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Thread: ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

    I would like to know something more about Android ICS. So I thought it might be the best place to discuss about. It is still month away for HTC Rezound to get ICS. I don’t think that it is better to wait until next year. You have very good core phone. I hope that the HTC Rezound will be far way better once it get updated with the ICS. But the problem as I have seen from the point of ICS that you could lose whole clean screen and you may bet screen buttons instead. I don’t think it looks cool.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

    The fragmentation of Android has the consequence that many apps do not all run different operating systems from Google. Applications for ICS are made not simply run on Gingerbread. The fragmentation will ultimately make fewer apps for the older operating systems available. ICS is designed to be both tablets and phones could run. Thus, the gap between phone and tablet poem. Now there is a special version of Android for tablets, Honeycomb (3.0).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

    Android fans in the coming months will receive the official update (and beyond), aware of the fact that Google has worked to get more performance with the same hardware acceleration of the previous version of Android. You will not be reserved for the exclusive Galaxy next lucky owners of Nexus, but a feature available on many devices and applications usable by individual developers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

    All Xperia owners can breathe easy. The new mobile operating system from Google is coming to their phone. Android 4.0, also known under the name Ice Cream Sandwich, will be available as an update. The update will include carrying out by the owners of Xperia Play , Xperia Arc and Xperia Pro phones. Xperia phones for 2011 are unfortunately not included in the update.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

    LG suggests that assesses the ability to upgrade more Android phones LG Ice Cream Sandwich with what it offers hope for thousands of users who want to try the new version of Android.

    With this update of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Optimus LG phones take advantage of the new features of this robust mobile operating system.

    So if you own one of these LG mobile phones recommend you watch to the official website of the Android mobile phone maker to update your phone with Android 4.0 Optimus LG Ice Cream Sandwich.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: ICS update will be coming for other Android phones

    Before starting I would like to make it clear that this firmware is not for beginners and is only for developers, since it is an alpha version of the firmware, all you works of the new OS Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0 is the screen lock initial screens and touch

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