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Thread: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    Hi guys

    I was just thinking this what new you would like to see in the notification center . There are lots of thing that I would like to in Notification Center like
    1. Access settings (I am sure everyone would like this one)
    2. Checking RSS feeds or any news stream
    3. Third party app for APIs (for live games score)
    4. Facebook Status
    5. SBS settings icons

    This all is currently coming on my mind is there something else that you would like to add in the list I would really appreciate that ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    I would like to say that this applications has the , weather information, messages from Facebook, missed calls, sms and many other things that might come in handy in everyday life. But still this program has deficiency that need attention and some improvements. A much more impartment

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    I read somewhere they are adding concept of badges in the status bar on the number of notices on the thumbnails, a breakdown of notifications on groups with the ability to turn each of them, as well as several new widgets .It is worth to provide third-party API for creating widgets, notifications of the Center, but other ideas, despite their utility, yet soon to be implemented.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    The current notification list is an improvement over the Android one, each are still pretty unhealthy though .Icecream Sandwhich created it attainable to get rid of individual notifications, iOS desires this, i believed that may be a part of it however this was not achieved t and it's one amongst the massive flaws. Would be nice to be ready to mark a mail as scan by removing it's notification .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    Third party widgets appear a lot of like multi-tasking than notifications, however it sounds like it can be nice. What i would wish to see is also not simply badges with notification numbers however updateable icons, like how iCal shows the present date, it sounds like a weather app may show the present temperature with some image representing the forecast. The Apple weather app icon sounds like it's created to try to to this as a result of shows an actual temperature, however that temperature does not appear to be based mostly essentially that makes it a lot of confusing than helpful. alternative apps may modification to indicate totally different statuses yet. Is my IM app connected or not? I actually have to open it to search out . Also, whereas the notification center may be a huge improvement, access has to me a lot of intuitive. I knew it absolutely was there once the upgrade, however still had to travel on-line to remind myself a way to notice it. For such a pivotal feature, there has to be a a lot of obvious thanks to notice it. All-in-all i feel Cart's demo shows some helpful things that might be done, however they are not the enhancements that i might prioritize.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    Hey the Notification Center comes with a couple of customizable settings that are as follows:

    1. Sorting notifications based mostly on their time of arrival or the kind of alert.
    2. you'll be able to select the amount of notifications which is able to be showed concerning any specific app.
    3. There are 3 alert style; un-styled, banners and alerts.
    4. Toggling badges and sounds.
    5. you'll be able to in fact close up notifications for an app completely.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    I would like to see the following ‘
    • Weather alerts for the current location
    • Quick Reply on the iMessage and Facebook Chat
    • Widgets instant load on swipe down
    • Turn off the notification center

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    What I would like to see is the ability to o select Wi-Fi network, Bluetooth app , 3G option for turning on and off, and the iCloud email this all I want on my Notification Center

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: What update you like to see in Notification Center on iOS 5?

    Hey guys I don’t know whether this is annoying you or not but I am really frustrated when I get notifications when I am in the milled of the phone call. I don’t want getting loud tones or else vibrations in my ear so I would like to have the ability to so I like the ability to silence it

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