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Thread: Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

    Hi everybody,
    I am searching for the NMT which is an analogue mobile phone system to replace my PS3. As i am using the described things below.
    • I am using converting MKV files.
    • Using WIFI instead of using a HFS or NTFS external hard drive.

    In the starting i was searching for the only that purpose only, like the divaco TVIX6600 or in the popcorn hour C-200 but now I am thinking of purchasing a new Mac Mini instead of this one. I want to know that it is possible for the 2010 Mac mini is able to decode using PLEX or XMBC, 1080p files with high bit-rates. Please help me in this issue. Nice suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

    I have recently bought the new mac mini which is having coast of $699 model and I am using it as my media center computer. In that I am running Plex and subscribed the giganews through which I am downloading the blury rips in 1080p and never getting the issue till now.I am using through the wired gigabyte network i am not using any wireless network. I think this will help you to get the solution.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

    I think Mac mini appears more strong to convert the MKV files and play the MKV fils on the fly. But I am not sure that how long it will take to decode a blu ray rip off giganews and don't know how large are the files. As per my knowledge 1080p roughly 8 GB file size. I am having a 17 mbps cable modem which takes almost an hour to get such a big files. I think this may help you out to this issue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

    Presently I stream media throughout my older MBP C2D Laptop by means of PS3 Media Server. I discover the PS3 is loud and irritating so in opinion of selecting up a new age group Mac Mini to use my Media portion requirements. Anybody has any idea about this problem. Please suggest me. Thank you.
    Last edited by Selvaraj-N; 26-10-2010 at 12:45 AM. Reason: Content edited

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

    The PS3 has a large drawback as it desires a media server to gathering outside its standard Bluray or DVD player functionality. Codec carry is so patterned that it doesn't qualify as a fully fledged stand by yourself it is media center. Insert it into that it doesn't have high-quality media center software. This way that price-wise a PS3+server combo is definitely not aggressive, not even with the present price hikes in the mini. The best answer would be by means of both the PS3 with bluray support and a separate media center. I think this will help you to get the desired solution.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mac mini 2010 - Ready for NMT / 1080p ?

    I think this issue can be solved by using together PS3 which is having bluray support and a media support. The media center can be resolve in a little ways:
    • A proprietary structure similar to a WD-TV or popcorn. This works rather well unless you require SSA subtitles. This is the economical solution.
    • Purchase an Atom system similar to the Asus 1012 and place linux+XBMC on it. The biggest drawback would be configuring the remote. This would put you back ±2-300$. It can play nearly all things and can hold SSA. Considering there are absolute Linux HTPX images for these systems it's pretty user friendly
    • Generate your individual HTPC by buying apparatus. This is pretty costly if you are going for SILENT. Previously once more time you go Linux+XBMC. ±400-1500$.
    • Purchase an AppleTV and endow it with a Broadcom HD decoder card. This asks both a few hardware tinkering as living with beta-software. 100-200$ It can play a lot, but 1080P is extending it. It handles SSA fine. I recommend technical ability and the enthusiasm to upgrade or tinker a lot.
    • Purchase a Mac mini, install XBMC or Plex. It can play many things and can hold SSA. Giant Blu-ray rips have a few matters, but except you utilize those it can hold the lot.

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