem on this phone. When i simply try to connect the sd card to this phone, it gives problem with this phone. Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread running on this smartphone. I don't want to format the card because it will loose my SD card data. So, help me to fix this SD card not detecting problem on my phone. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: SD Card not recognized in Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

    Yes, there is necessary to first backup your all the SD crad data before any complex task on it. In that situations, you need to use the card reader and connect your card to the laptop for backup your all the card data. Its well for solving your backup problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: SD Card not recognized in Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

    After getting backup of your phone data, you need to follow simple formatting process on it. For formatting your SD card connect it to laptop using card reader and use the FAT 32 based file system. Then right click on the SD card icon and hit the format option. It Starts formatting your SD card. Then connect it to your mobile phone. Check it detected or not. If it detected problem is solved. now you can restore all your data to the sd card by connecting phone to the laptop. Its well for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: SD Card not recognized in Samsung Galaxy Y S5360

    If such formatting sd card not solve your problem, in such cases, problem is in card. You need to replace it with the new one. that't it. It works to fix your detecting sd card problem on this smartphone.

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