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Thread: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    hello there everyone, i'm new here and would like to say sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong forum.

    i just got what appears to be a generic china version of a 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB WIFI windows ce 6.0...there is no name bran on the unit at all. i got this from the local classifieds. now when i got it home it won't boot up at all. there doesn't even seem to be any noise comming from it (like it's not even trying to boot the OS). i do get a red led light when i plug it in and when i do turn it on i get red led lights on the left hand side where the power lights are but nothing on the right hand side where there it looks like you should see loading led's or something.

    now i've been trying to do some reading and found people are saying to put vt8505 software onto a sd card and try that..which i did but there was no difference. it did not appear to boot up from the SD card at all nor did it make any noises like it was even trying to do anything . i also tried putting the files onto a usb stick but had the same results.

    i've also tried to take the battery out and hold the power button for 40 sec's or so and rehook up but also still had the same results.

    i can't find much info on this unit so any help anyone can give me would be awesome !!! as well as any advice where i can find some info would be great!!

    i bought this thing for 40 bucks thinking it was a netbook. not this mini netbook thing and after searching i see that you can buy them bran new for 100 bucks !! but o well it'll be fun to play with if i can get it going !!

    i also just got a 7 inch android for xmas and this seems very similar to it except it has a keyboard and not a touchscreen. i've also read that people are trying to put android OS on these mini they must be very similiar??

    but again any help would be sooo greatly appreciated !!!\



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    One a netbook or portable tablet pc, red light refers to lack of charging. You have to charge that first properly. If still you are not able to boot then this can be a hardware issue. At least you can see the loading screen or something. It is possible to download and install Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Evaluation Edition on your system. The installation is not easy, so I do advice you to get a guide for that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    first off ..thank you for such a quick reply...

    i have fully charged it but still have the same results. all that it does when i turn it on is go to a really faded black screen with lines across it. still doesn't even make noise like the harddrive is even attempting to loading screen or's like it's completly dead...

    i'm willing to try anything with this.\(can't hurt it any more then it already is). do you happen to have any kind of link or can point me in the right direction as to where i can find the guide or something where i can read up on this? i have had absolutly no luck in finding anything for this unit except this website (which does seem very usefull by the way). but other then this i am pretty stuck at where to go ! so any more advice would be so helpfull cause as of right now this thing is just a paperweight . i can't believe someone ripped me off like that ! well i guess i can...not everyone is honest are they...but like i said i will try anything right you have to install the OS from a SD card? cause like i said i did try to put that vt8505 file on a sd but it didn't do anything. do these units have a bois where you can get into and change the boot order from? i've tried hitting all the F keys but nothing happened...and i'm really outa ideas as what i can possibly do to fix this..

    on top of these problems it also appears that the plug in, inside the unit is a bit loose. so i might have to open it up and soder it a bit better to keep a good connection. but i don't think this has to do with the other problem cause it does change and power up..just have to fiddle around with the cord a bit and it's good...but i know from experience with my toshiba laptop that this issue will get

    anyways i hope i'm giving enough info and am not rambling on to much !!\\



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    so i decided to take the unit apart and see what i could see...there was a chip in it which said this...don't know if it helps at all but figured i would post it in case it does. i also took a couple pics if that helps at all..

    samsung 013

    would this be the hd or the ram maybe??

    now when i was lookin at the unit theres a ribbion to the keyboad, and mouse..but there was another place where a ribbion connects to the board but nothing was there !!! is this usual? dont have clue what its for....
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    anyone got any ideas for me????? please and thank you


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    Quote Originally Posted by justsomeguy View Post

    samsung 013
    I cannot say for sure but the notebook that you are thinking is a mp4 player if I am correct. I read somewhere, its just a crap china made mp4 player and if you bought it at a very cheap rate then its not a notebook for sure.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2011

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    Quote Originally Posted by einstein_007 View Post
    I cannot say for sure but the notebook that you are thinking is a mp4 player if I am correct. I read somewhere, its just a crap china made mp4 player and if you bought it at a very cheap rate then its not a notebook for sure.
    an mp4 player!! really?? see from the searches i've done this seems to be like an android tablet but with a keyboard. but i can't really tell for sure what the hell it checked that site that you linked but can't really find anything on there either. it seems like it's a mini netbook from all the searchs i've done on it. but that's about all i can find out. can't find any kind of manual or troubleshooting tips at all....and like i said i've ripped the thing about and posted a pic and there's not much to it that's for sure. but it does look like it has a 4 or 5 hole jtag port on it...which i'm thinking is going to be what i have to use in order to get this baby up and rolling again. if anyone has some kind of manual or troubleshooting guide i can get off them that would be great !!! please please please anyone !!!!

    i'm having one hell of a time finding info out there on all the sites i've searched. like i've said it will turn on and immediatly goes to a faded black screen and doesn't make much noise like it's even trying to boot up !!!

    thanks guys and gals !!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    question 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    u guys seem, to know a little about this thing, i have the same laptop, but i set a password, and then i didnt use my laptop 4 a while, and now i cant remember my pass word, anything i can do? like reset the password? or the system itself?

    well, actually mine isnt a tablet, i think i have the wrong forum, and mines not touch screen, but still, help me if u can plz.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim2251 View Post
    u guys seem, to know a little about this thing, i have the same laptop, but i set a password, and then i didnt use my laptop 4 a while, and now i cant remember my pass word, anything i can do? like reset the password? or the system itself?

    well, actually mine isnt a tablet, i think i have the wrong forum, and mines not touch screen, but still, help me if u can plz.
    What is the make or model of your laptop or either netbook that you have, since you have confirmed that it is not a tablet pc? Which operating system have you installed in your pc? There are many Password Reset Disk or software's available in the market, you just need to install and restore the password.
    In The Absence Of Light
    Darkness Prevail's

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    yeah hi there. iv just brought this same product, and used it for about a hour then shut it down but when i tryed to use it again it has stayed on the android loading thing and still is. how can i fix this?

  11. #11
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    Jan 2006

    Re: 7 inch Mini Netbook Laptop Notebook 2GB

    Quote Originally Posted by moppo101 View Post
    yeah hi there. iv just brought this same product, and used it for about a hour then shut it down but when i tryed to use it again it has stayed on the android loading thing and still is. how can i fix this?
    What version of android version is installed on the tablet, and I guess it will be a tablet not a laptop cause laptop doesnt comes with android operating system but tablets does. Anyways, since you have bought it newly, I would suggest returning it to the shop from where you bought it, they should be able to give a working tablet in replacement as per the warranty terms.

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