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Thread: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I am an owner of Asus G51 Laptop. It is very good laptop and I am happy with it. Since no electronic products can me dat perfect so I have cooling issues with it. IT get heated up quickly and I am scared that it might hamper the hardware of my laptop. How to keep the mod cooling ?

    • Below are the results:
    • Full 3Dmark run after a clean boot:
    • Before - max 94c (P7350, all stock clocks)
    • After - max 81c (X9100@3.4Ghz, 600-800-1500)
    • RESULT = 13c decrease

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    Even I am Asus G51 Laptop user for past 6 months. Happy with the product but not with its cooling. After the 4th month it started getting heated up so I then drilled a 3 inch hole in diameter. I used the netting of windows as a cover to keep it dust free and physical contact. I have noticed that with this mod we getting fresh air into the fan except the CPU and GPU which are no longer having the surface heat pulled away. It wont make any difference if you have a custom blowing air cooler into the fan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    The most quick witted thing to in fact do could be to deliberately and absolutely bore out a rectangle shaped hole above the gpu and utilize a metal cross section like material to blanket it, moreover doing the same above the ram and the harddrive. That method the surface hotness is pulled afar and more atmosphere is effectively pulled by the fan from remote areas.

  4. #4
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    May 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I concur with you about expanding detached cooling around the GPU. Be that as it may it does at present have vents above that zone. I adored mine but lost it in the separation which is cool-particularly protected auto for my illustration. I'm beginning to feel that the cooling framework for the GPU actually could not venture to transport enough high temperature to the fan so as to at long last reject it. That would be conceivably why expanding the fan's productivity via mods for example this doesn't do much.

  5. #5
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    May 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I perceived with my laptops lmao. The gpu is cooled but it still transmits a touch of hotness which the fan likewise sucked from the surface of it. In the event that its on a cooler, you see a vast divergence however, even on a work area the temps ascent up all the more. I feel the need to verify its exceptional information before individuals begin cutting open their cases. Therefore far , I don't think its finished much. At the same time it would amplify the impact of a laptop cooler subsequent to that could furnish a preferable root of cool atmosphere. Additionally hinging on the effects or if folks could want to do it themselves they can constantly request a shift base to "mod" while letting the initial be. Thus if they destroy or dont similar to their distinct outcomes they are not stayed with it.

  6. #6
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    May 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I quite would like to put in a preferred fan. I'm determined to rummage in my parts receptacle and see what I would be able to concocted while this sultry POS is still under warranty. That looks such as a non specific fan to me-I might be wrong. Appears prefer I've perceived almost indistinguishable ones on GPU's in the past. I've got a whole gathering of old cooling explanations that may prove to be useful. LMAO That is not a preferable fan. It is the fan from the G50 and it turns at a tad slower rpm than the G51 does. In addition provided that you give careful consideration nearly the spindles are special. The G51 fan spindle has a sunken to it, permitting atmosphere to structure a can impact while the G50 fan spindle is even.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I resolved why I wasn't getting much enhancement in GPU temps. I had the G51 sitting even on a table-with the consequence that the fan admission was primarily all in all as near an obstacle as it was after the hole was made. I basically propped up the back of the record book, and I could not get my GPU to look over 90C now. Ever, it was hitting 97c around the same time as ARMA II gaming. Spared me the time to verify categorically, but I'm speculation perhaps it worked. I've utilized them on alternate laptops and they worked terrific without putting any add'l thickness in the laptop.I utilized the metal grille from a laptop cooler called Notepal (made by Cooler Master) which is all-aluminum and rather pricey. You may spot one on the net. I have a dag nab' accumulation of laptop coolers and the grille happened to fit splendidly.

  8. #8
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    May 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    According to me it woks. Running Furmark at 1366x768 with 16xAA with a 3.4Ghz CPU OC and 600/900/1500 on the GPU, it now maxes out at 89c. Note that it tries not to work unless the back of the record book is propped up to permit crisp breeze to drop in the admission. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the same test, with less AA and less res, bring about 97c earlier to the hole being made. They should have settled on a "designing" determination that, provided that the GPU stayed underneath 108c ), the cooling framework was "adequate".

  9. #9
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    May 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I might tell there was something going on account of when I expected my hand to remember the vent in the midst of 3Dmark, it didn't dish my hand such as heretofore. I'm totally animated to see what a cooler will do for this mod. I think it could work ideal with one the blows cool atmosphere right into the admission. I utilized a dremel device with a modest slice-off wheel to make honestly harsh cuts then after that completed up with the dremel utilizing a sanding barrel thingy to smooth the edges. I'm really butt-centric however, as I disdain mods unless they look "manufacturing plant". The flame broil was attached utilizing superglue, then after that electrical tape on top of it to guarantee it didn't short anything out. The grille itself hailed from the Cooler Master Notepal. I have some electronics poo laying around and it happened to fit splendidly-to the purpose of looking OEM. I unequivocally got lucky on that one.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    I have a suggetsion for the back edge of the note pad and it blows a great deal of atmosphere underneath-actually what is wanted. The coolers that sit under the record book and blow upward are, straightforwardly, numbskull. All they're doing is recirculating the blazing, stale breeze that at present exists under the record book. It's a much preferable thought to get the breeze from the encompassing nature (instead of the superheated poop under the journal) and furnish it to the existing cooling framework. Totally, that would be all an outside cooler can do: Provide cooler atmosphere to go with. Actually moving the same smoking stuff around isn't gonna do squat, and is why 99% of these things, when tested, don't drop temps whatsoever.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to keep my Asus G51 Laptop in cooling mod?

    The GPU could be "first in line" to gain cool breeze, and the CPU could get what's alternate over. Yes, the CPU could run more sultry. At the same time even my X9100 oc'ed to 3.4Ghz just hits about 55c as it is, although the GPU was hitting 97c.

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