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Thread: HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

    I also like to share it here in the forum as Well, I'm not a fan of Apple or Microsoft, nevertheless Apple is releasing all the blows to Android appear. It shows how a large quantity of a contact Android has hand on them and willpower in the prospect. Anyway this article on the ITC and HTC apple patent contravention understand writing. I look forward to HTC proceeds an Apple clean in the end.Anyone who got more information about this can share here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

    Apple is just full of crap.This forget, will not have a huge impact, so cannot sue for damages, even if HTC released. Android is open source, or is a loop hole, or simply avoid it in future releases. No worries here. Patents are 14 years of age. It seems that Android is preparatory to be a hazard to them. They are extremely paranoid of all the accomplishment to HTC and Android. I anticipate you will be triumphant in the appeal!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

    I like to observe Apple sued more OEMs to be conspiring against Apple and demand back together in revenge, and if at the end of the day; HTC lost and banned the sale of Android devices in the U.S. market. UK, U.S. consumers are likely over the years caught smuggling resources products too.I suspect that in the end, Apple will be theirs. This is sad and I dislike Apple; they just do not make an impression on me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

    The patent application is a large and lucrative business. All great actors have a portfolio of patents using the defensive to protect themselves from a lawsuit. This quotes sums up the special position of HTC.HTC is painstaking the most susceptible legal Android partners, at the same time as it lacks a hefty portfolio of patents act as a protect possible. Earlier this month, HTC bought S3 Graphics, for the preponderance part due to a figure of patents that the ITC governmental law judge lately ruled illegally used by Apple.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

    The only reason the android has all these demands at random because it is a threat. Apple did not care before Google bought Android. SI existed before the android G1, Google bought Android and took it to new levels, all welcome. Great players do this all the time, Apple vs. Microsoft, Apple vs. Samsung, Apple vs. Android. So Microsoft owns a division of Apple share and vice-versa. How they shift money devoid of being overpowering obvious.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: HTC Violated Apple Patents, Not good For Android. Do you dislike apple?

    Even if you lose HTC, will not really change anything except for their profit boundary. They will end up paying for something that Apple phone to use its rational property however will have to redesign the phones. But now they own the patents that Apple theoretically infringing upon the whole matter could be a draw anyway. Bloody Apple Why doesn’t `t you just create great products rather than competitors demand. Stupid American thinking - if you can `t beat your competitor to sue. But do not worry - Google reported that every day there are 550 000 Android enabled devices.

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