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Thread: Nokia X2 cannot play Youtube videos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Nokia X2 cannot play Youtube videos

    I have a Nokia X2 mobile phone and the problem that I am facing is basically with the Youtube video. I am not play youtube video or use youtube site on my phone. I do not know what could have been causing this. My phone has flash lite and so it should support flv files to play but when I play youtube videos it is not able to play. I do not know what could have been causing this issue. Please help me out so that I can make it work and process well. I need to play Youtube video. Hope to get the desired solution which will let the youtube to play.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Nokia X2 cannot play Youtube videos

    You may need to upgrade the flash content which is been installed to the phone. As this is been done you may then be able to get the flash videos to be executed and play. Youtube uses Flash 10 so you have to upgrade the flash lite for the same. Get the latest update to be installed to the phone and then check out by running the site on your phone. I hope the video will be played well by then. So check out and let us know if your problem is not solved.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Nokia X2 cannot play Youtube videos

    For your information youtube videos over web will only be supported or play on web browser. Also as since the S40 and even S60 do not support direct FLV playback. So I guess the web browser that you use cannot play the required video that you are looking out to make it executed. So I think that you cannot play youtube videos on your phone. Other than that S60 phone do not support standalone flv file. So it is not possible that you may work with the Flash videos that is Youtube to be played on your browser. Contact Nokia care for the same to get more information related.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Nokia X2 cannot play Youtube videos

    Reassign the parameters that is the settings for the phone to browse internet. I hope the settings may not be proper and hence you are not able to function or get the phone to play youtube. In order to perform or make the videos to be played get the settings from the service provider that you use and make it assign properly as assisted. Then restart your phone and try to run the youtube video under the browser that you use. Hope this helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Nokia X2 cannot play Youtube videos

    Flash lite 3.1 is the latest upgraded tool which lets you to play Youtube videos or stream over web. This basically supports well to Flash 9. You tube supports Flash 10 content and the latest flash lite do not support flash 10 for mobile. Basically Nokia N8 has flash lite 4 which supports Youtube well. So I suppose it will not be compatible. You may still try out by using another web browser which will be supportive or may let the Youtube video to be executed as required. Check out for the same and then work as guided. use Opera Mini and then try to stream or check whether you are able to stream Youtube from there. You may also check out for Nokia Support or the specification for the phone on its official site.

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