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Thread: How do I find out the serial and model number of my Macbook Air?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    How do I find out the serial and model number of my Macbook Air?

    I have recently bought a Macbook Air. After few days I have started getting some problem. I am really fedup of this computer now and so I have decided to sell this product of Apple. But the problem is that everyone is asking me to tell the model number which I have so that they can decide them self. How do I find out the Model # of my Macbook Air? From where will I get this information? Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    To find out the serial number of Macbook Air

    There are two ways to find the serial number of Macbook Air. The first method is using the software. For this go to Apple Menu and select "About This Mac". Double-click on the version text that appears in front of you. Your computer's serial number will appear on the same place where the version text had been appearing. The second method is by looking at the back of the computer. Just take the computer in your hand and look at the bottom side of the computer. It is centered just below the regulatory markings.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    To find out the serial and model number of Macbook Air

    First turn off your MacBook Air and close the lid. Take your laptop in your hand and move it upside down, so that you can view the bottom surface of the computer easily. Try to find the model number and serial number on the bottom panel of the laptop. You should find some symbols with "F," "C," and an exclamation point in a circle. You will also see some text appearing at the bottom of these symbols. This is nothing but the serial number and model number of your Macbook Air.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: How do I find out the serial and model number of my Macbook Air?

    I think I was not clear about my point. Actually I would like to know if it is possible to know the model number of Macbook Air without looking at the case of the computer. I have already tried checking the case but it has been rubbed out. I can't find it anywhere. I am also unable to find the purchase bill of the retailer through which I have bought the Macbook Air.

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