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Thread: Amazon Kindle Fire will be available outside of the U.S.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Amazon Kindle Fire will be available outside of the U.S.

    I need some information that can be helps me to understand that this tablet is available on the other country except US. I hope that I got this tablet pc. Hence if anyone has experience about it, then please must reply for this query. Thanks for any kind of help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Amazon Kindle Fire will be available outside of the U.S.

    This is the most important product of the Amazon and hence the developer of this tablet has decided to never launch this product outside the US. they also looking forward about this product. In that they try to collect reviews and then as per the reviews, the developer has to be make some changes onto it. Now recently they might be think about this product can also popular outside US. Hence the manufacturer has to be try to launch this tablet outside US such as in Europe, Asia and etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Amazon Kindle Fire will be available outside of the U.S.

    At the beginning the developer of this tablet have not launch this tablet onto outside the US. We may have an answer as to why the Amazon developers do this task. According to some newly leaked sales figures of Cult of Android is that they are selling about 2000 to pre-fire Kindle tablets per hour in the States alone. We find the numbers during the lunch hour, and can confirm that the 48,000 tablets per day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Amazon Kindle Fire will be available outside of the U.S.

    I read some article related to this topic and the article has discussed lot of things about this tablet pc. Amazon has yet to give a motive why the devices are not sold internationally, but the news will undoubtedly be a dissatisfaction - and shock - to those who were looking forward to getting his gloves on the table $ 199 particular. The popularity of this tablet is increased but amid the excitement among consumers and fierce tension amongst tablet manufacturers.

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