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Thread: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    I confirm that the new BIOS 0511 for the EeePC are licensed or not. It is also compatible with my system or not, including voltage and modifying 630/900? I heard that the BIOS are not removed by 8804 or 0401. Please provide the necessary information about it. All responses will be appreciated. I am eagerly waiting for your reply. Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    According to my knowledge the BIOS 0511 (and probably the next official BIOS) definitely seems like the BIOS that some of you have been looking for. It seems that this only works in BIOS '7 A ', and perhaps revisions 7B. "Unlock" the maximum brightness of 220 nits panel, which would be much brighter than the maximum of ~ 130 nits or to allow the old BIOS. For more information, visit the official website. I hope my advice is provide sufficient help to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    I've learned firsthand that BIOS 0511 is indeed a serious error that causes the system to become unpredictable Update ACPI CPU temperature reading, both in 'Max battery life and ways of "Max Performance ". After observing two cases in which this problem occurred, the only way to get the system to start updating the temperature once again is by closing down the eeePC, and remove the battery and AC adapter (if connected). The placement of the eeePC, or simply assume the restart does not fix this problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    Those who run their eeePC mode 900 MHz "Max Performance" should be aware that it is (still rare) plausible for this error occur while your eeePC is in a state in which the fan has stopped spinning For example, shortly after the resumption of standby. If this happens the fan will not turn on, and when running in "Max Performance" no fan turning, the temperature can reach 80 ° C if not more, at which the BIOS 810 CPU downclock MHz, but the temperature is still increasing gradually. The critical temperature for the CPU is 90 º C, but in the unlikely event that the temperature reaches the system will never be aware that it has.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    I would advise those who run their eeePC 900 MHz, and not worry about the added brightness 0511 offers to flash 0703 to avoid these issues. Asus' re-release of the BIOS 0401 and 0703 have not been made with the "evil" intentions, after all. Assume it is a beta version that Asus insider / beta tester has leaked. I have a 7A model, and certainly appreciate the increased brightness that the BIOS reports offer my work area is well lit and the results on the screen that appears when eeePC dullness. If the BIOS then officially excluded from this improvement, which I'll probably give this BIOS a try.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    With regard to the brightness of the screen, how bright it seems that you and I will always be subjective, as it reduces the intrusion of ambient lighting is. In a dark room on the lowest brightness setting is bright enough and in a bright room or outdoors, 130 nits of brightness equivalent to a screen in a dark place. For my part I have no complaints with the possibility of having an extra 90 nits at my disposal. If someone has been enough to play with him and has the same machine I, please let me know how it goes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: A new 0511 BIOS for the ASUS EeePC

    I think the best thing to do would be to reverse engineer the changes and then implement them as a linux kernel module. This way people can have their advantages, but without evidence of risk, and facilitate changes as necessary rather than having to reboot and enter the BIOS setup. Or is there a BIOS can cause a kernel-mode program with sufficient knowledge of the details of hardware. I have to admit a certain temptation to pick up surf 2 g for modification experiments, and leave my 4g insurance. I guess if I'm going to get a bigger flash stick anyway, the 2G is a great loss (presumably the 2g installation file that I would still be able to check webmail, etc, as a personalized message if my USB installation is not home / office. And one thing to do would be to be able to connect to a bad BIOS update.

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