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Thread: Cover art getting mixed up in iPod touch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Cover art getting mixed up in iPod touch

    I have recently got a iPod touch and when I tried plugging in to the computer then it gave me a list of applications to select from. So I selected the rhythm box. I dragged and added a particular album in the playlist and I waited for the particular process to get over. After the album was added in the particular playlist and I ejected the iTouch. I found that the album cover art was messed up totally. So I found it to be very messy type. So can you send me some suggestions so that I can get the cover art properly. Waiting for your suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Cover art getting mixed up in iPod touch

    Well even I have faced the same issue with the rhythmbox as well .I have come across several forums saying rhythmbox messes up with the cover art. So I would advice you to go with some other applications that does a good playback support as well handles the cover art properly. According to me gtkpod is the best option. It handles the tracks very well and it appears in the repositories. It also works very well with all the iPods. So you don’t need to worry about the compatibility issue. So do carry on with this suggestion it will definitely help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Cover art getting mixed up in iPod touch

    I need to ask you are you sure about the gtkpod. Since one of my friend had also tried with the same application and it did not worked for him as the cover art was totally messed up in his case as well and I doubt whether it will work for me as well. So I will try formatting the iPod and adding the songs sequentially one by one and look whether it will work or not. According to me it will not but whats wrong in trying.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Cover art getting mixed up in iPod touch

    I think that must definitely work for you. Since your friend may have used both the applications at one time and that why he was not getting the desired result. Formatting the iPod will definitely help because that will remove all the running applications from the iPod. So do try formatting the iPod and after that add the gtkpod application and then add each and every song sequentially and check whether it is supporting the playback first and then check the cover art as well. It must work now according to my opinion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Cover art getting mixed up in iPod touch

    OK i tried with the same method. Even i formatted by iPod and then i thought of adding each and every song sequentially with the help of the gtkpod application and surprisingly it worked for me. Well the rhythmbox that was not working with the earlier version also worked perfectly well. So this suggestion really helped me. Anyways thanks to you all who have given me the necessary solutions.

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