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Thread: Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

    Guys I need your suggestion to set wireless Cam for my home. I stay at a place where some cases of robberies registered recently. For security purpose I want to install Cams for my home. I have wireless router of Netgear for my system and I want to use same for those cams. I am planning to set up to cams one in the front side of my house and another one at the back side of my house, I want both for outside only to monitor the situation. Guys please give me some suggestion which company cam will be more effective etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

    I have installed those cams due to gang wars in my area, In the starting I was using DLink DCS-1000 and after that your Netgear router. And it cost me around 200-250$ to st up security cam but with those I was getting very basic features, They did work but only normal climate and atmosphere conditions. They didn’t work well in any following situation Low light, Bright sun light, low contrast. Actually both was only for indoor use not for the outdoor use. There are some cameras from Olympus and Toshiba but those starts from 350$.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

    Well I am looking for some good stuff like which will work under extreme conditions too, because we can’t take care of those cams each and every day. Front cam will be covered but there will be issue of low light. And the cam which will installed on the backside will be facing sun rise and also it won’t be covered so it wil get some sand and wind. And maybe I will need I separate TV for viewing, and camera’s will need some power supply too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

    If you’re looking for suitable and want to have look over the feature of different cams, just go on to goggle and search for security camera’s. If you’re looking for cheaper camera’s then go for Non-IP cameras and if you want to hide your cam in night then there is an option of IR illuminator with Non-IP cameras, they also work in bad weather conditions and you will get cover for those cam. But you have to run power for this cams too, so you can run coax video.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

    Yeah Non-IP camera is very good option, but if you want to have look or want to monitor particular area from other place also not only from home then DVR capture card will be the solution you just have to put that card in your computer and you can view the video getting recorded by cams.DVR standalone works with all cameras and it will display the video recording on the computer. You can use it with internet so you will be able view the particular area from anywhere.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Need suggestion to buy a wireless security camera

    First of all thanks a lot guys I haven’t seen so quick replies on any other site. I was quite sure to get good suggestions from you guys, because previously on other queries also members from this site were very quick in responding and given me the best solution. DVR standalone is the thing for which I was looking for, because I want to have a look on my home while I am travelling or may be at some other place or in other town. So my query I solved thanks a lot guys.

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