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Thread: Water Damage Indicator in Blackberry Pearl 8130

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Water Damage Indicator in Blackberry Pearl 8130

    I have a Blackberry Pearl 8130, and what I have observed since few days is that sound keeps on cracking when I turn on the speakers. Someone said that I can check the water damage indicator and if it is red then you have a serious problem. So I opened the back panel and saw that the water damage indicator has turned red. Now the problem is that my phone has never come in contact with water. Infact I take good care of my phone as it is my first Blackberry. I have the warranty for this phone , but will they give a replacement for this. I am scared and I don’t know what to do. Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Water Damage Indicator in Blackberry Pearl 8130

    The water damage indicator in case of Blackberry Pearl 8130, is located at the back under the battery, it is next to the place where you insert MicroSD card. It is square in shape and initially white colored, but when it comes in contact with moisture or any kind of liquid this indicator turns to red color. If this happens you are advised to take it immediately to the service center of Blackberry and get it done. Whether they will charge you or not I don’t know, but even if they charge you it would be minimal as your phone is still in warranty.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Water Damage Indicator in Blackberry Pearl 8130

    Normally it white colored which means everything Is fine, even if the indicator is pink in color with x’s on its OK, but if the water damage indicator is red in color then this is what indicates that it has been affected by some liquid. Most of the time it happens because of moisture. And I am sure they will give you a replacement if and only if your device is in warranty period. And suppose you no longer have the warranty of your Blackberry you still have a solution, just go to the nearby store and get it fixed before its too late.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Water Damage Indicator in Blackberry Pearl 8130

    One interesting thing about these water damage indicators are that they are nothing but stickers. Yes, even I was surprised when I heard that, recently there was news that these stickers are very sensitive. There are people who complained that they have never ever exposed their Blackberry’s to water or any kind of liquid and yet their water or liquid damage indicators turn either Pink or red. It seems that this can happen in conditions of very high humidity for example if you are near the sea shore, the humidity level is high as compared to others. This can even happen to users who sweat too much, and because of their sweaty hands the indicator changes its color.

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