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Thread: crackling sound from earphone speaker in Motorola droid razr

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    crackling sound from earphone speaker in Motorola droid razr

    I have bought Motorola Droid razr mobile phone in which I have android 2.3.5 in my mobile phone. Now I am facing problem in my Motorola droid razr. When I receive the call in my Motorola droid razr at that time I get crackling sound from the earphone speaker. Is this problem related to setting or something else is causing this issue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: crackling sound from earphone speaker in Motorola droid razr

    First thing you should check your mobile phone by increasing the volume and decreasing the again. Now after that if problem remains then you should connect the headphone with your mobile phone and after connecting the headphone with your mobile phone you have to check whether you are getting the sound in your phone properly or not. if you are facing the same problem with headphone also then problem is with mobile phone setting or something else. If you are not getting the same problem with the headphone and you are getting the sound properly then it means problem is with the mobile phone speaker.

    First cheek this things so that you can understand about what the exact problem is. If you need any more help with this then let me know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: crackling sound from earphone speaker in Motorola droid razr

    If problem is not coming with your hands free then you have to visit the Motorola service center and then you have to tell them about the crackling sound issue from your mobile phone and after that they will check your mobile phone then they will give you solution according to that.

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