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Thread: iphone 4S Notification Center Bug of Calendar Events

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    iphone 4S Notification Center Bug of Calendar Events

    I have a few trade records set up-one is my work email/calendar, the different is Gmail email/calendar. My Gmail schedule as a matter of fact has some datebooks in it-the vast majority of which I keep stowed away. Yet, the logbook segment in the warning focus constantly indicates occasions from all calendars-there doesn't appear to be any avenue to prefer which datebook's occasions appear there. I could anticipate the Notification Center to just demonstrate upcoming occasions from the "filed" calendars in the logbook application. I try not to have a planner’s record, could someone be ready to report this as a bug?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: iphone 4S Notification Center Bug of Calendar Events

    Do you have access to xcode 4.2 beta 3 and are equipped to get into the arranger and give support logs and different debug info?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: iphone 4S Notification Center Bug of Calendar Events

    I'm not confident what debug insight I could give-its effectively reproducible have several datebooks, conceal one, head off to notice focus and you will see occasions from both.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: iphone 4S Notification Center Bug of Calendar Events

    This is event to me likewise. This could encourage demonstrating. I have 1 trade explain my work. Then I have set up an additional trade elucidate my gmail record. My gmail record has subscribed to every of tribe part's google timetables for the purpose that we could probably every see each others.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: iphone 4S Notification Center Bug of Calendar Events

    Anyhow I DO NOT have it set up in google logbook to appropriate notices for any of those subscribed clan message records. I am just able to see them. Where you are able to then decide on to check stamp which timetables you could take every available opportunity to see on your iphone. Be that as it may again, warnings are turned off. Nonetheless, I am still getting the majority of people's provisions posted in my warning focus dropdown.

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