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Thread: is the BlackBerry Curve 9370/9360/9350 screen resolutions are similar as the blackberry Bold 9780?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    is the BlackBerry Curve 9370/9360/9350 screen resolutions are similar as the blackberry Bold 9780?

    Is the display screen resolution the similar as the BlackBerry Bold 9780? I recognize the BlackBerry CURVE series is known for having that dull low-budget screen. Does anybody know if this BlackBerry CURVE has the similar display resolution and clearness as the BlackBerry Bold 9780? I be acquainted with the only high end BlackBerry CURVE was the BlackBerry Curve 8900 which i liked , but it rain on EDGE which was unsatisfactory.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: is the BlackBerry Curve 9370/9360/9350 screen resolutions are similar as the blackberry Bold 9780?

    The BlackBerry Curve 9360 does have the similar 480 x 360 screen as the BlackBerry Bold 9780/9700. They're equally 2.4" and display 245 PPI, a nice crisp resolution. There are similar holds factual for the BlackBerry Curve 8900. As a relationship, the BlackBerry Curve 9330 that preceded it had a lower 320 x 240 resolution with the similar screen size. At 2.4", this equates to a 163 PPI screen. So you can observe that the jump to the BlackBerry 9360 is pretty significant in screen excellence. The curve is a lot thinner than previous cell phones I'd visualize it’s a complete fresh display unit.

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