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Thread: Unable to access email after bridging BlackBerry 8530 to BlackBerry Playbook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Unable to access email after bridging BlackBerry 8530 to BlackBerry Playbook

    As I stated in my title, I have bridged my BlackBerry Curve 8530 to the Playbook, but I unable to access any of my emails, contacts or any files on the phone. There are no symbols showing up below my blackberry bridge tab. I really not understand what to do and how to solve this annoying issue. I just try to find the solution from net even I search this on many forums but can’t get any way out solution for this. So please if anyone here has any answer or any useful solution for this than please provide me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: Unable to access email after bridging BlackBerry 8530 to BlackBerry Playbook

    Here I have some way out solution for you which may be helpful to solve your trouble. Attempt a Battery drag please, with the BlackBerry Smartphone powered ON, take away the battery for 20 seconds and after that reinsert the battery to restart the device. This will remove all cache like rebooting a computer. After doing that attempt again and observe if your trouble continues. What operating system are you on? On your Smartphone enter in a new message MYVER and give a space later than to see and details back please.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    re: Unable to access email after bridging BlackBerry 8530 to BlackBerry Playbook

    I have exactly the similar problem. I connect and join up my playbook with my curve, but I have no signs below the BRIDGE part on the desktop. Even I attempted wiping my playbook but at a standstill not anything. Did anybody have any fortune with their 8530? I attempted with my 8530 (TELUS) and no happiness. I attempted with my sister's 9700 and no trouble (enough’s to say I was reassured that Bridge works wonderfully, but irritated that it doesn't work with my phone at present). I think rather than there being any means for us to do anything regarding it, it's going to be something that needs a fix from RIM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    re: Unable to access email after bridging BlackBerry 8530 to BlackBerry Playbook

    It seems like this is an ordinary trouble with the 8530. I am running 5.0 on an 8530 and I am truly hopeful RIM has detach for this shortly or at the very least, a few type of work around. But, as per me, I lastly fixed the trouble by downloading the most recent version for my Curve 8530. I am with Bell Mobility and setup I after that installed the BlackBerry Bridge and re-paired my Playbook as stated by instructions- symbols showed up and all is functioning well!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    re: Unable to access email after bridging BlackBerry 8530 to BlackBerry Playbook

    I am with TELUS in Alberta, but I have been not capable to discover an update to mind you, I am on the road today and attempting to download a copy for Desktop Manager for my laptop isn't functioning. I am guessing RIM's servers are caught up with PB updates and such. After some time, since there are hardly any or no reports which I have heard of on the 9700 I may just shift my plan to restore my 8530 early.

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