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Thread: Does Anyone Know About Rooting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Does Anyone Know About Rooting

    I have been using the Android phone of the Samsung Galaxy and have been using it since past three months, but the main thing is that I am just planning to get the access to the main files that are present in the system of the phone so that I can just bring about the changes in it. I just wanted to upgrade the system and add some of the extra features in the phone that is being used by me. Please help me out with the issues that are being faced by me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Does Anyone Know About Rooting

    Most companies "lock" their phones to discourage customers to take your phone and move to another company. Carriers also depend on "exceptionality" agreements to encourage users to change their plans so they can use a particular phone for the e.g., the Apple iPhone in the AT & T. To use the handset on the network of another carrier that would be needed to "unlock" the phone and for the unlocking purpose the rooting technique is being used in it. This is done with a code based on the IMEI of the phone that can be provided by your Internet provider or companies that are a little more reliable for the up gradation that you have to do for the phone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Does Anyone Know About Rooting

    In addition, software may force certain limitations to avoid using the phone in a way that could weaken their voice plans for the example such as the , Skype, Google Voice strain, or then putting in the data network for example immobilization, streaming video. The way around this is the gaining of 'root' files that will be helpful for the upgrading and the changes that you wanted to do from the system. For that you require administrator access for the device that you can install or modify or fix or just break no matter which you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Does Anyone Know About Rooting

    The other technique is through the use of the noobs another that is the way to understand the files that are in the root and are taken as the private and public access. And also anything you can change or just remove through the use of the public access, but for the construction of ring tones and applications such as Amazon MP3 are stored in the private access and require administrative identification which is where its roots come into play. And so let all of use make the full use of the phone extent of the hardware in the file that is being blocked by the carrier or any other reason.

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