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Thread: Connect iPhone/iPod Touch in Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Connect iPhone/iPod Touch in Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy

    I have got an ipad , I had purchased it a few weeks after it was actually launched , I was using the pre installed operating system till now , but now I want my tablet pc to be connected with the different versions of the Linux operating system , so and the version that concerns me most are Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy , I was also having a query whether there is a same procedure for the ipod touch as well , please tell me how I can actually do this .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Connect iPhone/iPod Touch in Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy

    If you want iphone/ipod touch in ubuntu easy technique is using iFuse program.
    iFuse permits you to mount an iPhone or iPod Touch below Linux with the help of the USB cable. You can view and edit the files same to a usual USB disk drive. iFuse does not need “jailbreaking” or voiding your warranty and functions without requiring additional software installed on the phone (such as `ssh`).libiphone is a software library which interacts the local Apple USB protocols that the iPhone uses. In contrast with other projects, `libiphone` does not relies on using any existing `.dll` or `.so` libraries from Apple.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Connect iPhone/iPod Touch in Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy

    iFuse is a FUSE filesystem driver which uses `libiphone` to connect to devices and for that you are not necessary to jailbreak. iFuse is using the local Apple “AFC” protocol, over the usual USB cable in order to have an on access theiPhone’s or as you said the iPod Touch media files under Linux.Once the iPhone is mounted, you can copy on, or copy off several media files that exist inside the `/var/root/Media` chroot directory. This includes images and music files.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Connect iPhone/iPod Touch in Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy

    Install iFuse in Ubuntu
    First you require to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file
    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
    and accordingly you can add the lines as there are different line for different versions of Linuxes
    For karmic Users you need to add following lines deb karmic main
    deb-src karmic main
    For Jaunty Users you need to add following lines
    deb jaunty main
    deb-src jaunty main
    For Intrepid Users you need to add following lines deb intrepid main
    deb-src intrepid main
    For Hardy Users you need to add following lines deb hardy main
    deb-src hardy main

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Connect iPhone/iPod Touch in Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy

    Precisely, that’s how & what I did yesterday night. Worst thing was hearing the USB device freeing sound on the VBox guest for the very first time. Then, manually enabling it after 10 seconds left me with a clean screened phone (which was scarier). Re-enabling the USB filter device on the guest as it obtains disconnected by iTunes, did the job. I didn’t attempt using ReactOS for installing/Testing iTunes & USB connections YET. Any helpers out there?

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