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Thread: “USB connection Disconnect cable error” on connecting my Nokia N8 to desktop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    “USB connection Disconnect cable error” on connecting my Nokia N8 to desktop

    I have recently purchased a brand new Nokia N8 and it is being doing well for me. Everything is fine with the phone that I have purchased but the only thing that is worrying me here is that whenever I am connecting my mobile with the computer system then the phone is not detected and an error message is thrown in front of me and the connection is disabled. And the error message which is shown says that “USB connection Disconnect cable error”. I really don’t know about this error and also unable to solve the same. Please somebody help me out in this case.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: “USB connection Disconnect cable error” on connecting my Nokia N8 to desktop

    I just wanted to know which is the format of the USB that you are using either it is NTSF or FAT32. And if it is NTSF then it will definitely give you the error which you are facing. Now what you have to do here is that just see whether you are having the same format of USB and if it is then you have to change the same to FAT32. It is the latest and it helps to detect almost all the external drives connected to the system. I am sure that doing this will surely help you to solve the issue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: “USB connection Disconnect cable error” on connecting my Nokia N8 to desktop

    Well it seems to me that if the problem that you are facing is due to the connectivity between both of them. Now the thing here is that if there is not any intermediate available in between them then they will surely give you the errors while connecting with the system. So what I want you to do here is that just install the Nokia PC suite on the system and then have a go at it. I have installed the PC suite on my system and it is doing well for me I hope that if you will do the installation of PC suite then it will not give you any errors what so ever.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: “USB connection Disconnect cable error” on connecting my Nokia N8 to desktop

    I have gone through the problem and it seems to me that the issue that you are getting is sometimes due to the problem in the Mobile phone that you are using. So what you have to do in this case is that just contact the Nokia customer support and get it solved. I guess they will cooperate with you and help you to fix the issue. But before that you have to just visit the nearest Nokia customer care and then place a complaint over there and let them know the problem in detail. I assure you that they will surely find a solution for it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: “USB connection Disconnect cable error” on connecting my Nokia N8 to desktop

    The error clearly says that there might be a problem in the cable that you are using. It happens if the cable is not proper or corrupted then the system tends to give such error and fails to establish the connection. And to determine the same you have to just use another USB cable and then see whether it is doing well or not and also whether it is establishing connection or not. And if you are getting a proper connection them it is definite that the cable which you were using earlier was corrupted. I hope that this will work for you and will help you to solve the issue.

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