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Thread: Nokia N8 Does not support the Change In Bluetooth headset's volume

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Nokia N8 Does not support the Change In Bluetooth headset's volume

    I have been using the phone of the Nokia N8, and the phone is said to best because of the various versions of the application that the phone supports and also the multi-functionality of the phone along with the touch screen option in it. The phone has got some of the best of the interfaces in it and also the working of the phone is said to be the best. I have been using the Bluetooth headset in it since long and also it is that I have just got the new Bluetooth for the phone. At the start the working of the Bluetooth was the best but later on, when I have changed the volume the Bluetooth stops working and I don’t know what the issue with it is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Nokia N8 Doesnot support the Change In Bluetooth headset's volume

    If you are using the Bluetooth that is of Jabra then the issue will be faced by you in the phone, it is that when the volume in the Bluetooth headset of the jabra is being used the change in the volume also affects the system of the phone that you are using. After that when you start to use the use the Headset it does not work properly and shows the error of the connectivity in it. The volume control that you are using for the phones won’t work at all perfectly but the controls may be changed by you that are being used in the phones of the Nokia N8.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Nokia N8 Doesnot support the Change In Bluetooth headset's volume

    Some say that the phone is syncing the Bluetooth along with the phone for the specified volume and also it is that you just have to see that the volume that you are using at the start because the volume that is defined at the start works out well for the other functioning to. But the issue can also be of the bug that is normally being found if you are accessing various files that are being coming to the phone along with the use of the Bluetooth headset.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Nokia N8 Doesnot support the Change In Bluetooth headset's volume

    And also it is that you can just check the three BT headsets that is of Two Jabras and one Plantronics and then check that the volume control is possible by using the headset keys only and have seen that no effects are being seen in Nokia N8 volume controls that show no effect. But you can just make the use of the various other BT headsets that can have one small thing in common. They are said that all A2DP headsets for improved audio transmission. And also you can just use the BH-217 that is a type of the non-A2DP headset.

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