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Thread: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    I used this Sony Tablet S in last two weeks and within two week it gives such type of problem. First major problem is that the Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly onto it. when I try to surfing internet then it happens. The other problem also present and they are WiFi, Auto Dim and few applications opening Up-Side Down type of issues arrives onto this tablet . Can anybody help me to fix such type of issue. Anything would be must appreciating.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    If this type of internal problem arrives on your system then better way is to use the Honeycomb firmware reinstallation technique on your tablet . You can also directly do this task. First need to downaldo the latest firmware of this tablet and then install it using proper installation process. This will be work to fix your type of problem. Try this process and locate the result. I hope result comes in positive manner.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    I don’t thing so there is need to do this firmware reinstallation task. You can also try to just do the software reinstallation instead of whole OS reinstallation process. There is no need to do this complete uninstallation and reinstallation process. Might be this process goes otno the wrong direction. Hence you need to perform reinstallation task with this Stock browser and dolphin application. This will avoid your additional wasting time and unnecessary process.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    Quote Originally Posted by robot.txt View Post
    I don’t thing so there is need to do this firmware reinstallation task. You can also try to just do the software reinstallation instead of whole OS reinstallation process. There is no need to do this complete uninstallation and reinstallation process. Might be this process goes otno the wrong direction. Hence you need to perform reinstallation task with this Stock browser and dolphin application. This will avoid your additional wasting time and unnecessary process.
    I don’t think that this is also best solution over this tablet . You can directly contact the service center for solving this issue. Within two weeks this Tablet gives such problem and hence I think the best way is to be use warranty card facility of this tablet and with the help of expert fix generated issues.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    Quote Originally Posted by CassandraD View Post
    I don’t think that this is also best solution over this tablet . You can directly contact the service center for solving this issue. Within two weeks this Tablet gives such problem and hence I think the best way is to be use warranty card facility of this tablet and with the help of expert fix generated issues.
    I try to contact the service center but because I buy this tablet to other country and as per the rules there is necessary to give extra charges for solving this type of problem. In this process, custom charges make so many differences. If I try to use warranty facility then it goes into costly matter. Hence please give me proper firmware installation or specific way to this issue.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    I think the firmware upgrade is also the best solution over this issue. You need to just take online upgrade firmware help onto this tablet . Then follow the necessary instructions to do this upgrade process. i thing this will be work to fix your problem. Upgrade firmware also possible into this tablet by going to the Setting-> upgrade type of link. This upgrade process will make replace corrupted setup files of the firmware and it also adds another firmware setup files onto it. This will be also work to improve the performance of your system.

  7. #7
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    May 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    I was having the Wi-Fi issue then found that by default it's set to turn off when you turn the screen off. You can also use this normal process. in that you need to go to setting menu. Then choose factory restore option. It ask your password. Use proper password and then perform this restore setting process. This will be gives impact and the Wi-Fi as well as other issues completely removed on your tablet . Hence try this and check what result arriving on your phone.

  8. #8
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    May 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    Web browsing is one of the major use cases for the transformer. It will be nice if this get fixed. If your tablet doesn’t able to fix the browser issues then you can contact the official site expert. Expert suggest you some instruction throw online technique. Then apply these instructions onto your tablet . This will be help to you for solving such problem in online manner.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2011

    Re: Stock browser and dolphin closing randomly on Sony Tablet S

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaganvihari View Post
    I think the firmware upgrade is also the best solution over this issue. You need to just take online upgrade firmware help onto this tablet . Then follow the necessary instructions to do this upgrade process. i thing this will be work to fix your problem. Upgrade firmware also possible into this tablet by going to the Setting-> upgrade type of link. This upgrade process will make replace corrupted setup files of the firmware and it also adds another firmware setup files onto it. This will be also work to improve the performance of your system.
    I try firmware upgrade task on this tablet. This will be helps me and in result finally I was able to access all the features and functions of this tablet. I thing if anybody who faced this type of problem can also try to do this upgrade process. it fix your complicated problem. Once again thanks for valuable reply.

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